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West Midlands, England


Warwickshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMETS, TVIIEATIRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. ENOF.MOUS SIJCCESS OF THE GRAND COMIC CH11ISRTIMAS PANTOMIME, SINBAD TI-IE SAILOR, rRJ sS AND PUBLIC UNANIMOUS IN THEIR APPROVAL. M'r. Simproce's I'csrtom~inle of 'Sir.1d the Sailor' iq in keepiteg r ith itlosition as thze Frontier Theatre o~f the town'.n 'Mr Simpsonl hls Icrltioluceed *a Fntoneirn thir vear which will. ans vith the heat of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESSES. SPECIAL. DLAPCE VELVETEENS DYED in .,!i Fashionable Colours, and EmlXoszutO:,: variety of lcegant Designs. Pattcrns ot V. , at the Dep~ti. AR. IARRIS & SO ,S. ORMEL 1 OUSE, 41, BULL STREET, IRdIIING'f.d, ced a Il-OLVE..@RHAJPTON,. 51 ARTIFICIAL TEETH. M ESSRS. ESKELL & CHITTEY, DENTISTS, 39, BEN.ETT'S JIILL, BIR.IGIxN HAmlf CONSTA-NT DAILY ATTIEN`D=ACE Fl10 9 TILL 7. ALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED CLASS o ADVEBTIS1TAENTS Frcneuiveinertions of Au clnsol'0 of wonfl Adervatisement A pardeilariicil elowthe fllowig hr t ?? wpid rhargt.s 16 Worlds, O0d .. 1 f~tto 32tr ?? 13. Sit to Ditto, Tlirc. ?? Is. (1:Ipto trree ertioui,_.. 2s. 00l AMlverti~tontsofi excoeeding 22a care ehrliflt tho rato of 60. fo evaily adefitijonil eght iof r 0110, ilwerttio, II rciactloil corre spendcing to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW rUBLIOATIONS. Pi ANOY DRESS COSTUMES FOR -CHILDREN, 20 IL' Original Designs, Bale the LA~DIES` TREAASUTRY for Feobruilry, price 7d., by posit Sid. FANIJY DRESS COSTUMES 0 FOR LADIES, 16 Original Designs arc given iii tim January A lerther supply is nowv ready.&Sa,1, l Iie. -FlEIZI' COMPETITION PUZZLESoa~rv i h I tiR- -I TltlAStURY icr February. Cite, Guinea, given lee thoe hbe't saluotens. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIISCELLANEOUS, (UppOPHtIMES, in various ~risrl, 'Wantuil, for ollenta - Aply .Coolie, Estatet Ageut, 4 , O'or Street. c2523 ?? V..ated. it Tafgi-astor,, a limier, resn`s011, asil six mor vn hod roornA, ho~rton' &C.; tnotu ,aindl1 FO~ Il fianlty - ebtChilren. Retnt t5, usd~ ji. .q-laldctbstOnIrefurrl. 1rhlrao 0333, Daily poat. n42753 otri noi )tssrvorltr ccr rio xedl, 46 c3301_ hilned to tw! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ?? - ?? 1 FUBLIO IN~~OEUi. FIRST WORCESTERS}IIRE ARTILLERY .I VOLUNTEERPS. WANTED, a few HOPRSEMEN. for MOUITTED WORKI. Must c good ?? to mc, at Ellerlslc, Augrt1tus Road, Edgbas- tonr. Ii. WARYEP R IOOK~S, Capttin Coointoinding Drill Station. DrIll Station, Cox StIcrt, raleall leath. _52 T1 E T R A N sL A TI N OFF IelE, COLMOiRm CHAMBERS, NEWHALL SITEET a TRANSLATIONS of ?? letteros rnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR\~ SALE-SO1c TfBUIESJ. ~llE 1ST~okn~ ?33Pisyteei. i-ie £0. Genuine. f ,~ netigaticon- e~~ ]letiicl ivietenha ee 0.231 - jjI)EINI0ST'S Iev~iie tuccic;,.~im-~e oecrner pot: C ion tilvetey fittet. U-eoll opp~ortioniYie-teiety; lnoderuw- I. Addreqt,_L. 11. Didly ?? ?? C057l nev ?? proof.Itned lo. Oce~voiilif re. . 'radTo Peiiilo wi-hyt, 21 '1 pi(AI , 'llolrl IOW lotv c (CelilO mii'X itll itt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? SHAREHoLDERs' and INV7STOR' INVESTMENT For rfBPRUARY, Now Ready, Post freec ALBOTT, IPAGE, & CO., Stopkbroliers, 42 Poultry, London. 133 AGrEP. 1TULE J'TU -R5 AVARIAN LGERI. BREWERY! 1r0'lTENIIAAM LONDON, N. ErR Thu ooty Low ore brewedl to. 1 teivud. 1,ot Qultand I)IIrtll h ie Forelo p pe | lit 01or ?? rt ee .JEodD ~ tl0 rCO . e til rsa totoprivo, I eof the ?? A Olrearya bov etx ur1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. FAMES NISBET & CO.'S NEW AND RECENT ?? ?? RCOHIBALD CADIPBELL TAIT: ASketch of the A 1 ?? Life of the late Arcbbieiop of Canterbury. By A. U. BICKLEY. Small crown foe,2a, 6d. Written with yllecthetic aplereriatior ofthiecharacterofa truly great aod spiritual eoara.-Chrnzti. F3I:IE LORD'S PURSEBARERS.' By IIESBA riTRETTOJ. Crown Bo elolh. lre. 6d. Fell of eozocr end ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDREMBES. SPECIAL. lilcCI( VENLVLTEEINSB DYZD in all the Frlejoxhiblo Colours, and Emntoesed iil a a;triety of elegailt Dcetgnz. Patterns on View at thu Dcpdte. el h. ARRIS &` SONS, ORIPIL IO USEi, 41, BULL STIZELrT, DslLNCHiV eaw! at IOL, VF2,IAE .1P'OYV, a ?? GAB13RIEL, the Old-establishod rrE\T1IT, 3 I 25, Teptle Street (sir dacra from New titrrett, : huilt. Every easeg earanteed. ?? 1a. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P2UBLIC AMUSEMENTS. jjb5ATRB . ROYAL, ]IDI ItIING H1AIMr TENORMOUS S`UCCEqS OF5 THEr GpAN COMIC CHRISTMAS PANTODIDuM II J)T11E' SAILOP ~ IIID~lCIJAEIIOTS I TEIR AXPROVAL, ~ Pantomme F Sinasi theSalor' is in keevlrrg 3ir Ori~rr 100 ?? Fatoriltehisr year whiichi will ~ c~,errlt~r 00g~r.~rs'Icose th ist oatling mchoarieal SINbAD THEl SAILOR.' ?? Srrcctoofll P'rntdotion of *:s Subject by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - _SITUATI0NS V~ACA ~T_, ~ ?? Alanl, to 'Traveli ?? to i-we nictel trade. Reimlltegabrl reforrncnol Ioenllirei Penr- on'olotwi toit ortl fint,.-Addolres, J. 61, Dailypo ' 37 - OA'1NWalitet, twoS to ?? stork. Mount be Ltnnily- p Ill-. 1 iio3t.-'teiitnl. yoinw! Alan, to 9aperintennr flr'rlin ~} '~nol~itloi'Dithing no L!'(Uet' Boots DlincilbrhcnoA. r \F1-jtoorArtattet0 Weltanted POW.itl orictga ...