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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... HOUSE OF LORDSYIE5TE~lDAY. ITacn. LoanrsuilEs siet at1-15 OeI hd eet. THE ARMY MEDICAL DEPARUTMENTT AN-D TH GYPTyIAN CAUPAIGN. ToEUY caldatention to the report of t thle co mmuitteo r ree n arty hiospital service, micd d moved a rointion dqciaring that while ilhe in li>- Vidnail tuedicalI offilers in EBgypt behatvcd idunir- able, thessm under which they woa nsd dis nocs I s ccesfuly tand the ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4975 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: News 


... I iETIIOP9OLITI-'N NEIWS. [L Y o r II B L I, 1: I As 1, %Y I I;. F..) [LY 0011 BIOIAL1 ()41110.' NE(4'5w-Lll'ElTT OFeici', 169, lFri T SrlTlET, IOcI'ON, EIC. Tr'SSAY NIGLIT. Tim London evening pape'-r reproduce Si1111-; ninrie. of the lord-, report di tbe admnistral ion a (f te IIr Ii L'and Act, 1'ublilied this mornini'; iln I thue X giws Ltter. v Co(isidi rabll stiti-i'iction is cxpressed bly ...

Published: Wednesday 11 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1545 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... THEF BELFAST ROYAL HOSPJTAL. TO THIIP EDITOR. OF THUE IBETLAST NItWS-MLIT1trR. is --A speciol neesing of life governors and geoneral conimittee of the above iUititiltiOll llaH beten Called for Wednnsllav next. 'lhe notiee does niot mention the bainsue;s to be diecussed but it is no doubt the over-recurring one of ways and imcans. It is reaIly a scandal that the committee of an institltion such ...

Published: Wednesday 11 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 625 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... MOPILI M'Y rep: J'OIV'COi'IV I Et) L ro ~ll.Ii C'rown Svec U cci (P1hrd c.1rice, Ii; (d & A.( 'it'.''iit.. 1 Nw Di iii~oiistreet. II pap rc' CiXXXI''X it to all' Nodg14 1 U. IIII uoll attli is sl' citlcI. ''I '01 '''X'''i 'L cidXI tiliut XX'0 l( tVI! it.l~ t i tiilili Cl' i '' <lO' It ii rarefCIiil I-' u IX thle litIl I dq'e1 X. eI. I is per. Nx' di 111i l It OXX .('tI itiI ( I 'XI w rk ...

Published: Saturday 14 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1038 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... THIA JULYCLBPTOS inANNINTIE1SARY SERiMONS. cl~ Aanvr seR rvices8 Nere, conducted yesterday iln t-hte Uislier Urail at three o'clock in the aflternoon. 4ii For frully an hour before the appointel] time thle Is brethren streamed luto the hall arrayed ill the orbeautiful regalia of the Order. Wihimn the service Commenced tmes-s comilol not have been less thitn mu- four thousand persous present. ...

Published: Monday 09 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 6095 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... OPPOSITTONT TO SECTARIANI TAR.. IN-tri-NG COLLEGIE S *S IiELAND. I Lo~ntOX, Wrei NlD vt nrIGr. Tmirs afternoon an importunt conference between roprcsentat.iveIB Of tito Protestant Churches in Ireland and largeo number of English raid Irish memlibors of Parliament was held in the Conference l'oom, at thle l1ouse of Commons. Sir T.MI'Clnre, DI.P.; John Muilolland, Esq., M.P.; Dr. Kiinnear, MI.P. ...

Published: Thursday 19 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2696 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... THE ]3ABOO PROTAP CHU\DIVT. MASOOIDAR IN BELFAST. TilE seeond Presbyteria a Congregation, Roeetaary Street, Et at social meeting ill tihe lectuire l attached to their church, received on Ir bl evenin g the Baboe Protap Chouder Masoomdeai, who is at present sojourning ill Belfast-, and will deliver & lecture on Tuesday evening in thle esiii- place. The Btaboo, who, in apearanco, is v-, is much ...

Published: Monday 23 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1876 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... THE AVESTON HOUSE DYNA- MITE OUTRAGE. SENTENCE AT SLIGO. SLIGO, MONDAY NiCsrT.-TO-day', at tile assizes, the four yorrng oen, named Win. Tauzy, PatriAL llogerson, Patrick Naughton, antd James Kelly, who, on Saturday, had been found guilty of hav- irg blown op with dynanite portion of West-on Ioase, the residence of Mr. lither, agent of Sir Wom. Mtlaer, County Galway, were to-day sets- tenced ...

Published: Tuesday 10 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1470 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... IINLEY REGATTA. LO:;10So, IP.r-FaCig wa.s resumedl to-day at Henley, at noon. Early in thse morning a few slight showers tell, and the sky wore n threastening aspect, but shortly before the hour fixed for the commencement ol the ra(ing thecloudslifted,and the sun shone out brilliantly. '1lM Was a verty large gathering of spectators at the riverside, the river itself was alive with pleasure ...

Published: Saturday 07 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 515 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... IMPERAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LOUDS-YSTEr)DAY. The LonD CsrAXCSLor took his seat on the wool- sack at IL quarter-past four o'clock. The Regent's Canal City and Docks Railway (various powers) Bill was read a third time, and passed. L..ITD ACT LOANS. Tn answer to the hMarquiS of WATcFORD, Lord CARLINGFORD said he was informed by the Board of Works in Ireland that the in. specters appointed to ...

Published: Wednesday 18 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 7376 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: News 

The Belfast News-Letter

... VIC , , -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (ESTABLlSISHED ANNO 1737.) BEL FAST. THURSD.Y, JULY 12, 1883. in the llouse of Commons, yesterday, Mr. Childers made an important statement, in which lhe gave details regarding the scheme for the construction of a new Suez Canal. Mr. Gladlstone, in reply to Sir Stafford Northlcote, gave information respecting the serious state of affairs in Madagascar, and ...

Published: Thursday 12 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5347 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I [ 1.10,1 OUIt OWN COIStiESpONDENT.1 LONDOeN, \VEltNTtSr)Y. ALTrHoUotH the Prime 'Minister, for reasons best Ikuowlt to himself, appteairs to talke a peasitmist view of the prospects of the session and tile dura- tion of its labours, there is really no reason to suppose that the prorogatiou will be ulnduly de- layed. A do;:et or so of (overimllbt bills have been :t batidot , (1and tilO p1o ...

Published: Thursday 12 July 1883
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1582 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News