... THE NEW PANTMUNLIE AT THE CARDIFF THEATRE. e lio had tast niglit the pleasure of being present br att in undress rehearsal of the pantamlbrir which bt is to run during the present ChriStMas season at or the Theatre ltoval, Cardiff. It is entitled, sa 'K .nabad; or, the Roc, the Wreck, the Reckless tn Sailor, and the Hlarlequin Old Mian of the Sea, and it may be recognised fromt its not ...


... A BIRMINGHAM MAN ON HIS TRAVELS&i he This is a book by a new tuthor, but an old friend. To by read a narrative of travels is too frequently like enduring r. the fatigue and discomfort of a long journey, including, in ln so'me cases, even sea-sicknes, -without the opportunity of ay observing mueh that is fresh or interesting; and we hate he. somcetimes risen from a' perusal of books issued by ...


... CHRISTH PUBLICATIONS.- Itwol ssvmqr xo'rts. - It wvould be difficult, we should say. to hit; upon2 a more acceptable gift-book for such sa tdke a pride in their native land than the second volume of Picturesque Europe just re-issued by Messrs. Cassell and Co. A joyfl quarto in size, elegantly bound in sage teen, loriated and ornamented in brown and gold, it. contains close upon 300 pages of ...


... ICRISTMAS PUBLICATIONS. kt :: sNThTH NOTICE. e In addition to their beautiful Golden. m Floral Series, noticed in a former article, Messrs. John Walker and Co, send us (through ie Messrs. Cochran and Co., Cable-street, Liver- pool) an assortment of their hanxd-painted ivory and. ivorine Christmas - -and New Year cards. Of the specimens, in. ivory, it is not too much to say that the fineness ...


... CLAUDIAN.-31R. WILSON BARRETT. The production of a play which is wholly English, which is sound, vigorous, and elevating in sentiment and dramatic pur- pose, and which, moreover, is written in a vein of poetic diction worthy to rank as literature, is a very considerable event in the life of the English stage. Such a play is Claudian. It is usually assumed that a debased stage means a corrupt ...

Published: Saturday 08 December 1883
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1719 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... MACBE-GUNS. So m doubts having been expressed as to the accuracy of the p'lished results of the tril insti- tuted by the Greek Government with the freden- felt 14-imch machine shel1-gun at Athens in May and JFme last, n which occasion this gunsucceeded in penetrating a 384-ineh target (made up of seeral thinner plates), at a range of 210 yards, farther experiments were made with a similar ...


... I LLITERARY & OTHER NOTiCES. Among the contributions to the .Nineteenthi 01etury for December which will be read with intereet we notice a, pgapr on 11Rceso, by Sir James Paget. Man alone refreeheshimseelf by changing his method of activity-men alone has habitual active recreations. A chief part of nearly every recreation (says Sir James Beget) is in the issue of some chance, the settlement of ...


... O?A1?D T * a;;pp1 baigtin erwi~a&tr~ Sdsrtasrm,4liesan o:al ne yred ~e::had J~aacks~ ptienl&?er kar.e &p| AtiM Ba&' rob ...


... c?c?I m TI?ew bo4?by PJ?dr? ?rci. ?it?$ ? V?q#1&peist?o dU&ae?at?oUca,') ? e?icated? to tb? ?otin? cierp tnd to?bUe?iDg,1ay- mea.?' Ta-t?soevtu?t?e author ss?ya thatjthe's?w- piBS ?? so a.1ozeit?4by ?t?nie?o title eh?IY? hm? ?rofot?ud ?? 73?itvs?,sa1 ? Ihe feejin? i?bict? ?t?tes divine prex?op*iva to what i?bu?an.- 33y ?ae Vat?ca? ?e ma?n? tlw ?Ou?a1? ?D P?wt *Q?Ta@4 ?? uoj?4 the Poziti? whm? ...


... I - . ~~I I Yesterday the first annual public meatinj,, convened by the Gaelic Union in the interests of the Irish language was held at the Mansion House : at three o'clock p mn. In the absence of the Lord Mayor, Y P, who is detained on public business elsewhere, the chair was Aaken, on the motion of the Rev Dr Haugaton, S FT C, one of ths hono- rary secretaries, by The LORD MAYOR ELECT. ...


... IAUSJEMENTS IN PORTSMOUTH.I TIIEATEF OCOYAL.-Sli COLLETTE. Mr. Cotlette's brief roturn visit is proving bril. liantly secceesfal. Both last night andson Thursday bo lend laigo and delighted audionces, and the per- farmaneous went merrily as.marriago bells. To-night, echos Mir. Colletto bids adioa to us for sono time, ho will ancelsr as Charlev Spraggs in J. G. Byron's drama of 'Plow for Blow, ...


... TRO/lA. f- To afl but professed or amateur archaeologists, the purpose of Dr. ;rChlicmiann's repocated volumes oil the Troad must seem rather hard to understand. The public probably remembers, though many things c happened since tlen,' that Dr. Schliemann, about six years ago, ade sonic curious discoveries at Hissarlik. On the little hill which he ,raldCed as the site of Troy he found ...