... \Ir Ambrose Austin has won such ?? at St JThici Hall by his admirable maiageucecxt antl hlis reeiivltls artists, visitors, and the public getieratllr that it riit l0ll pleasure we saw a large audience presell -at cslat AljI' I*.1 on WVednesday evening on the occaioe efl ijkislilt i CaM, t, the programme put forth heimg all extrelcl citratlciti site. Respecting Madame Albani a'u apology v m ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1884
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 564 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... (FROMs OUR OWN CORBESPONDENT.) N~EW YORK, AUGUST 22, 1S84.-Tbe mercury has been posing serenely about the nineties for the past week, managers are wearing a sack-clothiandcalies expression, and that portion of the general public burdened waith sufficient lucre to pay for amusement has sought it by the sounding sea. Theatres opened with the hot wave, and if their casts were composed of -atients ...

Published: Saturday 06 September 1884
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2091 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... [ OUR ourc IAnr.X nPorTm.] rUBntIN, BIOxDnx.-The grounds of the Royal Dublin Society are in holiday attire now in honour of this exhibition. Flanking the grounds, on the two entrances, are gaily-dressed flagpolee, with -Health Esbibition thereon. Upon entering the hall the visitor is confronted by specimens of PE'Caw, Stevenson, L& Orr's patent and deservedly famous substitute for stained ...


... OONOEI?T AT GALGOEBX. FraMOUSRU comP;ESP0NDsNT.J BALLvMERA, TUIESDAY.-Last evening, a concert, orgaLnised on quite a~u elaborate scale, and which was oarried out to a most successful issue, was given in the Memorial Schoolhouse, Galgormn, before a large and appreciative audience, embrac- lug the dtite of the surrounding districts. Previous to the entertainment, Itr. John Young, J.P., D.L., ...


... SPEECH BY LORD SPENCER,. [froAT OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.] DUBLIN, WsIEnrs.ESDAT.-The deliberations of this learned agsociatog.iwere to.dayresumed under the presidency of Dr. John Rt. Ingram, librarian of Trinity College. Thb attendance was very large, and included a considersb a number of ladies. The business included t report on Ithe proposed examination scheme, at paper on the library at ...


... LITERATUR~E. TUn To r:lt OLD FteG. By 0. A. Elenty, London: Blaekic & Son. ;s. G. A. HitNrY has I long ago Proved that he 1 nuderstatnds exactly what boys like in the way ofI literature to beguile the tedium of their Chri!stm3s I tolidavs-for even the manufacture and display ef tireworks are apt to become wearisome, eFspe- ,ially when the compounds go off too Soon-2a trick of amlateur ...


... an, Ki3 mcunwiN.-Tbij monthly fair was held yes- ion terday, and there was little change in the prices obtained at late fairs, but owing to the recent .er rains there was. an advanoc in the rates for poang Bu. stock, whicl were in good demand. ,be B]Aaixoc.-Tho annual fair for the sale of Iw, horses, cattle, and sheep was held on the Fair >m Hill yesterday. There was a largo stock of store ld ...


... MR. HARIIS'S CONCERT. WE venture aain to draw the attention of our readers to this'interesting concert, announced to ! take place in the Ulster I-lall to-morrow evening, when we hope a crowded hall witl iestify the general appreciation of the efforts of the concert- giver. It is not too much to expect that the whole of the subscribers and members of dile Philharmonic Society will accord to Mr. ...


... 7 -- tMY DUCATS AND MY DAiotTVR: a novel in three volumes. London: Negan Paui, Trenoh & Co. tIN these days, when vapid fictions are being a issued from the Press with such frequency that a 1library subscriber in search of recreation turns to 0 Baxter or Hsrvey, it is refres^ing to alight upon bsuch a novel as My Daughter and my Ducats. ' The book is in almost every respect far beyond any ...


... ;(}iUODiL INDWJ8R1AL&J EXHIBITElION IN Span I~j r3BLFAS'IT. Turis exhibition of l'ocal manufacitures and indus- tries, whichz opened on F~riday, was conltinued on Saturday, when large numbers of visitors at- tended the E xhibition Hall of the Botanic Gar- dens. The band of the Royal Innisktilling Fiuel- liers was present dut-ing the evening, and played an excelient selection of music. Amnongt ...


... T)ANBY FI~OWEiR SHOW. 8~~LE *JLL ?? eYesterday, the Danby and Liverton Floral e and Ho~rticultuiral Socie.ty held their annual .show in a; large tent erected on the grounds of r, Tnnhy Lodfge, kindly granted for the occasion by LvTord 1Downe. The weather was nnt alto. .gothlor propitiouls, twvo or three stnart showvers desceniding during the afternoon: hut this fact didl rnot prqevent alarge ...


... CAGE BIRD, fOTTYRY, AND RABBIT SHOW. 1A 3 D 1 t ILAVW . . The second annual show took plaee at Middle- ton. ?? on Friday and Saturday, and t was fairly successful. The various classes were wvell represented, especially the class for rabbits. n Poultry, for the season, were considered to be in I excellent plumage, though the classes were rather d limited. Cage birds vere a neat display, and ...