... LIrTER AT UR E. ThE Etvrn.1 N j\I'UDLU A Sp1ech by Alex- D nuder Baird, and H OD1JI5-PODGEE GLADDY A MD DUzLY, On, of. RIVALS. Alittl. omitTedy in two stts. REV~ I-laaL-ood a, Sons, Edinburghl and London, 1884i MJr Baird has done well inl publishing his speech delivered atA a Meeting hold in Glasgow under the auspices of the Glasgow Conservative Association on the state of affiirs in Egypt: Of ...


... PASBLOINAEBLU WARAE. As briefly repoated yesterday, the marriage of Blajar6 Harvey (late Black Watch) with Mliss Craigic llalicet of Cramond *as dolemnised by special licence at.3t George's, Hanover Square, London, on Wedoesday afternoon. The offeisting clergy were the Rev. Canor, sNisbett, cousin of the bride, and the Rev. Dougljs Harvey, brother of the bridegroom. In the uniavoidabl t ...


... THE ORCHESTRAL: CONCERT. Attention has already been directed in these oclmne to the visit of the Glasgow orchest on the evening of the 23rd iust., and it is only ini keeping with the unrsual importance of the event tint full ptrticulars should now, be given as to the precise nature of the great musicas treat in store for the public of Aberdeen rntd vicinity on that occasion. It may be ...


... -- LITERATVULE. ed , vAiDO(JbyG. Mille Fenn, th B 4N>D,. by- G, lansville aFenn. T'f rLWiRa oir rua ;N1P BTim ay by I. C r Hutcheson. - Glasgow: Blackie & Son. These volumes are a further instalment of Messrs Blackie i& Son's excellent and inex- r haustible series of Books for Young People. ] Menhardoc, a story of Cornish fishing and mining, is told in Mr Manville Fenn's most interesting ...


... 1FREE NRESS FLASHES, WhiCh is the ChristmasM ,lumber of the Dectroit FrIee Press, is an excellent miscellany of song and. story. The Flashes are all of a thoroughly A MericanIl character, and both anecdote and 'verse are tinged with that at quaint, delicious blending of pathos and humour T. thiat formsi one of theo chief charmns of the best sa~ys, American literature.. The stories hero ...


... HER MA.Th?ST?'? T?IEAT?E, M~UANTEATIX NOIRS. - In a'gire'%bl sceson t'he ~xelest dramatic fare recently presented by Mr MFarland, the boards The kwere last night occupied by- Mr T. D. Yorkce's Comic agitati 3Opera dompanly. The same ope-ra-4 Manteaux militas 3Nojrs -was produced here for the first time aboet dale? a twelve months ago, and the. present representation there maybe sanid to ...


... LITERATURE, SysAN.D pomw~s, 'by Stephen Wilson.. engri (Edinburgh: David Douglas). In their variety, colie their vigour, and their general excellence, the ha poems ill this volinne have a charm and interest -which will plead excuse for the somewhat bold ventue of uthorand publisher in issuinga )vork which, from its character, is hardly likely B1 to command success, exccpt upon the score of ...


... TORAMSTRAf CERT. ; last night the orchestra organised for tlff present season in connection with the Glasgow. 6horal Union concerts, under-the leadership f. Mr August Manns, gave a performance in the' Hlusic Hall. This is the second tim6 Mr ganns and a similar body of instrumentalists have appeared in the city, the former visit being m i January last, and it was hopefully anticipated M that ...


... - - - - Iavi ' AM oafV T.VrFlTrIT1Z HALL. THIE MILTON RAYS AT THE LECTURE HALL. sto On Monday evening the Milton flays commenced an t a six days' engagement at the Lecture Hall, a large Co audience welcoming these popular performers. The pro- gramme commenced with a representation of the scream- de: i- j comedy-oddity, 'The Saucy May, throughout the ha performance of which the ...


... CIAevitlv. \ - I. THE COUNTESS OF ALBANY. The lady who forms the subject of the new volume of the 1 Eminent Women series (I) undoubtedly was, and still remains, an eminent woman, but her eminence consisted and consists less in what she did thanwxhat sheowas. Sheiwill live in history, no doubt, as one of the great ladies of the society of her time, but she would scarcely have been that great ...

Dramatic and Musical

... rallnati RIA a1luskial. rSPECIALLY CONTRIBUTED.1 During last week Fedora drew good audiences at the Opera House, Leicester. Miss Laura Villiers was the heroine, Mr. Arthur Dacre the hero, and the other principal parts were played by Miss Marie North, Mr. A. M. Denison, and Mr. W. H. Day. Miss Villiers, evidently, not only has been well trained, but has special gifts for the stage, and she ia ...


... RAILWAY SERVANTS' ORPHANAGE | CONCERT., -. I ' The concert in aid of the Railway Servants' Orphan- age, given In the Drill Hall, Derby, last Tuesday, r was in every respect a great success. The hall, to begim with, was crowded-a fact which in itself is i highly satisfactory. The promoters of the concert (excellently managed throughout by railway men) 1 l had. secured very distinguished ...