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Advertisements & Notices

... SH IPPING. MARCH SAILINGS, 1684. BnLFAST STEAMS11IP COMPANY. LIMITED )AII.Y STEAMER TO LIVERPOOL, --DYNIAMIC, -VOLTAIC, IIIALVAIN IC, AIAGNElICj, ELECT1I,10 and TELM '1APR10. 1-len'm BELFAS;T at or after the followinglbonrs. XIARCTH-l and 3c at II; 4 aiid 05, at?7; 0, 7, and Bat 7A; 11, I1. sod 1-2, ait [Y 111, at 10; 14,15, 17, 18, and 19, at II; I au, L5, at 7; 2-1, Q.), inll 2-3, at 8; Q7, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS, AN order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Fictitious Names will be sent to the Dead-Lctter Ofice, Dublin. Advertisersshould,colisequeDtly, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive communications at 6 Post Office. Letters can be addressed to Initials at the NEws.LBTTE1 Office, as heretofore. LOST. R REWARD, on Conviction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISPRING SUITINGS. We shall sbowv our first delirery of SPRING SUITNGSandSPUEING COA'1'INGS o MONDAY, Feb. I8tb. Choice Styles. Cash CORNHILL CLOTH CO., CA.TALP: PLACE-BRxIDGE STREET. _ _ ~~~917 ?? BRUSSELS CARPETS. J1IES LINDSAY & CO., LTD., HOLD ONE r Q1 the largest Stocks of new PAtterns and Mfoaern Colourings in this Province. 4 PmIcES '2/6 AND 2/11 PER YARD. Exr& nualitv, five frame made ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. O LET ase, BALLYGOWAN, MIL: ada onuig railway station, Ballygow3-FlOr particuars, apply Thomas HendersOn, Agent, i Grannvle Bildinigs, 43, High Streee. 43S1 0 JE ETSingle an and Doubl e OFFICES, 62 a :T3.64, Donegall Street,-Apply to Edward 1 A11iworthy, Agent, 14, Donegall Street. 4353 O LET, F F FICS E instl e CambeCaera S Telfair Street; rents ?? ply to J. Robb & Co., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. %j!AL MAIL STEAMERS TO ENGLAND, Ft vis BARAROW. New aand Powerful Paddle Stlmers 9MANX QUELEN, DONEGAL, aud LoNDONDERRY. &o., are intended to sail every ,venicg ?? excptept), from BELPfASt, at _(o p r., and from BARROW (RamSdeu Dock), 8t S p.m., or es soon thereaf ter am tide permits. y~ra-balIOoo, 12s 6d; Steerage, 5s; Return, ono ionoth, Saloon, ?? 9d; Steerasge, 8s 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 ottE TO ADYERTISERS. A, order of the Post Office states that -letters aadremsd to Initials or Fictitious Ntr3,,Wijj be sent to the Dead-Letter Oflige, pebli. Advertiser~s souldscouseqnentl y, ?? their full atd proper naflmes wicn they desire to receive commnouicatiorls at post Office. Letters can be addressed to Initial at the N Ews-LE BEa Ofice, as 1heretolore LOST. *oST~a small BBOWN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL SHOW. LO~rTF SI110PS ENLARGED AND Iwproed. C',stomlter can see an? i. orC~ ~ N~r'ts(t.ewt Goodis dlisplayed. I 'e cc.sto nh l; L/ ?? al.Out L,(JO e1Q Jarate 17.lAN C I S CURLE , ;: HIGH STIZEEET. I10-UST' rEIOLD LiNSENS. JA. ' I-,, JN & is,,co., LIMITEDP, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B LET OR SOLD. BE LET OR SOLD. LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS, TEON IlEASE, or SOL D, th ose oommodious ' situate t 2 NORTH STREETRel. _Wolau of the extensive WAREHOUSE vSTOR th counters, desks, shelving, leI el rac, raksO., complete and in which a ' yearsitte late Messrs. ARTHUR WForD nd anLEXANDER CRAWFORD OR Trasuase Ttado e of Iron and Hard- ant; also, . hTO. BE LELT,. the SHOP r miins . 1o.130, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. rOmYAN ROUTE TO GLASGOW RE1-OPENED IN CONNEiCTION WITPH 'rai ROYAL MAIL ROUTE ALL ?? OP ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND ABY SHORTEST SEA PASSAGEJ~ V1A r1A RBN E ANDN STRANRARIIR. I. Tretllfigo5 alongside Steamner at Larneskndatid SLraer Fr sjtd throligh Carriages run between Strazurner anti rleO (St. Enochl, and between Stritnraer and London lIlsr~on\. Daily Sailings8 (Sunidays excepted). Tra ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING.I OAMIL ROUTE TO AND FROM ENGLAND R iJ'EThLF'AST alad Zr'L,'ISITWOOD STRAMERS, and anrabire~ Vokehie, ad Lodonand North- ster Rai~aY ompaies.SteaersEarl of Ulster PEIFAT TO LEETWOD, a 8.0P.m., oraso soon 5FfriService. Week Days. Stimnyas i~oa, I~m R.m . am, M.1M a 'Pl.131 Flcl-orwo0I W.. 05I 7 iO 815a 4010 17~' 114 60 c [leat I r ?tali'Il ?? 7 III 517 9 09!2711 218106 4s 907710 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRINM SUITINGS. WB'ei5i ShOW7 souvlr first JlPin.rv of ST'RIN(.T SUITINTS and ST.'EING COJATINGS oil ?? Feb. 1b hoice Srylcr. Cah COPNIHILL CLOTH CO., CASTLEL I'LACE-BVIIIDGE STBEE'T. PP.IS, (SELS CARPETS. .k3)IMR LTNDSAY & CO.. Lrn., 1OLD ONE °e the lrgeet Stocks of new Patterns and :ioaern Coloul-rigs in this Provinca. PRncF:.s /6 AND 2/1l. PEP YARD.' Elzra qualitv, five frame made to their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVE RTISERS. AN order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or FictitiOus Namesteill be sent to the Dead-LetteC Oflice, Dublini. Advertisersshoulcl,oonsequently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive communications at a Post Office. Letters can be addressed to Iuitials at the Nxws-.LX'xli Office, as heretofore. LODGINGS. Very Superior ...