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Extracts from New Books

... Oxtvao frm Lgw go THE ATTACK ON THU MALAKOFF About 3 A.M. the French advanced on the Malakoff tower in three columns, and ten minutes after this our signal was given. The Russians then opened with a fire of grape which was terrific. They mowed down our men in dozens, and the trenches, being confined, were crowded with men, who foolishly kept in them, instead o rushing over the parapet of our ...


... ALL BIGHTS BESVdd.] A LITTLE DRUMMER BOY: A NOR.TH COUNTRY SKETCH. By MRS HIBBERT WARE, Author of LIFE's' SEVEN AGES, THE WATER TowEA, 'BIS DEAREST WISH, &C., SC. CHAPTER L Towards the close of the summer of the year 1798, start- ling and disturbing news began to arrive in England from India. Ever since the peace of Seringapatam, concluded by Lord Cornwallis with lippoo Sultaun, by which ...

Extracts from New Books

... 04vat'odS from Pav osaki - 7- PUNCTUALITY IN NURSTNG. An unpunctual nurse has lost her patient before nov by neglecting to administer the prescribed medicine or itinu- lants at the r&ght fiu. It seems almost ridiculous that I should remind you that when food, medicine, applications, ac., Pre ordered at any particular time it means that the patient is to have them at that hour, not ?? you arc ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... th*j; Wiith 9g~nob BY PHYLLIS BRO WNE, Author of A YEAa's CoOKEr. and TaE Giai's OwN CoOKORY BOOK. A good many fortunate individuals, usually dwellers in towns, are just now in the country, experiencing those pleasures of country life about which poets have raved from time immemorial. Natare's sequestered haunts,' Sylvan scenes, and all that kind of thing, are all very well for those ...

Art and Literature

... Vt AM gitfratum -0-- The official gazettes of India, are now, for the first time1 printed on paper manufactured in thecountry. Great hopes are entertained by the Government that paper-making #11 be established in India as a new and profitable industry. Professor Max Muller is busily engaged upon a volume of biographical essays. Dix George Temple's love-story Lancelot Ward, M.P. is promised ...


... FEMININE FASHIONS AND - FANCIES. Mother Shipton hats in the more brilliant coloured velvets are to be seen, but it is not every face that is seen to advantage under a sugar-loaf crown. Some charming tweeds are on view in the lady-tailors' .establishments. But ladies who own fine furs long for the fulfilment of the prophecies of the weather-philosophers, who predict a severe winter. Last year ...


... CASTLE EDEN. The annual fat stook sale, established over twenty years sloce at Castle Eden (near Hartlepool), and which, for eight year; past, has been successfully conducted by Mr Geoige Hardy, took place on Monday in the presence of a very numerous com- pany. The £5 Ss prize, for the best fat bullock, a wonderfully level good roan, was awarded to Mr B. M5. Stafford, Elwick, wa&s sold to Mr ...

The May Magazines

... I? %_ ?_h a a 4 -- i a c ?? - f~~SRCONC ilBe.NT); Si Hri-per's 11onts171h M'aflahiue Corntainq a grnoo i ree ew of the life and roign of Kaiser Wil'elm, With an artmirable portratit of the veteran 1in, a Ni- peror. Kaiser WVilhelm is no PlDitiCRl fi no6 o- m heal, bat a living power in the State. ?? in policyi hais been hig ovwn and that of his ?? G on Minister, Bisrearli, pli'sued often in ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... ?? with By PHYLLIS BROWNE, Author of A Ywams Coostir, and eTHe GIRLS OwVN CoosEEnY BOOS. There has been a correspondence and a discussion going on in the papers this week, in the Tit=s and other papers, which is, or should be, specially taken note of by hoaue- keepers. It refers to what is called bogus butter, a coinmo- dity which has it seems been largely used in the United Btates, but ...


... Great efforts have been made lately to introduce poplin as a material for ladies' dresses. The Duchess of larlborough, as Lady Lieutenant of Ireland, particularly interested her. self in the revival of the manufacture. It has now been adopted for the purposes of furniture, and the dining-room at Marlborough House has curtains of claret-coloured Irish poplin, with the Royal arms thrown up ia ...

Extracts from New Books

... (ftv-COfrom 54 1 ,cr LBO h=i THUlF TLIF. OF ALUflCA. I IForis count for llttle. The Rlomans expelledl their liigs, :2., ?? to abhor the very iname cf kiag. Blat ti t i mine of ('Casars and ILperators, that atit frstr meant no lrlre tir;:r, our *boss, they crouched before tyrants more :tbztn:e thian lings. We bave already, under the popular :.amc ot b. ssee,' developed leoitic.s ?? in ...


... ALL RtGRTS HXSEvRED. OaR, Taix ROUSE OF NEVILL IN SUNSEfINE AND SHADE. By THE REV H. J. SWALLOW. F.S.L (EDMR.), Fr.Lswn OF THiE ROYAL SOCIfEY OP LITEBATURK; XMBER OF TIHE AICHAIDLOOIC4A. IN-riTilTE OF ?? BUITAIN., sk., Ct. CHAPTER XXTh-ExEBD. But the flower is shed, and the spring is Bled, d And be wanders ?? at the close of the day; Antl the sleety hail in the Moonshine pale, Glistens at ...