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gjjjggl| J STEAM TO AUSTRALIA, NEW ' ZEALAND, ic,— The COLONIAL LINE will despat . tte niagr.iliceut new ..

... 5,033 .-T, tan-then, 2,C00 lI. P. effective, William Mason, c ___, dir, on the 25th November, for MELBOU '^fj ™ d SYDNEY, calling at Holiart. The Nurjahan ?? f ?? ' t _ K^ n tuilt I. v the celebrat-d firm of Messrs. Harlr>_ ll j ?? Wolff ol Belfast, Ac is of the highest class, -_ nd ha 3 splendid accowmodation for passengtrs. The ?? j, pi^.^ amid- tlrps. Carrii . a Surgeon.— Apply to _ OH] ...

Published: Saturday 25 October 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9747 | Page: Page 10, 19 | Tags: Classifieds 

mas walker, V ESTATE AND GENERAL ' X AUCTIONBER, VALUES , . „ ND ABBITBATOR. *__W made on transfer of

... Breweries, Hotels, and .Vs. 3 Pul.hc houses, and for Probate.) OFFICES AND ESTATE SALE BOOM NEW-STREET. YORK. 131 ?? ' YORK. ' — — ?? TO-MORROW, AT 9 a ie „ K l,it » FAT STOCK MART, SPOTTED COWFIBLD. __ .r. THOMAS [WALKER will SELL by \l \l CTION. at his Makt, as alwve, on THUESDAY il* Ivin K. 1-84. a number of prime _>i 'i IIKA>TS. SHEEP, LAMBS, and PIGS, I iv of ilie Blg-»t Hon. Lord ...

Published: Wednesday 24 September 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17158 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

jgal.s bg glttcttott. A S W A LKB R. fT B ESTATE ABD GENEBAL ' J. AUCTIONEER, VALUER, .

... ABD ARBITRATOR ._doni ?? °* ?? Breweries, Houeii. and mm* m yot.iic-bou-ei. and for Probate ) or FICEB ABD BSTATB e»ALH BOOM. ' NEW-BTBBET. TOBK. ~* m , Jia OF cHOP HTTIHGS, tTJBBITUB*. * BEWIBB MACHINEi. 4c. ?? EVENING. AT 6.30. at tbe u j-11:aL SALE RuOM, COLLIERGATF. \J y] ou r Eii 5. Flour aud Couattr Scales, Canisters, ,b O'asses, Treacle Cistern, Singer Tallore' Machine, P remily ...

Published: Thursday 15 May 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20892 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

JJLflliflaltaaTla C c= WMCE NEW FLOWER SEED 3 for 1894 THE COTTAGER'S PACK— (Begiatesed) otain* 12 ?? culture for

... the ?? Gai den, including flneat double Germ— aster and Ten- ___3 stock, Bweet Peas, Mignonette. Pan .y. Scarlet Llnum. _L -itb descriptive labels, and full cultural direction*. f__ )re e I*. 2d. ; two packet* 2a. 2d. ; four ditto 4a 2d ■biMELB BROS.. Deed Grower, and Nurse rymen, No~ ivlota. jf& COTTAGER'S PACKET contains I OSLT Seeds of best quality, aud Is the cheapest and sit E! .illing ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10780 | Page: Page 9, 10 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? H_ ?? 7f_ 0 M a S W a L X & B, ■ST* TB AHD »XB B_LL •-*

... ACO_OHHZB, ?? AHS ABBIHUTOB. rr-ai- — ma. . aa tauter ef Breweri c*, Holala, and Wmmm- pobltc— tooaaa, and for Probata.) CFFI OE* AFD BfITATB 9ALB BOOM. ._W ?? TOBB. 111^ THIS DAT. at 1t.30 a m. rA T STOCK MAKT, BPOTTBD COW FItLD, TOBE. VI X 1 HtM Ah WALIER will hold hii usual I I . i-L of KAT STOCK (including lome nice Baeep tii il —-It )'• m the Uty bhtriff. at hll Mart, as above, on fri— ...

Published: Tuesday 19 August 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19727 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

gtfei b| ?? THOMAS WALKER. BBtATE AHD GBHEBAL ?? VALUER, AHD ABBKBATOB. a ,\.ati-ns made on tranifer of ..

... and Publlc-bouiea, and for Probate.) OFFICE*! AN v E6CATB BALE BOOM, KEW-BTBHT, TOBK. 131 ■ — ■ TO-MOKKOVT alluaam. .POTTED CIV* TAJt BTOOK AUCTION MABT, YOBK. ' (rnderLa*eif»rof the Local Authority, and for BLaCGHTBB only.) ERIME BEA-TS, SHEEP and PIGS, the property of Messrs. Driffield. Potter, Hughe*, asm, Holgate. Bramley, Dunn, Harrison, Wbarram, 'all Stick' to bt at the Mart by 8 30. ...

Published: Wednesday 02 January 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18378 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

$ ales b_ gacctiotta T s *fTTABWAL_T- r MBXA.YM ABD GENERAL AUCTIOSEEB, VALUER, ABD ABBKBATOH. «-.i_tlont rat—* ..

... of Brewerlet, Hot_t, and (f-ai-ao- pi11 ?? c . h0 _ c , > ?? lor Probau.) OTFICEB AND ESTATE BALB BOOM. v KEW-TBA-T. YOBK. W_ ■ go-Si. (FRIDAY), At 18 O'OLOCK. LILLING OEAKGE. NEAR SHERIFF HUITON. T MfOKTANT SALE OF LIVE and DEAD I FAh» 6TOCK, Furniture, Ax. ?? will commence with Gearing, 4c., at 12 o'clock. IM kJ,, n lire will b* sold al 3 o'clock. _» bills and adveiti-ement*. THOMAS WALKER. ...

Published: Friday 14 March 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15650 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

j^ales by gmdioit. aTH 0 M A~S W A LKE R, E-lATE AND GBFEKAL AUCTIOSEE- VALUER, AND ABBITRATOK. •Viluatlo-t made

... on tn__rfer ot Brewer-tot, Hot*—, and P-bltes-houm, znd for Probate ) OFFICE** AND ESTATB SALB BOOM. BEW-..BEKT. YOBK. UJl^ THIS DAY. flax row. •llie Property ol Mr. WBIoe,_B>wOBTH. HOL'BKHO-el>' FURNITURi*-, IMPLE- IlLtiT-. Bta-k of HAY. POULTKY, Ac Sale, o'clock p.m. r.uUER IDDISON, Austioueer. j!-, B-t'ei'reet. York. ?? WIUBERFOSB HILL TOP. SALE THIS DAY (FBII-AY). MB. J. K. BILKS will BELL ...

Published: Friday 28 March 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17076 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

ef alts Irq H O M A S W A L 1 S it, ESTATE AND »•—.___ AUCrnONs— B. YA-CMH

... ABD ABBKBAXOit, v ?? nt a— a* an «r— jter ol BrewnrtM. Hotel*, and Pu— lo-hcr.iae,, and tor Prooaia.) OFFICE!- ABD EBTATa, ia_S BOOM. NEW-M'WEET. TO BE, Ul_ THiB DAY AT 9 A.H. ALKEL'e FAT BTOCU M AhT, BFOWED COW FIELD. \Oi_. PRIME F_T BEASTS, BHKKP, LAMB 3, tnd MGS, the pr.tpertt of the Bight Hon. Lord Venlock, Bight Hon. Lore Lwilli.;,!, Bight Hon. Lord flttitax. ana Mesars Lln.ll, Harii-on, ...

Published: Thursday 03 July 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18052 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

£ ales bg fyuctitm. Tn~O~M A 8 W A LA B R, D BBTATB ABD BKBBBAL ' ACOTIOKI-EK. TaLUBB. ABD

... ARBITRATOR. -on au-X sn tr-nsfar of Breweries, Hotels, and I-* Fnhlio-boo_e*. snd lor Probsts.) OFFIOEB AND EBTATE BALB BOOK. HKW-W.-— .. TOBK. W MOUNT YILLAB, YOBK! TO BE BOLD BY AUCTION, BY ?? T. WaLKEB, at his Estate Sale | Soon* New-street, York, on MONDAY, the 16th i li M. lotil* At Pour p.m. precisely, tf not previously °* i ol by private contract, of which due notice will be MESSUAGE ...

Published: Thursday 12 June 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18427 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

#aicg in, H O s- AiS W . Lil B. BBCATE ABD 6Bli_£_X AtV*fltOoJYߣN. '-ttLVtta, ASD aUBITEATOE. ?? *0»u >~

... -0-iift.r ?? Biew^rle., Hate!*, end M— _*——_! tea, auc lor Pr-joat— .) OPFICEb ANl> EtSTATK saLB I*OOBL NEW-SFIjtJEI. YOBB 1_ ** IHtKNIS BHOK MART. 40, FOSSIi ATBTyoBK. Ml!. H. tt CAMIMOE tvill BELL. by ACCTIOH. TO-DAY and Follow— g Hays, the whole stocsol BO' TB and KIIOLH ..n thf at),.ve premises. SHOfuiLET. Fixtures*! Va uitiuu. Bale each evening at 7 oVoJi. _,Li-ti.>ictr'»Q-ice-:C r»v, ...

Published: Friday 11 July 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15914 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

#altB \_ gl-rttoL ?? r A 8 WALKER, BBXAZE AHD GBNBHAL ' • AUOTIOEBEB, VALUER, AND ARBITRATOR. -.nations sAb «_

... ?? Breweries, Hotels, and **■ Pablie-bo-see, and for Probate. ) OFFICES AND ESTATE SALB BOOM. HBW ~ -BBT. YORK. _ BALB THIS DAY. BOWMAN'S YABD, MONK BAR, YOBE. MKH. C. CAM IDGE will SELL by AUO* TIO. THIS DAY, a quantity of useful HODSB- „„, j FUhKITUBE. Ac, Ac. ?? « Sale , t b_t|_p_rt, 1 o'clock, 1 Offices, 10. Pavement, York. J*_UBOH LA.NE AUCTION MABT, I - LOW OUBEGATB, YORK. ...

Published: Friday 09 May 1884
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14911 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds