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... INOlQTi-r.AST AGRIOULTUR&L ASSOCIA. TION OF IRELAND-ANNUAL SHOW. I Tan list of prizes offered for competition at the annual show of the North-East Agricultural As- oviation of Irelhnd, which will be held iu Belfast next month, is beforeus. As regards our agrioul- bural friends in Ulster, or, indeed, in any part of Ireland, it is not necessary to allude to the con- tents of that publication; ...


... THE SHAXESPEARIAN S:HOW IN LONDON. LONDON, THURSDAY NIGIT.-The show in aid of the funds of the Chelsea Hospital for Women was opened at three o'clock, in the Albert EHall, this afternoon, and, though the proceedings lacked that 6Eluit which would have been imparted had the Prince and Princess of Wales been able to be present, society was present in large numbers, and that not for pleasure ...


... F A S HI ON. THE QUEEN'S VISIT TO DARMSTADT. DAWIS'rADT, FiarLy.-Tbis a~fternoon, at four o'clock, her Majesty, aceoinpanieri by Princess Beatrice, drove to the Jugeuheiio, which is about ten miles distant from hro e to visit Prince L uis and his bride. The Grand Duke and his family also went. The Prince and Princess of Wales, with Prince Albert Victor nud the three Prin- cesses, left by the ...


... THEATRE ROYAL- MY AWFUL DAD. AFTER a series of highly successful metropolitan performances, Mr. Charles Collette reappeared at the theatre last evening in the part of Adonis Evergreen in M My Awful Dad -the two-act comedy by which Charles Mathews proved that when nearer seventy than sixty years of age his capacity to outertain the present generation was as great as his power to anmuse the ...


... THEATRE ROYALt U A vilozsu miacellaneous performance took plaee at the theatre last eveninEt, a coucert, in which several of the panrtmime artists appeared, being as it were sandwviched between the three-act farce known as Moter-in-Law and the funny absurdity-accorfling to the play-bill there may be absurdities that are not funny-eltitled ; The IMantager in na Fix. M Dother-in-Law ...


... FASJLZ *ND R.I R& -r - RETURN OF THE QUEEN. l London, Wednesday Night. TthehRoyal ?? the Queen and Princess Beatrice, the C-rand Duoie of Hesse, and Princess ElLa a ;(ftSon civwd, asrrived at Sheerness from Flushing, at aqirer pastia tilthis afternoon.: The Royal yacht - la e pasesge o'nthpe whole, but encountered .. strohg wviido on ne~aoing th ngih cost. The Rya .party landedat Porti Vidora ...


... CONCERT AT THE ROTUND4. r Last night the second of two concerts in aid of e. one of the most deserving educatioral institutions a in the city was performed in the large room of ;, the Rotunda, which filled with a numerous and appreciative audience. The programme was : varied and attractive; the artistes, Miss Kate I Keane, of the Royal Irish Academy, of Mlusic, Mrs Scott FenneUl, Mr. ...


... ITE.ROHNIeAL EDUCATION1I IRELAND. I Last night a meeting of the Dublin trades was held at the Workinguefl's Club, Christchurch.- bblae, for the purpose of considering a p-rposed schemre for the establishing of technical echoola in Dublin, and to dvise the further steps to be taken in the matter. There were present- i Chari Damon, Rsq, M P; Jobn M bi , Arnold P i rovem, GeolCoffey, In= Yegts, ...


... IPA IRS. H1TrlsYLvA (CooNTY ARMAG1).-At this fair yester- day there was a large supply of stock offered for sale, and a good deal of business was trauisacted, Young stock, a, large number of wbich were on offer, were in good demand. Beef was easily dis. posed of from 7Js to 80s per cwt. Two-year-old heifers and bullooks changed hands at from £9 to £14; yearling, do., iroun £6 to t8 10s; milch ...


... MR. OTTLEY, the late lessee of the Theatre Royal, Darwen, was to have taken his benefit a few nights since, and the play of Hamlet was to have been performed. The curtain rose upon an audience of seven persons, scattered about in various parts of the buildiig, and Mr. Ottley ro- quested thern to concentrate themselves in the centre boxes, so that h\ might see them. When they had done so he ...


... D)UBLWT aMukIo,~ Soc.rETY. ly The concdA of' this society, giv,n 'last eveing s- in the large hall of: the Royal University Build- le ings, was certainly as;filneas'any other of its per-,' cc formances in thez presaet season, besides having i some special featuresof. novelty.anid excellence st that had not appeared on, previous occasions. it There was-: a 'crowded- attendance.' Fortlae first e ...


... 3UONTflLY PUBLICATIONS. SECOND NOTICE. Bllackweood's magazilm is unusually political this mouth. F keallen Britain and her Politics takes a rather wide pililoeophical view of the condition of weakness into whioh the Governmrent have allowed the country to drift; all prestige gone, almost ?? lost. Had the writer known the contents of the last batch of official despatches from Gordon and ...