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... I The series of representations of opera by the Rosa Company, which began ait the Royal Court Theatre on Monday, came to a clo.-e on Saturday evenin, -hen Lucia di Lanonermnoor was per- formed. This work, though of lesser proportions than either Lucrezia Boriam ' or La Fasvorita, -the latter, perhaps, )onizetti's finest opera- possesses much* dramatic vigour, as witness the remarkable ...


... T|E FYLDE FOX TERRIER CLUB'S I S:HOW. The third annual show of the Fylde Fox Terrier Club was hielu in the skating rink of the Winter (iardins, Blackpool, on Wednesday and Thursday. Tile entris numbered no less than 362, and there wvere about 18; dogs actually staged-nambers whichl place the shtat bigb in tho li8t of fox terrier shows-eveln if tliey do n.ot Rtamp it as the largest of its kind ...


... 'WONDBRO FtOM AN EatrtAx Tolm.-To see a ?? worn, straw-bottomed chair, and to be jr4d that it waas in use six thousand years ago, is 5jsrtling and alatost incredible; and yet its age is a WIeinl.uthenticated fact. Enclosed in the same wcs ith the chair ara earthenware pots, contain. *n corn, datest and filg, mummified ducks, legs of mnutton, and various other edibles, intended as oferie-s to ...


... I Pericles Drum; or the Lest of the De Irem. A! satirical romance. By Austen Pember. London: John and Robert Maxwell. There is unmistakable power shown in this novel, which ranges over a wide field, and illustrates in a very striking manner the folly of attempting to create an ideal life. We scarcely like the freedom with which a certain lass of sacred subjects are handled, and the ...


... There is now on view at the Liverpool Art Club, Upper Parliament-street, a loan collec- tion of nearly seventy exanmples of the work of Hans Thoma, a German artist residing in Frankfort-on-the-Maine, and who, according to Muller's Dictionar7 of Painfers, 'was born ini 1839, in the Black Forest, and in 1859 entered the School of Art in Karlsruhe, where be became a pupil of Shirmer. After the ...


... Neither its mock heroism nor its exaggerated pathos, which in most other cases would have been sufficient to remove a play into obscurity, has injured The Lady of Lyons ' in public esti- mation. The reason of this is not far to seek, because, with all its faults, Bulwer Lytton's most favoured work possesses in a very strong degree a peculiarly dramatic essence. Itichelieu is picturesque ...


... Ir Among the pianists now in London are So 7IIau Janotha, Miss Agnes Zimmermann, Lr Madame Essipolt, and Dr. Charles Hlld- lea group remarkable as indicating the peculiar Le distinctions of style that exist in highly-deve- 1 loped pianoforte playing. Dr. von Biulow has left the metropolis, otherwise his name might it have been uttilsed in order to illustrate still Le further the singular ...


... I I | ALEXAND THE ATT{E Mhe belief is commonly acceptcd that r- may be played without much offence b-yN- of ordinary intelligence. It is tnj' a ' !S. is made the medium of much medioet. happy release from thi- generality is in I essentiaflly poetic repreentatious cf Ir. Salvini. A large audience nw a vileje at the Alexandra Th.a-rL of w;itnessing a perforniance Lv * this character of chartcrsa ...


... I PIRUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. l ALEkANDTRA_ THEATRE.I It is the ca-ctern of the Lhca~ieice Celripnrmn toI visit Lix-srvcl at least (ice a year, and those cfi its members who arc better knownP licr,- enjoyed at thle Alexandra Theatre last night the- corcdi'al greeting of a large audionec-. Mr. F'ranlk Harvey-I1 a~chappily, Sc, ,till at thle ?? of thlis ?? organic 'Sim icc lsrot cr1>- aun admira~lo1 ...


... |Somr two hundred and odd pictures, draw- in0s and studies and sketches in oil, water- colours, and monochrome, were exhibited by i members of The Liverpool illustration Society at The Friends' Institute, Islington, on the three closing days of last week. It is the custom of this society, which works in a very unostentatious way, and does not court a publicity, to hold an annualexhibition, ...


... ! Inserabfe Interest and Vaiuatiovs. Richard el Lowndes. London: Stevens and Sons. ti ?? Lowades, the author of this rolure, has 1 been for upwards of forty vears an adjustor of a averages-that is to say his business has 1i obliged him to become closely acquainted-not I : only tmeoreticaly, but in its actual working- ny I with the SVS'temI! of marine insurance nud to discuss intimately with ...


... HORSE ShfW Iw 3IANCEESTER. I - . Saturday was the third day of the International Horse Show at Pomona Gardens, Manwhester. The weather was delightful, and doubtless it was to this faot that the very large atendance,' numbering several thousand Veoele, was largely due. The .judges quickly finished their work in the morning- Only two classes remainded to be disposed of, the one being tandema of ...