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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A IE T 1THEATRE. >Ert- nsnei't of SUB DOYLY CARTI:S O;'P?,7AL ?? EASTER MNIONDAY, Anril ffth'a -S). For Six iaaats onli. t r 1' S C ibert anad Aritlhutr Soulv;-ua'. Respectful Ope':tic Perver -i-an of T ne tAJ ! 4 Price:s in ?? Acts, PRINCUESS I-DA, Or, CASTLE ADAMANT; 4 Complete Chorus and ?? Band, Pri.ce as u-sval-fld to i's. Plare. can nnov be secured. a DrBENTUP.E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. ~AIETY _ THEATPRE. os clebratei IMi1lle BEATRICE'S CODMEDY-DRAMNA COMPI~ANY-. Under the ruanagerneniL of Mr FRANK HARVEY. THIS EVRN!N'G (Wednesdalay, IaY 27th U2t ) Last uightbehat one of4 Mr Franik H-r~eyt eno~naolisY su 'ves-f'1Il C'Macey, MARRIED, NOT -MATED. Fred Lambert - A-MA]) Mr Frank Halrrey ' FridayANe At ii ARRIAGE. 5 Pnces as sul-d to its. Box OMihe ait Ct-rime~'s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AU C TIONS. SALE 'THIS DAY ?? E;XECL/TOR's S. \Ll:. N'o 71) II XLIOOIl4T-STR,-:J.1. About itS) \'ulume-i of hook.*ls 'tusrr ?? Bound and ;!It~t BE Also atad'l Furnitir-. JVILL BE SOLD ?? lU BLLC . AIliN,. T ?? 'XIIS DAY (Frii;i y, I-: :oty, I-aS-, Ont the l'relr.I-es. .Amolinst shih v. ill Ibe T. it 1-- WaveleC Novela (Ai' ,;ttl til, 127 VolD.. . at set: C'lwaiclter.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ?? at Wal'.cr's, Denzille street - lame variety of all the newest it - . recaths aid trotses, metal, polce- - b loral W wreathe ad Crosses. a.l 110: it, 34 GIralton si. p40164tif Ct .. d at Eaton's only suitable patterns LOC1 - aricties, English and French pat- :fri ?? lart-est -;st ortsient to select front 1. eriicr printed at shortest notce; :. m. Cards, a specialty: patterns post - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ki r ?? no Wallers, Denz-ille street, ,wr-: a roe 'r (Iete of all tho newest F o.eral Wrea:his arid Crosses, metal, porce- I L: nod Cae F~oiers. ?? l'lsj Wr-ath,, and Crosses. I F-1r'erel- ni, r lorisc., 4 Grafron st. ?? Y a-onl Cards; a- lit-ono:y suitable matterns L-r 'l.o:o ir0ieti-s, English and Frelich pat- ' tt't - orien, the :argeit ?? to seleet from 1 o r^e^ 0 orders printed at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 . : - i p.?it ;-s Wi lallers, ilenrille strectI :1 :: -j .Lrd-: a Latc'-s onlv srritable patternsI ; -- ?? ,. : r) ear'eties English and French pat- : nn th Iccrgest assortmennt to select from ?? .0 1 .or. ?? prinned at shortest notice; :: ?? 2. sp-cirlt : patterns po?- Eaton, tatoncs,&c 41 -: -- .rls:Frn,:i, Engish, and Photo Cards; I ?? I i -i ?? ,id Sons, Manruir-turing;Sna- - *. .: . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y T h E A T lI E JI Will re-open on MOSNDAY NxT.July 215th, wit th BABES BURLESQUE Ct.) r.y Under the roanaaemenz *,f WVILLIE EDOUIN andLIONFL DPOUGCH1. (At S) First Time in DTublin of l!.arrv Panltoa > -New and Original Blurlesque (in Tno Acts) THE BABES, ?? W(h)ines frots the Woo,3 . Placed with enormous sunores. for 2a0 niiLzti. At 'OOLE'S THEATRE, LONDON. lle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiL Fcrel !tcu s:aes at Wahers, Denrille street ieelo.e ?? i. -7 ?? a ate, Eazgtttrect, supply Funerals in I fec- rl.s tln c 6rlirmer and on reasonable terms, .7 3ii;remrserals and aproiutncnats in their estahb - TerpLaonc 52-4. ?? aci: Cards; at Eaton'sonlysuitableppatterns ?? rtK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __PUBLIC NOTIES 0-c, ' TElE QUELEN OP7 1EAT A ND 1YET MAGIIC TARTYSi 10---aa. 1 ?? O il$ eu i- e o atnts. 4 ninad P o I Lx' i'r-d'ts. Ctec ?? tio N_1 -w ?? 0~oc,-e-iS Sceneo 1100 Elven cladIut, '0e a tr- it;, (tic. Tr'ck, Ci ,,n 'a 'Winter to Sutmmc'\CLi.c (Ci.f-mco ndE-tI lffemt. etc. Cc. \o;icne'nd 0rehfe c-a. DAY PERFORMANCE (onial in en-,r r-v opct to the eveirltzfl C- Z-ol-nOnt,i l-5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,iPPOIYIMENTS VACANT.___ )lwibobntcoloinc-ereds ~d care of cattle, vegetable gr, w-ig, a! t. getera crgtl otr ngopano. and Igamctreo ?? rat d'er-tta- 1051. Apply in ca-i hand.- 'Irisisg, ca I. a eo.- -p-i~ed OtisI odh ?? iil !O,,litl. 71 _, F. etean 0tb l.e r I ts ado %iv: wanted for Catholic lst'lostrts School ii, -it,0rssahrce a Mrteizc Tail-c ti, teach bi-go catting suit ta Icr ~s a rr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. - AA I TY THEATRE.j G Mr EDGAR BPI (F.'S 'CALLE) BACK (tiMPANI THIS EVENING (Frilay), Merc( 11 1rt, at S. liugh Conway aotlitoyn Cart's Great Play in a Preloote atdri Ac, CALLED BACK, Aldated fitoyn Ilualt Conwawy - popular story of that' it c's. asd ti lbs tu ut hurl-sd verd. .~As played with ?? suCce- at tbe , Prince'. 'Re'stre. London. New ., lid el'sbt ate Scenery a ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j Fm Ferl ?? at Waller's, Deirille street }NULIaL W rvaths; a large variety of all the newest I -eliZt Oi ofrueral Wreaths and Crosses, metal, porce- z. C-s e erm: -rs ?? floral Wreaths and Crosses. . FracIerer and Irlorist, 3N4Graftonst. ?? ] Arioriur. Cards; at Eaton's onlv suitable patterns L.;tit stock; 200 varieties, English and Freich pat- wr i select troam; the largest assortment to ...