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Advertisements & Notices

... - - - Avenuo. 1:A7D1 g],FFICE APPBENTICE.-1t reepeotable lad Wanted.-Ap,£)1y, in onvn handeviiting, tatinlt age ltud yrevious employ£nent, Jamos Insslis & CO., Eliza Street. 1D6C6 i,,_ O IF I C I iT 01t ' S C L E R If.-'ANTEV, EL KO thoroughly reliable Clerk svho understaud6 Ouarter Sessions, the oxtiactin,£s of proliates, nud £6he prepartttion of succe sion £Lud residuarv duty ae ?? to 1110BE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIAn4SILWAY .J-OTJRNEYS r.iqoT' T IN AtlL\lN CAX ?? ( ri~tol b- ?? one of the i . E,.r eui:l excellent WRAPS 'tBalTiLf, CLOTH CO(PANY. 1zri ?? Gtitle~Ll MVI upwo.rds. C' .: r AND I3,eTttE STWEFrT. 0 lt; COTTAM S FOREIGN MAITIXTRUE1. LD. :,S?:tialAproitltmeflt to HI.RIH. the Prince of WVeles. 13014 MMISMAS AND NEW YEAr. CARD S. P,. BBOWN NLI , Vl(;TORId STREET, .lblMCU PLEtSU,3RE IN ANNOUNCING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I)()NEGAJ AiWRAPPER. C( COAT I., OtR STEC'IALITY. P (CENill *CLOTH COMPANY,1 j I ]x llA - ?? 1 ?? 7. I~l at COTTAM '8 A FOREIGN MIXTURE. Ir MILD. p Ey Special Appointmetit to 11.1.H. the Prince of at 0~ *ii.\WS OLIVE TIROWN oR COLD WATER Is ?? isplred inIib;. ?? d-lbs., manufac- !.e-rrea irortl pure (iive and other Vegetuble 1C. Bv usini it 'j.o save time and nlate- :. as dticmleti reluire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tilgRABLENRS. aa e4 §t~i&B~orceI arre ?? i 1r Y aerI wia,],?iue5avea=nasS, atre easty ?? a 2r r1gu1ves1tsrtiotbfr Jhr troa - Isuveffort, d exaericnce feelings of D-aiY CCOIY anD &deon, yest arm sunffetring from CYRd BlTaic fJ atters ac, a , sensa of vre4*ht or fulnesw in the ?? a ctlagenble j apilctite, lometilreas t ?? foeebie, a ieorbid. craving, rvtsq , f'a fel meal. with .seaero pain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? !i umc i~ C.: - - ~ - - - . - . . . . - .. ?? - __ , , ?? _ ?? I T !:i Li Ii CS'O P' A ?? ' .X C:e : tILTS Dc I L T. ,'t1 JI oi, 4 'oe Wit.Af jwr %-L ?? ?? ?? 9d vah - . i : idli . it II j'ir . lai~~~xxi.. !nrq. L . r . . .MY ANNUAL - I'-T ' k r ' i - e L>. c..,li ' fi_ . l 'T L Q U EI ur- ; * z i jw O ,; will be mo'. de, I .t.o of il who wish ,( 8 d T 1- f LL 14 ; NV Svf i' SUOES. 1-i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. curnYDEll''ftuCOSIPANI'. i~EL1FASPI TO LONDON DIRECT, ~ ~> 'us .vcry MONDAY, Discharging and ' K.Iltharitst. Duck Icoods Entrance, tORI an i W'ATERF~lORD direct ca~sa ?? irr'.itg 'rio Is at T'I'titttnh Rat,.s ?? cI':lIiiicl, atil- Irincipal btations isiI'2 t'y SAT'ECUjDAY. ?? U 'XAI 'S eerr F'T, ID ?? 'ttt'tit IAS ?? in Londonn to Clyde t' o ks.he ;t'r ilttitsnngi 13$, be doit- j. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AT)YERTISETIS. AN order of the Post )m'ce states that letters addressed to Initials or Fictitious Namesawill be se-ut to the Dead-Letter O/ffce, Drublin. Advertisers lhould,consequnently, give their full and proper names when tbey desire to receive comrnnnicatiene at a. Post Office. LeTters can be addressed to initials at the Naxws-LLETTER Officie, as heretofore. LOST. Ir OST. a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. OY.YL VISIT.-Snacious WINDOWS TO ,J~-Lt ET. opposite Great Northern Tl'rminus; 1tere will be two views, Thur`sdCLay and Friday.- Apply to Mr. Robert [fanua, 1t, Avellingtoll Place. 6127 E OYAL VISIT.-TO LFT, WINDOWS ill R.1 front of St. Geor4e's Hall; splendid view of High Street, Bridge Street, &c,-Tinsley, 60 Donegall Street. 11237 1OYAL VISIT.-TO LET, WRINDNOWiS, It City ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. A LABR',E ROUSSE in Carrickforgussuitable A oor !;state r dliicu or business whiteli re- ?? LrLe -jr ZLpA-rIlcItS and extensi .e reatr; renti low-b>;andrl Giliespic. Carrickfergue. 4'J27 TO BE LET Ol SOLD. rr.a0 BE LE FORl A TEIRM OF YEARS O ON LEASE, or SOLD, tliose commodious PrXmises, situate at 128, NORTH STlt, Eel fat, consistin of thin extensiveWVAR.EHlOUSE aud lIION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I jl> v t- ' I; k, I ?? ?? - !:-9 'N Tu.1 r,~t 4i. j ?? : ?? . - ?? L ?? . j:. ?? .A, T' E' e .aamen'- 7U~ tulA.. I ..S I).. ?? ~ ~ ~ rulufaciurert-i to 'il. L- t c e of _ i __ _ . _ _ ~ £- J'i ~i t ( } t W i , v,, i fos 17r * T' ?? i 'iS. 1.v id till , c. ! ;i.s i.-Idei. ` *-aL Q)uilt'! ?? - - ,, s. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. S TADBLE (two Statlis), with coachbouse, har- ness-room, and large Forsgce loft, TO LlT.- Aply at (I, Cliftoi:ville, Antrim Road. 7;;9-1 P C3 LlsT, LAPGRdE si-I' and DWE\ 31I'J1'DIN-G- _ HOUSE, No. 172, Falls Road; newly painted an d ?? to J. C. Graham, UIlster Buildings, 'Waring Strecl. -60. 9 COLIFTONVILLE AVENIJE, Antrim Rcrd, P7 , to Let, coutt1ining two large sitting ...