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... RFCONiD NOTIOE A promirenvt article in The Illuatrated Naval anw fifiliiorq dht70:ine In tbht signed ' Llect..Glaneral, A Warrine, and purportlng to describe Enigland's next compsdgn. It I ID the style made familiar to the publio by The Battle of Dorkinq, and anticipating war to follow from tile events occurring on the Afghan frontler. the wrlter teilea a gloomy view of our position, de ...


... MkR. COLLETTI At THE P*ATNOB2 THMATRU. Last evening Mr. Charles Collette appeared upon the fifth night of his engagement at this house, the enter. tainmeent being specially devoted to his benefit. The state of the weather somewhat thinned the attendance in the popular parts of the auditorium, but there was a numerous and fashionable audience in the circle. Mr. Collette, on making his ...


... MAGAZ-NES FOR MARCH. FIRST NOTICE. Among iho many capital articles in Hm'sr's Magazine this month special notice must be taken of Professor Hewett's sketch of the history of The House of Orange, which is illustrated with fine portraits of members of that distinguished family. We are reminded that it takes its name from the principality of Orange in Provence, where it had its home 1000 years ...


... 1 ORTH-EAST SOMMRSET AGRICULTURAL I I SHOW. The amnnul exhibition associated with this well.known sald Impostant district egricltural aaoolation was hold yesterday, st Fartinglon Gurney, on the ground of WFs E. f, nd C. Killer, The show in a migratory one, erd tie decision fo the committeoes to where it shall take place ia alwaya regaree6d with considerable Interest. Fiai!eigton Gurney, for ...

Our Library Table

... -, q j_4~ib11a)I Zab1~ Gas aud Gas Wo7kt. By Samuel Hughes, C.E, and William Richards, C1, (London: Croaby Look. wood, and Co.) Boiler Makers' Asuelsitt, By Jobn Courtney, (Same publishers.) Tbese two volumes are valuable additions to the technical library published by Measrs Crosby, Lockwood, and Co. The treatice on Gas Wozke, their construc. lion and arrangement, and the manufaoture and ...


... THE CARL ROSM OPENR WEEK, MASSEI'NET'S MANON. We have already given a desoription of Goring Thomaae Nadeshda. The second novelty of the Carl Resa opera week will be Massenets Manon, to be produced for the firet time in Bristol on Wednesday evening, with Madame Marie Roze as the heroine, The action of the opera passes In 1721; the gayeas period in the very gay hietory of Freneh, end ...


... THIEATRICAL MEMS. ' Olivia reached Its 100th night a. the Lyoeum last night, hues Ellen Terry has baan suffering from neural. Ria for some days, and her past has been played by Mias Winifred Emery, Miss Terry has now recovered. The Pink Pearl reached Its 100th night at the Prince's on Thurrday. The Candidate has recommenced his electoral ains. paiga at the tilterion, the Metropolitan ...


... IBU INUWJTIONS EXEIBITION. 'J'ho opeticg of the Interntilonal InveniloneErbibl. lion at noon on ?? next Is not to be a State aldarl ' lie Prince and Prth:uess of Wales, the Dake of edin. imurh, the Dub.e if Oamobldge,. acd probably other nembers of tbo Ro,, al family will, however, be present, and will InspeCt the galleries on their way to and from the Coneerseory, where the addrenean and ...


... .. ?? . Is s ?? . - ] Interesting details hoave transpired respecting the Colonial and Indian Exhibition which is next year to com- plete the series at South Kensington of which the Fisheries wae the first. It is considered that, besides being the last of the series, the Colonial and Indian Exhibition will prove to be the most important. It was in consequence of the greater importance of this ...

Our Library Table

... Altq ibpj gabk~ The Candidates' rand Flection Ayenes' ud*e. By Johi Loader. (l[odonn: Stevens and Sons.) Anmorg many handbooks which the first general eleelion under the new law regarding eorrupt pralotaes has called Into existence this manual, by a berrister who has also served aa election agent for the borough of Chelsea, deserves to be very honourably distinguished. It bas been prepared ...


... BAT WELL AIqD DISTRICT OUTEAIRS I FLOWNR SHOW. The frst exhibition was held on Wednesday, In the park adjolaing Banwell Castle, lent for the occasion by the preeldent of the society, Mr Wolseley P. Emnerton, D.C.Lo There were sixty classes, and taking Intoo on. eideratlon the lateness of the show and the trying seaeon gardeners have bad, the number and quality of the ex. bibita were better ...


... TIHEATRE ROYAL. One of the Most sali1faotorY engagements whibh the tk ti: marnagement of this theatre hos made for some time past ti is that of the present week, and the public, recoguising In the merits of a really good entertainment, were present ?? night In much larger numbers than have been their xq Rout of late, in fact there was an exceptionally good house, Mies Nellie Farren, an ...