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... A Fancy Dress Ball was held at the Royal Public Rooms, last evening.' There wes a large attendance, and the moin- nittec-Messrs. S. C. Snow, A. W. Buckingham, and C. B. Sinders-are to be congratulated On the successful issue of their effirts. Somile of the costumes were of a inost elaborate and expensive character, and the ball room pre- sented qu to a gay and picturesque nppearance Mr. ...


... SEPTEMBER MAGAZINES, &c. [FIRST NOTICE.] AIs. Leach's Psacticsl 1aizly Dresseoa/ee is a wonder of cheapness, design, and instruction. Despite its numerous rivals, it still maintatis is front rank position amongst fashion monthlies, and ;eell it deserves its place. The illustrations are profuse and excellent, and the instructions clear. Ase4atesir Irene for September (Ward, Lock and Co.) ...


... Pity the sorrows of a Grand Old Man, Whose truckling tricks have brought him to your door And who, alas! has failed in every plan- The sweete of office can be his no more. My wealth of words their poverty bespeaks, No noble deeds are grateful to my ears; No smile s'er brightens up my pallid cheeks, ?? copscionco harrowed, and by craven fears. The Commons' House, in far-famed London Town, Drew ...


... A TERRIBLE ADVENTURE, Some men are born to be unfortunate; I amn one of this elass, as the story I am about to relate will prove. On thi evening Of thie IS Dee., 18-, I stood onl the Railway platform of the town of F-waiting on the train to take mae to E-. Both towns wero little known to the newspaper reading world then, bat. the events of that svenincg hive sinces made them notorious ...


... OCTOBER DIAGAZINES, &c. [sEcoND NOTICE.] Deoera/ion for this month givee full pisticulars of the award in tho recent door panel competition, and en article oin Stencils and Stencilling. Mrg. ienee 's FaveZilt Drcssmzlker (8, Johnson's-court, Fleet-street), is replete with the latest autumn fashions in mantles and costuines, patterns of which may be had through anv bookseller. Messrs. Ward ...


... 'llt ANNUAL FESTIVAL. IL, ti-htir annual foetival given by members of thb abcove I-'Soviftioa took place on Thursday last at the Victoria Hall, cici hbos bee generally pronounced a great musical sue. CQc. I''Cot th, ciftorioon performance Handeil's ' Alex- cndt ' leat ?? and * Feurth Org-an Concerto ' were ,ci- ted, in coacaceraornition of the great ceosposer's bi- reat-r.a, v In thic evening ...


... EXETER LUrERARY SOCIETY. The eighty-eighth session of this society was begun on Thursday last, at the Atbenaoum, when the Rev. Barton d! EL. V. Mills, Curate of Broadolist, delivered a lecture on ti ?? Early Sieges of Exeter. Alderman J. T. Tucker a, occupied the chair, and there was a fair attendance. The CHAIRMAN, in the course of some introductory tr remarks, said Mr. Arthur gills ...


... By the Author of ' Her Husband's Secret Cliffs Hollow; Postponed; Fibs; etc. CHsAPTER I. ST. SWITHIN'S DAY. There was no doubt about the weather in Sonthfield I village on that particular St. Swithin's Day; the earliest riser in the place discebvered at 3.30 a m. the-to a washer. woman-splrit-damping fact that it was pouring oats and dogs, ' and that person was a washer-woman by ...


... By ISA BELLEtBBY. Author of Margaret's Choice; Rich man, poor man, apothoeary, thief ets. CHArTER IV. Seal, leave the poor child alone you know she can. not bear the eight of von. 'Do you went that fellow Hilton, to have her? Mrs. London gave a start. What do you mean ? 7 What I say. Do you wamt Geraldine to marry Hilton P Ah ! you thought I didn't know your little seeret ! A blind ...


... __ JANUARY MAGAZINES, &s. [IRiltx NOTICI',1 Al? the Ye'ir Round (26, Wellington-i set, Strand) is a very entertaining prmt, and contains in addition to ths Christmas story by Walter Bcoant, the opening chapters of Loft Outside: a story of Kensington Gardens, chronicles of Northisnpionshiro and Hsuntingdonshire; some experiences with burglars, gleanings about Wife selling, ?? a chapter on ...


... The Lord Bishop of the DioGeCS on Wednesday even- ing distributed the prizes and certififates awarded by the South Kensington authorities to the students of the Exeter School of Art, and also delivered an interesting address on the value of art culture. The proceedings took place in the class-room at tte Albert Memorial Museum, in the presence of alarge gathering of popils and friends. The ...


... ter en A girl in the country who eloped with a coachman said L'sshe was driven to it. d, When a man gets into stock now.a.daysheis very like ilo the culprit of old times, and Suffers in a corresponding be degree. ud A little schoolgirl's definition of scandal was, No he body does nothing, and everybody goes on telling of i ad everywhere. t ife Astonishing, isn't it, how things are taxed r ...