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... ie BY F. W. ROBIWSON, r id Author Of GnANDBIOTHIM'S MONCY; 5OWIrN, 1 Bh A WAIP; MATTIE, A STfRAY; r; THE BLAC1C SPACK; No CHURCHO 4V. ad th ad BOOK THE FOURTH. bd. D A Y B R E A K. to )Id he CHAPTE1R IV. or, adI LICADING QUESTIONS. ed It was a leading question for Mand Protheroe, of late haberdasher of F1isher-street, Soho, to put to 'ad } Vanda Mackness, the heiress-a yonng lady whom ...


... CIJDDLE DOON The bairnies cuddlo deano at nicilb. *Vi' ilnckle faiucht an' dii : c O try an: * eop ye Nva saldl uei rogNR Your fatherb cornhill' in.' ';Ley never heed a Word I speak, T try to gie a froon. But aye I lhap thelu up nn' cry, ?? boirnies cuddle doon.' Vep Jamie wi' the curly heid - I-le aye sleeps mext the wa' Bangs up and eres, 'I want a piece r The rascal starts theni a' I rin ...


... LAZARUlS IN LONDON.| -BY F. W. llOBI3IfON, 'AaSAOr Of G=n.NDacOTssotn S MONFI ; ONVlt, A WAIF; MATTIE, A STRIAY, THE BLACK SPEOCI; ' No Csttrncn, 4C. BOOK: THE SECOND. TEi CLOSING OF THE RET. CHIAPTERii X. Mht. FitOTKE3~OE'S PRECAUTION. :Who do you think killed Ricbard M~ackneess? It. was hardly a questionl I should have expected lo escape the lips of my quiet step-sister; but we ...


... Ogi- A charming dress worn by a still more oharmin It ting women at a recent soirde had a oreamn ground 11 ents covered with carnations, antt their striking yet it simple spear-like follage in many shades of green. v eter The skirt was full and drawn in round the hips P ases with from ten to twelve rowvs of gathers, quite an r old style revived. Round thle bottom there was a th a tiny plissei ...


... THE ART OF ACO'iNG. Writing in thc EBglih Ifll f nated Je1a,7ae for c, Jply, Mr. flenry Irving says:- To do and not to d/reuln is the mainspringr of success in life. The actor's art is to act, aud the true aoting of any ri character is ons of the most difflcnit accomplish t t manits. I challenge the acute student to ponder t over ilamlet's renunoiation of Ophelia-one of the most complex ...


... BABES ?N THE WOOD ' AT THE ThEATRE ROYAl1. Ii ?? ?? -- TI The ?? it 0cc', 00 all orl?urg 011101, sod ?e 1, nra', now hi, iccu oil. iisf.eeheot. if not poectively at J. ?t ito bo',t. We maize thic occijiced ohacreation for two 1,'iiliOIiOIli I ci ho lirat placc thor,. 100 Cl a01 of citiec ire hc (lelme plifltoflrimo cc thu lowest, faii? (ii. dratn?ctio re-I art, if, indeed, they haupen to ho ...


... | Vote to be ?? tleoltygl 21arried. This is a hand- book to marriage, written byB a Graduate in the b' University of Mlatrimrony, and published by T. t Fisher Unwin, 20, Paternoster-row. The Graduate miqlit appear by such a grim title to h beeynically disposed in reference to marriage. That this is not the case, however, is seen by a C glance at the Preface and on every page of the book. b ...


... HdA 3PSHIR-E TEL E.GR A PlF LITERiARtY COMPETl'rIO.N ]lo P~RIZES to the Value of £2 Weekly will s& 1 be given. lst Prize, l5s. ; 2nd, l0s. ; 3rd, 7s. 6d.; 4th, Os.; a I 5th, 2s. Gd. Openi to the R~aaders of the H ?? Telegraph aild 1Even/zgo News. Oh an T ERBMS AND C .N D I T I N t OF COMP lfTI'ION. e I Contributionsrine . be in Poetry or Prose, Original or a- Selected. If aelecteli, the ...


... A 6TORY OF R~USSIANT IN TR1iGUTE. 'e B3Y E~yo ilntil y. FORTU-7s DU BOISGOBEY. ms rT~i 0Oto Any. or. Ltreoi, THE AASA Atx:.'Tius WOimA NV¾'TII THE. 8eAR,' co Cli(p- '11M o m TOEna norig c.,&o. II Tma HrOUSE IN THP Iw: JloUFRror. The brunlette was very lovely, aiid after a pleasant conversation 3Aluiximne proposedi to ae* 9 comilpany her to her door. 1o c. She 6aid :-i will allow you to ...


... 1 The Paris correspondent of the Queen, writing on la r the millinery for the demi-season, remarks:- n Pointed bonnet brims are still to be worn, and the e crowns are of all obayes, as toe back hair is now worn in many difterout ways; velvet orplush strings ia are added to reader tile bonnets warmer and more ,L coomfortable-lociting. Some of the brims are slit rs across the top, ana the ...


... I LiTE1M?YCOMPETITION cm Ire Onrnm it ENGOURACUt OnrosreAc Coremmnunores, PRIZES to tilo VALUE of £33 IVEEKLY ny WILt, 15511 CIVEN, icr lot P'i'2ze, SOs.; Suid Xl; .is% los. 'isO -- -- 'no TERM S AND CON]) IT I 024:4 ike £ ?p COMI'tlTlTIOif. 1 Contributions may Lu in Pectry or Prose, but ad, ninet be Ong inal. it Contrihutsotiu iiinst to either Witty. 'Wise. 0r hO, lfntortai,,in. 'VIto ...


... Coloured tulle for ball skirts (remarks the Queen) . is decidedly popular this winter, and in rich deepI shades as We-li as riale ones. Spotted tulle is a I novelty, and also spottec gauze. Clusters of smaill bows. la bird-Iike-iorm, are placed up one side amoung the folds and bouillonuds, and one large one with iong ends on the other. Gieat attention is paid to one ort the features of the ...