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Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATIONAL, B ZEINCAM ENTRAL HI10H SCHOOL FOR GIRS A QUENS CLLEENEXT TERM 0055- MENCE en Sgitomer ?? my ho ohlainccl.fsn, t~m Secretary, Mr. OsoeulsLewis, 21, 1'ar~sdse Street. 123 fUIG11 SCOLTRBY TQEN J LCOLLEGE.-UN'1'lt'NOE1 EXAMIJNAION on-ep 1-be M-Fgo roecse applii to Dr. Schwarz; orC r ews 21. y 1WIDLAND COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, Carpenter Fe .J.Road, Edgbaston.-A I'ronrsectua and full ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B PUBLIU NOTICES. OROUGH 0 F L O N G. O N, 3he Treasurer is Prepared to Accept LOANS of £60. and upwitrswl any thisecurity o tho Local Rate3, at 3%/ por cout., repayable cat :,,ly timre an six monthn' noticc. Interest payable half-yearly, by warrant, sent by post, oin Irt July iand Ist January in each year. Offirs of Loans, either personally or by letter. to be addrcssed to 1H C. RA31SDALI,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET-BUSINESIG PREMISES ;'~~FcflELL4 Park mcii (NO. 19)-To let ?? ait. isood[ Shol) il Jind DaI~eli~ll floses, 333i. ter soonth. Carriedl on sucecoesfully nta 10lorfer mnanYyLear-.APIIy, tiroiuley noed Son, 40, Temp o 1~-, Serr 01 Cica UnQio Club. Reat £15.- UA~l'W0. NeliallStreet.- ?? rt ~ptops}Ncelent ligh Otosios.New Street ;suitable Inc StdoAtpy 4, New.Street. t9ud1 .t jSl*:,S lanonlto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LACE CURTAIN CLEANING IN PERFECfloy Is. PER PAIR Guiprore, Emtroidercd, Swiss, NesonuIlluaiated. Sinless, and OtW Fancy Curtains French or Dry Cleased From is. to is.- JOSEPH HARRIS & SONS, CRE'EL RIOUSt4 41, BULL STIIEET BIRjfjy~j7Aj AND ll'OLI'ERHAMlPTO.Y GOODS COLLECTED AND DELIVERED FRlET. 'SPECTACLES T. BLINDYESS, Thehlighest medical authorities cent rmed by raisye'r', prove that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TDUIATONAL. _ ifR. WALTER J. EVAIN4S, VOICETRAINER and MVJ TEA(1UER of SINGING.-Lcsons lit Ash Cottage. Church E01dl, ?? or Ilcesfis. Reoge ie uld l'riestiley', Colnmore Row. 81 T HE KING'S SCHOOL, WV'arwioli-G'oodl m_ oldern r Buildiws4e good Edeation, classicatl or inodern. Laboratory. arlaeoter's sros':bo,. .riatoriul, cusdet corps. Feea r52-hlead blaster, Rov, J. ?? Wii.Y, M.A., late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !EDUCATIONAL. BIRmINGHAI CENTf',AL HIGH SOHOOL FOR GlIRLS AT 4QUEEN'S COLLEGE, NEXT TIERH COM. MENCiS on HelptmuIb -15-P°rcapectne nmy ho obtaiced from the ecretary, Air, Juweph LeYie 21, Palradifl FStrnet. 01 1l~rG jISHOj3lioXy30~ AT QUJPEN'S J r OLLUOE.-ENTRANCli 1XAMINATJoN on iieplernber 15,-lor prospoteancs apply t* Dr. Schivarz: or Mr. Lcwlsi, 21, EMGBSTONMIDDLE ULASS COMMURD.IAL f R1OLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,RSTIT anid ?? 1flihutsltti liveurito suburbans noieih- Flbourhood, near raiilwaiy station; il10ii¶ a ettady, increasista' trad, l' v ith 1,00d Woodt 1ttsh0edl Prig, 'M£5 Gemilvli rippurlttnity for ?? moln.-St. Claiy, Strivensou, Coniley, 126, Colmjoro Now. ~ ~ ~ ?? W forv doing goed ?? suit lady, Low' reiit.--Addems, :t.. 43, ItailyPot. ?? Dltteo~lverychep. Ding eterdybuhitosq, till reoily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?PUBLIO AMUSEMBNTS, REA EROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. 25sement for This Week of the Unrivalied ?? Shskespearean Actor, B1A R R YSULLIVAN. To.iticlt 5Teaal 'GAMESTER ; Wednesday. 11HAMILET; rir a. TilE- ib,;Friday, Lost Night trot One, irid fofllA.RIIY SVLLIVAN. LxoheOt 1till 3. Doers open7. Extra Door 6.350. Cern- UiINCEP OF WALE S T HEAT RE, rililto.ID STREI2T.--I7,irutirim Attrnctionr for cthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ~E~ E 3 MIN~ERAL WATERS. ~ PP E'S TABLE WATERS. T SODA WATER. LEMONADE. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G N G R A E - ryatt d Sieet, 1 'S AAL7.ERN SELTZER. I! Sir Henry Thotmpson, tht, celebrated / ?? says, '1No parer ivater enists in any naturatl sources thou that of our ?? Springs. SCHWE P PE' S TABLE WATERS. These Waturohave always hadtile patronage t:~ Royalty. and colt- Utine to Ie Supplied to THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K ?? STRE ;ISV. tO'KeOR, at 7.30. the enormously sucesnsful Play. fromn the lii Court; Theatre, lozedor, and the Madison Theatre, New York, P entitled YOUNG AIRS. NINTHROP- concaluding with TWENTY MIUTS E~R AN -UM.1 BlIELLA. 1' MODA NXT, Mr. EDWARD COMPTON'S- COMEDY COM- PANY. b, XIEW GEA D U ATE-Pr-Opeietor, A. MELVILLE. 13 FirstA Aperne i iringam of Miss FANNY C TARRIOTT noddr DRMAICan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRBESES. HOUSE FURNITURE, Payable by Inastslments, HOUSE FURNITURE, Payable by Inttaihnents. HOUSE FURNITUflE, Payable by Instalinctisf, FURNISH ON THE HIRE SYSTEM, DIRECT fROAM THIE MANUFACTURERS. SAVE IMMlEDEATE OUTLAY. FURNITURE, BEDSTBADS, AND BEDDING. The Original Credit System,- most Liberal Arrsnenemeut nnd Ecundomical Prices, nuperneslc nil others. Full plrti- oulars on applicrtilo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FITBLIO AMUSEMENTS, *~er bae grat.pleaurein bingable to affori lovers of All1 ~ ~Eglso Cosody u oportuity F witnessingthv tinder' Hc! ~nntond~melissupote b M. DWARD COMPTON seb (~r051gssedIn'Mis ISBE DAE2SN)and his celebrated 9 MONDO'AY, June 22 ?? . DAVYGARRICK. TLIESPAY. June 23 ?? . THE RIVIALSI. WVEDNE5SDA', Junie 24 ?? . THE COMEDY OF ERIRS. I !nneI:SDAY'. June ?? THE SCHOOL FOR ...