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... THE ROYAL AGRIOULTURAL SHOW. . . . . . . I There were a goad many bionic facts in Preston yester- day afternoon, ax the rain, which commenced to fall9et shortly after twelve o'clock, gradually lost its intermittentet character, and resolved itself into a, steady downpour. At asl three o'clock it seemed certain that wve wore to have atli isetetition of thle Kilburn %weather, and visitors ...


... SMALL HEArH FLOWER SHOW.. The annual show, of the mtall Heath Floral and Horti- cultural Society was held ol Saturday on the Alliance Football GroundI. The attendance of spectators was very lisree, the attractions of the show being supplemenced by a football match between the Small Heath Alliance and the VWst Bromwich Albion clubs. The show was in every way worthy of the patronage it received. ...


... GRAND THEATRE, A NEW COM110 OPERA. The productioi of an entirely newt lyrid work in Birming- ham is not an everyday event; nor is so unmistakeable a success as Erminis achieved last night a common experience, either on the part of librettists or composers. 4 The comic opera produced at the Grand Theatre is the joint work, so far as the Ilibretto is concernedt of Dir. Claxon Bellamy and Mr. ...


... IBIRMINGHAM 'HOUSEHOLD SUPPLY ASSOCtATION (LTIMTED). The eleventh annual meeting of the shareholders of fio Birmingham Household Supply Association (Limited) was held at the Queen's Hotel, yesterday morning, Gr. T. T Bloomer (chairman) presidel; and there wcre also present BlIQesr. J. 0. Lord, C. Faulkner, E. R. Pearce, R.Tilslev, Alderman Martineau (solicitor), T. Sloeombe (asditoi}, &c.-In ...


... 'LA PRINCESSE GEORC4ES, AT THE PRiINE'7.) TI 1,AT1AE. y A correspondent of the Daily Necs sends the following note on the subject of the play in which Mrs. Langtry is a about to a ppar-A little difficalty in rehearsing La Princesse Georges' at the Prince's Theatre, which has been l much cxaggertited by rumour, may hb briefly explained. n Ovrr sensitively anxious to avoid any dillinilty at ...

CHEVY [ill]

... CHEVY OHAST., NEW VERSION 01 THE OLD BALLoj OF rCIUVALRY, ADAPTED TO OUR UNCHIVA.IRIO DAYS, [From Punch.] I God prosper long our gracious Queen, And may no more befall, So foul a light as that rude frly, Which Chevy Chase we eal!. To lead the House with care al~d pain Grey Gladstone did essay. The churl mnay shiame that is nbern Tlhemanners of that day. J the suave Sir Stafford to opple His ...


... TOWN COUNOIL REPORTS. MUSEUM AND SCIHOOL OF' Alir CotrMaTTri-.-The report of thlis commnittee, for lvrcoentatiou to the Council tomorrow, states that the new Museurm andI Art Gallery building is in na very forwnrd slate; tile tiles are laid in galleries Nos. 5 endl 6, anl are being laill in the ?? galleries ; the plastering is csrjplatCd, and the niasterers and carvers are now tat work in thle ...


... NEW_ BOOI(S ilse TnrE FIYNDAMMENI'AL SCIECE. By Ii1CSTI JAMTES -Ire CJErnNE, ?? Vicaor of Groat Barr, [London s~st Kegan Paul, Treachr, arid (Co] of Tire scoipe and design. of this work may perhaps be fairly of takers as rodreatet ins a few words of the conclunding uI chapter. ''In tire prrospect, says thle writer, ' %which the car individual has before him there is only one event which it ...


... NEW_ BOOKS. lie lb TiE DEATH OF SAINT Louis. By 'ALFRED HAYES. sy [Birmingham : Printed for the Author.] k' Saint Louis woild never have wnl his saintship in our d- generation. We have little respect for the holinesswbich, ir gazinigtoo devoutly on heaven, walks into the bog and 's becomes defiled, or which drags the poor saint to n. ignoblo drowning. In this poem, however, M3r. .Hayes ro has ...


... NEW ES,- A LITERARY AND Bro6APRAr AL HISTORY ,D GRAPHICAL HISTORY OF THEB BNGLlS]3 C $ By '30OSEP11 GuiiLOW, Vol. , (A.c) AT Ucs~ 5 Burns andoOates.] [-Lond The records of the portly tomes of which this is the 6 though-of limited interest, are such as should h b on the shelves, of all great libraries. As on a rans e o ever the bibliographical lists appended to these bi beye~Y what a dreary ...


... ;CAAMBRIDGETOCAVEXAMINATIOAN - PRESENTATION OF AWARDS. The ansual distribution of prizes gained by Birmingham girl candidates at the Cambridge local examinations was made on Saturday at the Grammar School, New Street, by Mrs. William Kenrick, president oftbe Ladies' Association for Useful Work, under whose auspices the examinations are held. In addition to Mrs. Kenrick, who presided, there ...


... BIRMINGHAM! MUSICAL FESTIVAL I THlIRD DAY, THS MORNING PERFORMANCE. So firmly fixed in popular affection is Handel's great ' epic that a Birmingham Festival Thursday without the - Messiah would be inconceivable to ordinary minds c T'e danger of stereotyping so much as one programme has beenpointed ^outtime after time, even by the friendliest critics; the march of progress and dissemination of ...