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... ?? BRAT --b I T u RE. DOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. or DORE (1) has found an appreciative bio. heI the oultqet contempliting a simple %I ~ir sl) fnds jatil so abundant that hier labours asI ~ shi5~hor dolin a thick volnume. REe is placed fe ~re h ~ssti bythese contributions of his friends. ~hhtha fal sare of vanity which the aimiable d ~? 551eee~ h ousld hardly, if alive, accept s Ir~i,,ying tis ...


... It T T B 3 A T t B Betio sjr 1jOO A.ND NEW EDITIONS,. n nghearn haa done a more immediately prue- a lrit in the cud, also a greater, service by the n I1 if DO.h iB vcn to his oss5&Y On Po , as aiW .yre bl) ?? it he had devoted himself, with all h rlsgcs $ dligence ho has here put forth, to the ,P smey ne manual of Political HElconmy. o 1 ;lu¢rla boas to spply the test of what he conceives b ...


... fl IT ATURE. M -a ?? - -trm l- gs.ND NEW EDITIONS. prss loeut leaders of religious thought .0 tbe r? ] ?? nine lectures, just pub- I | i9-, readors are familiar. Iu the tirst there (,j } leridge and his school. Tie Evan. i KiS d tD have eevere'- reilgion from the highest ?? ' to nran oe meistained their essential kin- J- i orrnrdiete disciples, only Julius ?? 0 1 j1s!n Stering are here ...


... The September Century will contain an article on Vicks burg by the late General Grant. Mr. Bret Harte's new novel, Maruja, will be issued in popular form by Messrs. Chatto and Windus fmme- diately. Professor W. Minto has, prepared for publication a new edition of his Characteristics of English Poetry from Chaucer to Shirley. A Life of President Garfield is promised. It is to be edited by ...


... I WIlAli.FEDAL'LE AaRItCILTEMAL S8O1W. ISaturlayv being a half-holiday, several thousoasds of vereon,,, lmany of whom jourrneyed fomn Leeds end s Bradfordi, took the opportunity of Visfiting the Whgrfe- v cask Afgrioulturall Society's hohow at Otley. It being the seconad day ofl thre show, the saxoibition was confiled to qc greatr par of he efarnoom th sun honebrigbil~y, ~nd. fin its wrm rys ...


... POETRYY. I SO LONG. 'But a week Is so long+' he sald, With a toss of his curly head, 'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven I- Seven whole days I Why, in six, you know :(You-said it yourself-you told me so) The great God up in Heaven Made all the earth nud the seas and skies, The trees and the birds and butterflies, How nocs I wait for my seeds to grow9 'But a month is so leng 1 he slid, ...


... IST, THOMAS'S CHURCH PAROCHIAL TEA.I The congregation of. St. Thomas's Church, Campbell- street, held their annual tea and social entertainment in the Schoolroom, on-Friday. A large number of people sat down to tea, the trays being very kindly given by Mirs James, Mrs Saner, Mrs Gleadow (2), Mrs Cowley, Mrs Forster, Mrs Rutter, Mrs Tobiesen, Mrs John Hewson, Mrs Waite, Mrs Metcalfe, Mrs Park, ...


... Mr. Charles Gibbon has just ready a n ew three-volume, novel, A hard Knot. , rI The cheap editioit of the Queeo's IA More Zeaves w ig be ready for publication on'the 12th inst. Mark Twain intends visiting England in Btay, for ties purpose of giving readings from his own writingi. It is reported that the Duo ?? ale has bought m London an important work by Memlino, and removed it to ...


... VSR9ON AT HE ORAND a- _m O}IDBMB3_ .tL_. more thin comalon interest in the dramatio AU th f Ued took place last saight, when Aliss Mty Wale0 the tbsutifl and talented Amerikal actress kadiiwlhitaited Iso strong a hold upon the admira. 7ho ha9 the Loadon Public, made her first tjioDJ at the Grand Theatre. A large U ad gathered to greet her, and she received e r oeatnaware we1come on her first ...


... WORD TENNYSON'S NEW POEMS. 'The promised volume of new poems by Lord Tennyson is ready ?? issue by Messrs. Macmillan. Its title ls Tireoiae, and Other Pooms. It is dedicated To My Good Friend, Robert Browning, and, there is a poetical 08edicastion to Mr. B. Fitzgerald. Some of the poems S tbi5 collcotion are likely to raik high amonr the works of the Poet-Laureate. The titlsepoei, ...


... HULL ?? PROCESSION SOCIETY. ANNUAL SHOW. The fourth annual show of the Hall Horse Procession Society was held yesterday, in the Hull Corporation Fiold. About £75 was offered in prizes for horses which were best groomed and had the cleanest harness, and there was a large entry, comprising about 270 animnals, of whieh neatly 140 were shown by the North-BlEstemf Railway Company. The display was a ...


... TIIE, BUILDLNG TRADES EXHIBITiON IN LEEDS. Yesterday. ill the Lord Alayor's Court. LondOn, before I Ihe A\ aiaatJuige, Mr. oowl)-ato~L BRANDON, anat a c juy, tee case of lolimes r. Shnbhapnell was tri-d. The I U la iln sonight to recover dama- es Jr-m tile plaintiff c Iii co',:stqjiiice cf havin g bectn wilfully rb- ; in l iii lawful Lusiuess by being ejtetcd h ?? exI isitioa wihich was held ...