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... up + 'Altyati1q. ye SHORT NOTICES. th Mr. Upoott Gill, of London, sends ls twi publications, sti entitled respectively Bookb0indinfor Amateurs cnd l'rac- to gical Joeurnalism, tho former by hlr. 1W. J. E. Crane, the bu latter by Mr. John Dawsoi. The volnme on bookbinding ye 0O.tains descriptions of the various tools and appliances to required and minute instructi ns for their effective use.' ...

Ladies' Gossip

... fP?,J1.?.J 1. ? -, ((?oZleetee? ? O?e of 77eettwekeL) AUGUST FASHIIONS. We are very glad to see among some of the most fashionable cossttricr*e. a disposition to economise with regard to some of the unnecessary expenses of various hel toilettes; this is quite a step in the right direction, Msn and wtill he a gain to ladies, while the dressmakers ne themselves wvill not lose by it, as, the cost ...


... THEr SHIRE HORSE SHOW. The sixth annual exhibition of horses was opened at odir Islington on the 24th, under the most favourable circumn- Inc stances, tbe entries, exclusive of geldings, amounting in e number to 379, or 118 more than last year. The society now numbers over 1,000 members, and continues to in- T;k crease. We noticed many of the leading breeders of horses hra in Great Britain, ...


... J2EA YEWS-LIRON A TORY NOTE BOOK. 21 PAGE III.i e0 IRISH SsPARsTIOx.- I think, indeed, that great .Britain would be ruined by the separation of Ireland, hut a ,as there are degrees in ruin, it would fall moat heavily on ?? se Ireland. By such a separation Ireland would be the moat completelynudonoconutry in the world, the moat wretched, 2 Y h otdstracted, and, in the end, the most desolate ...


... | Io - . Ant+ , A +Ov o L, n - The annual distribution of the certificates and prizes gained by the students of the Derby Centre, under the the local examinations of the Royal Academy of Music, took place on Friday, in the Si. James's Hall, Derby. There was a large attendance. The Mayor (AId. Hobson) presided, being supported by Sir William Harcourt, Mr. ?? Roe, M.P.. Hon. G. N. Corpni. Mr. ...


... Since we last noticed the performances of Mr. Ber- nard'sexcellent company at this place of entertainment, Miss Alleyn has appeared as -Lady Ilazlo in The School for Scandal and Claire de BJattpri in The Ironworker. The former ro6e, is, of course, pure comedy; the latter, pure emotion. They may be taken, therefore, as indicative of the wide range of Miss Alleyn's histrionic capacity-as ...


... r ST1AFF1ORDSHIRE AGRICULTZURAL SliOW . ~ANT TAMWlORTI'.i ha- The forty-first annual shows in connecetionl with the b] loicus Staffordshiire Agrienltiiral Association wvas opened on il 5dae0ii Tuesday at Tainwortib, anid was largely attendled by agri- b baeen cadoii ?? xtisit'ecae frcltorists from all parts of the counity of Stafford nold the y Is ofr cattle auid ho)rses are less numrerous ...


... fifth annual show of PoultrY. Piieons. Yahi, Bie rn- The fifth annual show of poultry. pigeons. rabb~its,. anid cage bird~s was held in the Town Hll,', Ripley. on Friday. ler- The entries amounted to 619, being in excess of 1a't year. of The judges were :-Poultry, Mr. G. A. Crewe, Etwall ep- pigeonis, Mr. F. Macbin, Sut ?? ; rabbits, Mr. ler . Tomicineon, Doncaster: cage birds, Mr. E. Bermrose ...


... STAN~TON-BY-DALE FLOWER SHOW. ?? ;8tb annnal show of fruits, flowerst, plants, vege hc tables, and designs was held in the grounds ad~ioining tc rof 8tanton Hall On Thursday. The day was most untavour- N ave able, and the influx of visitors was consequently moderate.N ?? exhibition was equal if not 8uperior to those of gee former years, t~he potatoes being cspecially good. The ngot dispisyof ...

Ladies' Gossip

... 111145'. 6DFISIP,. i FASHIONS FOR NOVEMBER. (From TheSeason.) When, three or four years ago, the first crocodile 1 and snake skin articles appeared, sensitive people could scarcely refrain from a slight shudder at them. But at last even this uncongenial material has, by . means of its positive advantages-softness and dura-d bility-won an established position in industrial pro- ductions. Now ...


... w t A w w A12 The Wirksworth Rose Society, which is presided ovor hi on by M~r. Chandos-Pole-Gell, of Hopton Hall, held its tb con- annusal display on Thursday, on the Laees Grnunds, at tbi eing Wirkswortb, kindly lent for the occasion by M~r. Sealy m o be Fisher, wheu there warn a mose excellent exhibitiou, of nct very ehoice blooms. The entries in the amateur classe8 were Pl and most ...


... The second exhibition of line arts, promoted by Mr. IV. c W. Winter, was opened on Wednesday at the Alexandra Photagraphic Rooms, Midland-road, Derby, in the pre- i sence of a numerous assemblage of ladies and gentleminen. The success of last year's exhibition was so encouraging that Mr. Winter resolved on making the affair an annual one, and that he was justified in his anticipations of sup- ...