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Newcastle Courant

Chats with Housekeepers

... ALL BmGlIf RBSRR7D Thato W.'Ith BY PHYLLIS BROWNSE, Author of AL YRs OOOEERY, and TEX GIBL'S COOKERY Boos. Some people seem to think that housekeepers who do not understand all about pastry, by instinct as it were, are not rightly constituted. When they express thir thought they Only show that they have never realised what an important and serious business it is to make pastry. A great French ...


... N-ORTHUMBERILAND AGRICTUL'uRAL SOCIETY. BSHOW AT ALNWCEK. The annual exhibition at live stock, Implem ents, &c., in connection with the Northumberland Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday in Hulne Park, Ainwiek, the us of which was kindly granted by the Duke of Korthumbr- Ir dto the society for the pu pose Prizes to the amount ot £l,0(0 were offered, end these attracted a large nn nber ...


... HEATHER, Vnst barren hills and rroor-, cliffs over lakes. treat headlands by the sea-a lonely land! N ith Firbers' huts beside a yel~oc strand WVher wave on wvave in foam and thunder breaks, Or elae a ttanquil blue horizon takes iunlightand bbadlw. Few can understand 'lh. poor folk's ancient tntne. swreet, smunile, grand, W1erein a dreanmy old world half awakes. Anti on these hills a ?? Teamr ...


... LO-V-E'S RESURRECION. hc-b'gbt it .was de r SL-tit atrong, deen parsson I:hr:ii.-l nur hear II ?? .f iqre, Fr Aid :b hight it 'nitid ln- 'r t :- s vi more, JU.,- r iii i ate bar ctrisvn t ?her we' ...


... -REWCASTL S SCHOOL OF ART. Tbe annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Newcastle Scbool of Art took place on Wednesday night, in the Lectuse Hall of the Idteraty and Philosophical Society, Westgate Road, Newcastle. The Mayor (Aid Stephenson) ?? chair, and there 'was a fair attendantThe honorary secretary (Mr Fred Goddard) read the report of the committee for the year ending ...

Extracts from New Books

... ?? ,4 nyt 4Wlrw g .too Tsnz PANJAB PEAsANT.-The average villager one meets in the Panjab and Neorhern India is at heart neither a Mlobammedan, nor a Hindoo, nor a Sikh, nor of any other religion, as such is understood by its orthodox-or, to speak more correctly, authorised - exponents, but that his religion is a confused, unthinking worship of things held to be holy, whether men or places ; ...

Extracts from New Books

... C'Pxtravt? front 4. ell: RocheI. CARDINAL WOLSEY.-He is declared by the legend of the parish to have employed the most eminent physicians in Eoglard, and even called in the aid of doctors from Padus, to select the most healthy site within twenty miles of London. The decision of the faculty was emphatically in ?? Hampton Court on account of its extra- ordinary ealubrity, and WVolsey, in ...


... ALL RhGICHT REiSEBVED. I 20 THE KINNG'S SERVICE. I A NOVEL. BY 21PS 11Ii3BEliT-WARE. AIT~iI~SS 0 1 ~ltKING 05' UxA-rii. LTi'?S SEVEN Au i-s, '' IF AT .Iit To~vic-E.` Flire DzAttEsT Ftuasfi, ,WOA &C. CUAI TER XY.-TnE MAGNIFICENT SER'IEANT KITE. O! ?? y gods? Hi 21041 ?? 'juanlim miitatusi(Li) Wei' I is Mix~ tie; ?? K- Li' uthiart ?? mright we'll b-ave asked this qi-ti-ii ie vi-wed ...


... f men cared letn for wealth and fame, And less for bsttlereld and glory; If writ in heisits a name Seemed better than a sonz and rtory lf men, instead of nursing prile, Would learn to ?? and to abbor it If More relied on lrve to guide, The world would be the better for it. If rrlen dealt less in stocky and Ja:b. I, And more in deeds an(d bonds fraternal, li love' -work bad more wj!iing ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... ALL BIGHTS RESERVED. 6-lito Wvith ekept By PHYLLIS BROWNE, i L Author of A YzAa's COOKERY, and THs GIRCS tl COOKERY BOOK. It is decidedly advisable that housekeepers should be care- ful how they allow the juveuile members of the family to ir wear coloured stockings. It seems that the aniline dyes, al which are frequently used for coloured hosiery, is most in- ci juzious, and ff it should ...

Art and Literature

... .At Rnui-tgtn r I Messrs Regan Paul have been astonished at the unpre- cedented demand for Gordon's Diaries. Tan thousand have been disposed of in advance, and as soon as the book is out this figure will be doubled over and over again. The second part of Remnants of Old Newcastle, a series of sketches of buildings illustrating the ancient history of the Tyneside metropolis, will shortly be ...


... G E RM1 INN A L; OF, MASTER AND MAN. *By ENflS ZOLA. A!THORTSED AND COPYlRIGHT TRANSLATION BY A. D. VANDAYL PART V.-CHAPTER IL At the Jean-Bart Catherine had been working for the last tour, pushing her trucks as far as the relays. By that time She was so thoroughly drenched with perspiration as to be obliged to stop for a moment to wipe her face. From the back of the cutting where he was ...