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... RABBIT AND POULTRY -: SHOW AT DARLINGTON. ; rha -A 1 hil h;t The Darlingon Ornithological and Rabbit j Society held t eir fifth show on Saturday, in. .the North-road Institute of tha; town. The: 3 show,.thanks to the exertions of Mr Ed.'M'Kay, the hon. secretary, and the committee, was by K far the best yet held, there being a total of no 3 fewer than 258 entries-a considerable increase I on ...


... AXIRGHT9 MAVdD. - FEMININE ?ASHfONS AND FANCIES3 ?? A LID. Amengat, the many pretty gifts which Santa C lau roug t to;meaon Christmas Day I will mention two, be- | s ca*thei diefscptioa will perhaps furnish m edr with idess both new and useful. The first article to be pithose is a pretty wall-pccke% the foundation one of big palm-leaf fans sold almost everywhere at a penny apiece, Kting the ...


... ROYAL ACADEMY EXIIJBTJO-N' Br A LADY. I spert an agreeable day at the Royal Acaderna on We3. nebtday last, privileged as a member of the press. I took caln and quiet survey of the paintings at least five da8 before the general public were admitted, and I was ' ptesent on the private view day on the fol'aine Fria . vhen there were all the representative mnembers of soc;r , or, view in addition ...


... One of the most ably written essays called forth by The Lite of George Eliot, is the work of Mr John Morley in this montb's Mfacmiila7 's llfaga-ine. It is more than a review of the book, and deserves careful study. Mr Frederick Pollock gives an exbilarating description of his Canadian Holiday, and the serial story, A Mlillionaire's Cousin, makes satis- factory progress. In the Review ...


... ha- 11- ?? ?? -^ - .^AS t neA very excellent specimen of its kind is Ur Edward Jenkins's new novel, A Week of . Passionl (1) which is a somewhat misleading le title for a clever account of the detection of an ii extraordinary crime, involving the honour of a noble house. The crime-a murder-is corn- mitted in an unprecedented mannrer.; for even It in these latter days of dynamite and ...


... S 07-;NET. )qlVsweetly. dear, those eyes of thine Reflect the swoyous alstnce I sen.t In val.; ,weet5eart. thou dust p-etellU To iook away (with blush divine1- To let tre kiss:i thee wilt decine ' Well, let our love together blend 3v earnest, faithful, dearest friend. tpon 10y breast thy bead recline, And diream thou'rt floating on a sea i ?? e, and sorrows pLst. Fur anshretd is tby bark, and ...

Extracts from New Books

... ?ew ? TE a LATE Quaint og MADAGASOALR-Fromz all accounts the profession of Christisnity by the Queen wras sincere, and not adopted only from motives of policy; whilst her religion did not consist in the mere external ceremony, for abe acted up to her creed by the performanoe of constant deeds of charity and mercy. She toek a n active pertonal share of labour in the distribution of medicine and ...


... ALL RIGETS BESBEV1j). FEMININE FASHIONS AND FANCI ES. tyA LAI -. Fur is undeniably nonrefajLI: tha,,n any other for'm of trimming for out of fioor r.nls.Feather bordering, however good, doe-s not wve r sitifaf~coroily. The natural arease woisk through the aI rs toaddestroys their ad- mired fluffneass HUlJiIng tl;, tr~rnnnig before a good fire temporarily restores 'the do':iV,' ppartruce, burt ...


... ThrbTogh gr.'ss, ?? amber'd cornfields, our slow Stream I ringed with its flagr and reeds a d rushes ta3l ADU Aleadowsweet, the chosen from them all By warnderin- chiloren. yellowv as the .rram Of thie great cows-witnds on as in a dieam Ky mill and footbridge, hamlet old and small (Red roof-. gray tower), and sees the sunset gleam Un muliun'd windows of an ivied Ha&. There, )nceuvnon atime, ...


... 0N A BARRICADE. Upon a !iarricade, across the Rtreet4, 'Where ?? ot criminal and hero meets, Ta en with the men, a chi;d of twelve or ls55! Were nou nneof therm-you?' Thelxby sad.: Yes. Well,'said the officer, *Then you'll be shot; Wait foryour turn. The chill saw ott the spot All his companions 'ne4th the wall fall low. To the officer he cried: ' Sir, let me go. And take this watch to ...


... TOW LAW FLOWEMR AND INDUSTRIAL SHOW. L _ ._ .. .. - The twenty-sixth annual show at Tow Law T, was held on Saturday, iamid alternations of 2 sunshine and rain, and before a ]arge poblic ni attendance, over 450 prizes behing awvarded r tar plants, finwers, fraui, vmgetables , po Ulbry, pigeons, rabbits. butter, eggs, IaNT bread, and ifor indastrial, lady amatieurs, anld ?? wor,2. Other ...


... ALL EIGHTS BrEIVIu. A N3OVEL. BY MRS BIBBERT. WARE. AUTHORESS OF THE K1ING OF BATH, LIFE's SEVEN AGES, THE WVATER ToWEKr His DEArEST FRIs.D ELLWOOD, &C. CHAPTER XXL -FORa FORIGN SEEVICK. TLe Continent O± Europe was now prostrate at the feet of the greatest captain the world ever maw since Alexander the Great, and forced to do his bidding. Napoleon had thoroughly beaten the King ...