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... t L'LTP ASK NY-ITERE RADIANT SUMMER i FLTES. ?? the late WM. VALENTINE 1)ODswonRr) ::ve'er ashi vhe~e r::di ant suultrmtr f!is, Wshen wiutry temncem.'t ci' u.A tne skies; tnwarh'd the sh- fns minytl dep.rt. Fti oVIE imakte s ?? er i: [ly h1iart. A:c nla, unst wbhere thie (uJ11tbCC ?? f'dea is 3tii-'tr's horn :1:: rvc; Ios-s en(l sunlight far r'a,-e bribtt In thy sweet lace for nr.' nni-e ...


... AGRICULTURAL SHOWS, 1S85. MAY 25, -Eroster!ey Dog, Poultry, ieeon, Rabbit, Ctt. ?? lShow. Entrres Close Mlav 11. Secrrt..rios, WV. aud J. illey, PeakiiteIl. Erssterlev, ria Dorlirg-turi. MAY g6, 27, AND 2B.-Devon Cuonty Sqlmw, mneetir ng at Ply. nmouth. Entries clote April 16. Secretry, Jchn L. Wviiter, lotin, Msdr 27 aND 28.-Osfordsaire Agricultural Socie'y, meetinz at Chil-ing Nortun. ...


... G E R I I IN A L; OR, MASTE1R AND MAS. DY EMULE ZOLLk. ArVTEGRISED AND COVTRItHT TRAN'SLATiON BYVA.D U 'AN~f5. PART VL.-CHAPTER I. 'fbe filet fortnight Of Februtary paissied away ainalab a 'black, bitter, nipping cold that proiongel the bard winter, 'whic had lread been withiout pity for thzeset miserable wretches. The authorities bad scoured the roads once more; the prefect of Lille, la ...

Extracts from New Books

... fttvado fo j new Lvoks How EGTFTIASS CHEAT EACH OTHEL-Every village has its pigeon.houses, looking like great mud cones, and in the evening the owners go out and call them in. But when a man wants to get hojd of extra pigeons, instead of calling them in, he frightens the pigeons away. They do not understand this, keep circling above, and swoop down now and then towards their houses. Other ...


... ALL B1GRTS RESERVED. FEMININE FASHIONS ANND FANCIES BI A LADY. A great deal has been said in London ?? the marriage of the middle-aged Duke of Buckingham and Chandos and the berutinli Bliss Montgomery. As the bride walked awnI the aisle it was noticed she stood nearly a head taller than his Grace, her husband. I believed the Duchess designed her own wedding gown, and I observed that it was ...


... ALL 'RIGHTS RREsva). FEMININE FASHit)NS AND FANCIES. BY A LAn):. F Thechange in the weather ha. It'.-rn productive of ire creased interest in 4itters pertaji tri dress AILndon fog isabout the most paralysing of al, flutnce. sandwe have had a succession of fogs, and none tat ' itY who are subject to them can possibly appreciate th mental and ohysical prostration which fogs produce. I I ii ...


... AGRICULTURAL SHOWS, 1S85. fix - f _lols.. ?? l&-Gllo~ Agicutura '-ciet's how lin!l Sale, ?? ateDulaSceo, Richard Rewat, Castle DCougclas1 Ahco21-Norfolk Ag~ricultural Associato.n SDrir Show of tary, James Bacon, AttLlebtroneb.1 Sre A mugw 7, 8, 9. IC-spring shjow of the 1Beyrdl Th.rbliit Society, tretio a B.liehrd-~* fub In -U~trlieag-05 ALrjj eane- ta JB . Nie~s, Kildasre zStreet, Dublin. ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... I AID 2IGRW FEIV1 AIFwhato with __-0 - BY PEYLIS BROWNE, Author of AX Yza's- Coorny, and TH GiLS' CoOEry BOOK This week I attended a meeting of the Polytechnic St. John's Ambulance Association for ladies, when Her Royal Highness the Princess Christian distributed the certificates to the candidates who had successfully passed the necessary examination. About fifty ladies were thus honoured ...


... LAndD iTENaNYSc. ' 'Ns NW llGus' o . 1c-o:;FO-vrD TR.TR- POLUITCS., ??proew nm'r--r a,!. A-t; ?? 3f ?? o talas some eS ,y LOG T'nr , Prt! ti L 1 st s? S 71 We extract s'.:3e o' tl.o (cneftl'^z an:d ro:.c uAin; couplets. ?? 1 or 05 d-:l: 2: lra sighs I.fter iu t.y a ?? j lila'. a p;d: LSt bv n.CV ii '0 3 n ?? ?? itI' the e'l-t f a vasi *1 ray-,, p'b-:n: 'it ?? ,;-Fittvr : rest-a:: tlis - ...


... TBE MAY MAGAZINES. . 4 (oONTwrxNXD). L The contenporary StBvie gives first place to -Our Relations with Turkey, an article in- spired by a conversation with Sir A. H. Layard. T it is. not difficult to guess its tone, as-our once Ambassador at Constantinople is well known to I have strong ?? sympathies, and to believe in the wisdom and necessity of alliance 5 with that Power. He does not ...


... . CAMP LIFE IN DAKOTA.r I Mrs Custer's reminiscences of camp life in Dakota are as lively and pleasant reading as one e could wish. Full of fun and spirit, whatever . the gravity of lthe situation, are these sketches of the pleasures and pains of campaigning, of E expeditions through hdstile countries where each step was fraught with danger;ofltong months itt isolated frontier stationa; of ...


... , CATTERICK HORTICUL- I TURAL SAOW. .The ninth annual show was held yesterday in the Riding School, at Hornby Castle, the seat of the Duke of Leeds, who, with Her Grace and a laige party, honoured the exhibition with their presence, and had their charming grounds and gardens thrown open to the public. The society, which includes a number of villages south-east of Richmond, was established for ...