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Advertisements & Notices

... 5 0. rh Ia 'r .5 it 0 y It 0 a 0 C1 LACE CURTAIN CLEANING IN PERFECTION; 1l. PER PAUl Guipure, EmbroIdered, Swine, Net, Illuminated, iadres, and oh. Fancy Curtains F euch or Dry Cleaned rrom 2H. to 3E. J OSEPH IHARRIS & SONS, ORlEL HOUSE, 41, BULL STREET, Bll31[tGHAJ3. AND IVOLVELrHA MI' TON. GOODS COLLECTED AND DELIVER.ED FRE1 q1 'Disnenss of Sight and Blindness is often cauted by ?? ct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET-DWELLING ]!OtTEZ3 AND LAND. Purri PLL R (nal-aIte Conr Rclene containling ninar bed rola agolnn n drcanting one bt0 romfl ichn LibCltig, rooms. Prinencidalln roomdtr conhourmel end god h er u roidogebateroy, Arenlwc.ioneliarg panrdene, adrfninelarernal oa od Ivirf cllars; ?? lose. ceonynd tablngi.ird towbnfe, igemedla Unta ilceelof hea t1( -£ 3At rc onnun e.- Ludlowr, Roberto, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMETSi, EVEIV Ev~tre, at7.11, GergeIt. Sims'si clebrated: Princess Theatre. uccss enttetley- fiepprteed by Mr ISNBARRETT'S PoefiCOMP'ANY. and ol th (ireina Sceery ind Etlents. RNEOF WAL R S THEATRE, pRINCE BROAD STRUIET. kToIrOtiT eind Tnisirngy at73.Mr. R0. D'OYLY CARTE'S OltolRA COMP5ANY, in Gi kr n ulijena's WerDNES,.DAY Rod. FI AY. 'IOLANTHE-; SATURDAY, K.M.. PINdAFORE,` ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO NOTIOES. COUNTYI O F WORPESTER. ! SIVINE FEVER, TIIE STOURIYPtDOE PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION IDBOLARtED AN INPECTED AREA. Take ioticf, that by ain Order of her Afacestylq Afost tonouurable PsIVY COeUne. a~t ed the 'Thielieli doy of frtle, 1iiS, the. STOVlt- BRIE (iN PF'',TrY SES81ONA1. DVIV181N, in tilm County Of Wereuter, is thsoreby decicred-frosu an l mmediatel] affter the See~ciiNF da ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of ale byAucion6o. se paqe 8. S~ALF ROOM1S. CORPORA TION STREET. lr ILEN-T n-OUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Foi,t'oRTE, Old PICTURE S and PRINTS, ChinrQ, (;lass, a50~nto d other EFFECTS, ralLedti~fai1, by ordet' osf (ike Exeentors ef a Lady deceased; piaefoftedi FURNZITURE from .Fferborne aed. ~t 10 1CARPETS, and a variety of Mliscellaneous itt PN'ILT &SON will Sell by AuctionJat Rr .iuile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !d LACE CdRTTAIN CLEANZENG IN PERFECTi,1 IS ?? PER PAIM )f Gipure, Embroidered, Swiss, N'et, lIlumnaiesed, Mlaslian, Fancy Curtains French or Dry Cleanedl 1Frosa 2s. tolv JOSEPH HARM.IS & O, OWDEL 1.60USP, 41, BULL STREET, ?? Y ~~~AND ll'0LIVER11A.V~rrGE Gi OODS COLLECTED AND DELIVERED FREE :e IU EDWIN A. ROBSBERDS DENTISTr, 20, COLYtORE. ROWl AV Supplies Autiticial Teeth tbhat aree bemly and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE f'LOUIS' YELVETEE, ; osi.,rnmateriatls are imitable only for certain styles ot .1r diess. The hailor-ilatle serge or EngSli.3 ?? that rtirlue a perfect travelling frock woletrd be all in posibitity at a rirnee, T'he LOUIS VelretOetr Is perfectly free frour this dralwback there is no tisre ils the day, no occasion oel which it looks out of pluce, aund lir material of tbe plauilrlet or mus3t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO NOTICES. ROYAL S OCaI ET Y OF ARTISTS. The UTUM EXHBITIN isnowOPEN Daily from 10 tiiall6. AydmE~tiS~ ng;OnShllintg, alind o Mo Vay, Tihursday, and Satuday Evenngs from2 tll hlf~aet9, Admimlseon Sixi- pence. ?? BIRMINGHA3I AND MILDLAND INSTITUTE CLASSFS IN MUSIC TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY). Central Institute, 3.0 ?? Violin. Beginners (Ladiee), 10s, 6d. per Term. 4.0 ?? Virili. 2ntermediate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K N 0 IV - Tiere is not the slightest dtoublt that there ;F.a noti. bilitY of restorig lead beautilying thle, har. Tihe gremtest Cllemidsts toll 11u ro, and Iessiken lproof ais bLeL'I offtred Ih lauly llerLriationo. 'I'hte there shotild be one of Ruporlor exeeliesce amotug these ainy mliea bo admitted, and the best test of tbathatrpilassln' Ieeelloee wonlid be tho hosting jiftroinago recelved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEWIS'ri Invite the Publil, of Birmingham to COME ITEXT '.tUESDAy to see their Beautifu! Buildiny In BULL STREET. TILE TIOTE. DIET11OFOLE, LONDON, S,W., IS NOW OPEN FOR THE REC,%PTION OF QUESTS, This magnlficent Hotel, situated In Northumberland Avenue and Vhitebail Place, Is arranged and lurnished to atford reuidents every POssible converdenco anud comfort, In ?? to a large number of sinmle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PDUCATIONAL. I 1 H UNGIA106fOETFOR 11011 SH O O Cl (OLTLOE1-I31NTHfANCM EXAMINATICNo apeoo IS-Forpoprtooallply to Dy. Schwarya; or r.Lwo I roraldioc wtet, No homo w rork. 5 8 COLANGIATE SCHOOL, Cnr S0te0 I.M. Road, E1dglbasto.-A Prospectus aud fel u tnies0 ?? to Jolii Sleek,.B.A., IPrncipal, 115 W tory SI I forl tCO, ONSj ofCNLME..V2 .3cc., idireoss, Lady Puflnopals, 15tonloirot, Ki~eooeiod E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BITU ATIONS VACANT. RRlkESMAKrNa.-lantod, goodl~and ; also linprover.-Apply, 7 DJ~INX8 Weight, 134, Bl~cgriv. Roatl, Edgbaston. c2822 YV I -sitlt and Impromyrs Wane abboply D~rh'i'q pucel's DessaudMantle Estfiblishmeent, 560, e~el Wla Puark lioad. c218,3 TV W~RUSS 10nd ?? Making.-Wanted, ait ofee Agilataills, Woe~ D1)Apprentices, wuill Ioiprovers-20, Arthur l'la~co, I'iiunpr tratto-W. IC ...