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... I The Prince and Princess of Wales, with two of their s daughters, were among the visitors to the Cart Horse A Show at the Agricultural Hall, Islingtou, remnainingidn L the ground three-quarters of an hour.: Theif Royal a Highoesses had just previously inspected the6 troop- is ship Ganges in the Albert Docks. The champion a award of the show was adjudged to be Mr. John e! Rowell's Prince ...


... By ISA BELLERBY. Author of iMargaret's Choice; Rich man, poor man, apothecary, thief ete. CHAPTER XV. It was just as well Jack Newton should suffer a qurarter of an hour's anxiety ; he had no business to strike a tean until he was sure that man was in a posi- tion to stand it. But it will not do to pretend that Hilton was killed, or what would become of Geraldine ? Our certain ?? have to ...


... A LITERARY LIBEL SMT. Mr;. Baron Pollock and a special jury has btee ?? -id in the Queen's Bench Division in hearing the ?? icn Legge r-. ?? and others, which was brouight re- '.ver damages for an allegod libel vhich had .r. piblished in the St. Staplirnas Birv'ie. Tl-ao !-:idautts pleaded privilege rnd also that the: state- 'UnTrts complained of were true. Mr. Edvward Clr-ke, Q.C., ' Mr. ...


... By 1SA, BEL1,rny-. Author of Alsrgaret's Choice; Rich man. poor man, apothecary, thief ele. CHAPTER XI. As Grim wont down the village to seek for someone to take her place a, the Beeches sie was overjoyed to meet Hilton who, she had understood, was at Muddleton. I must speak to you, sir w wiat has brought you back F I go backwvards and forwards every few days. What is it, Grim ? 'i ...


... I It Is intended to bestow upon Mr. Bond, principal librarlan of the British Museum, the Companionship of the Bath-a fitting tribute after a long eareer of un- obtrusive, devoted, and energetic public service, from the year 1833, when Mr. Bond entered the Record Office at the early age ot 17, to the present time. Mr. H. 0. Arnold'Forster, who i3 not unknown in the literary world, he6 entered ...


... TUNABIOAL MNEoW. leeo's faldcal aoidy. ' in ohs Mr. Plelero's farcical amoendy, ' In Chancery.. has proved anything but stniolftiull at the kladison Sqgilee Theatre, New Yoek. 'i Stgrtling with thle saute idea,'1 tays the spilif of the Time,, Poor solithss usej to rattle off at a supper table a dozei: more affilttjve titus. lions than Mr. Plis'o bee been sftto crib from old feecces or ...


... BRIMTVL FlF ARtiS AO&DISMY. TI'.t Anneal veitieg el Ih heit bmscibtre to thi Inttita- teon was held yetterdf y afiterunon at the Aooiiomy, queeu a road, under the pretiuenoy of Uolouel 8t1vile. Tbe AssIrSTAT 81uREURIT (r. Wnfldboetry) presented the anruixit( repst ':-t'ho committee of the ?? Acdrayemy tot the PrlOW.Mtt1oi ot tbe Flae Arhi, In suinlaR their repoet for the uear endiwc 3141 ...


... I Wing Gordon Onmming's new book, Wanderings in China, Is now ln ths press, and will be published by Messrs Blaokwood, The book contsins a loll acconut ol Miss Gordon Cumminge travels while in China, and Will be illustrated with ?? of her most ?? sketches. Mias Gordon Camnmiog Was fortunate enough to obtain numerous latrodnctions to native socioty, and thus to become more famlliarly ...


... MID-SOMERSET AGDIOULTURAL EXHIBITION. AWUZJLD1±1VAN. The annual exhib5tion In connecton with the Eiver t oreech Agricultural Association and Mid-9somerat Cattle Sbow took place yesterday at Whitgone park, ai Shep1tn Malleat and, dsspite the steady downpour of rain, there was a fairly good attendance; and at the 2i same time It was gratifying to note that altbough the society bas reaohed its ...


... BRISTOL MUSIRAL F&A'IVAL. THIRD DAY, di It the Festival Committee bai any hesitation In ven. turiag on such an Innovation Am the production ot Jauet at a mornilg performance of the Festival pi weeki It mmec have altogether vanished at the eight l Pi tbe thronged hall yesterday morning, and the eagernels es displayed to eoure good seate to hear Berloz's work. The 1 attendano, won ote of sbe ...

Our Library Table

... im, I 7. m OR sixalig I gahiq* 3popidlar Counta Histories -Zrofolk. By Walter Rye (London : wlliot Stock.) fr.B .'rRe The task Of writing a history of Norfolk could not have teen entruted to better bands thbn those of Ur Walter yer whose renown as an accomplished antiquabrilin is not con1neA to his own r ciinty, and lbe has produced a Msewi interesting bcok, of which it is not too much to say ...


... THE&TRIOAL MOMS, RhBl Lgot Chance,, at the Adeipi'bI, s not setting the 0 'Thant ea on firee The play, though ably written and beeantlially produced, does ne0t contains that conseeutlvo IL&Iresst tbat warn to be found In 1The Lighiso' London a] 4an 1n the Banks Alone In Londor., a drama from the pen of Robert Birchanan, baa been produced with %much sucocase at Phlioldelphies. Several ...