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... TE1E VICEREGAL DRAWING. RooMr. [sPEPSAL TriEerAITr.1 [FRO51 ?? SCIEAL IIEPORTE.R.] DUBLIN, WVEDNESDAY NPIuR.-TIheir Excellen- icies the Lord Lieutenant, K.G., and Countess ?? held their tirst Drawing-room for the aeason last evening. Their Excellencies entered ithe Throne Room shortly after half-past nine 'o'elock, accompanied by the Marquis of Headfort, ithe Marchioness of Headfort, and the ...


... EASRI(LV AND VARIETIES. THE COURT. Oihorne, Sunday. The Queen and Princess Bentrice drove out yester- day afternoonl, ttenuled by Lady Waterpar'i. The oan and Rlev Francis Byng arrived at Osborne yesterday, and had the honour of dining with her -Ma- jesty. The ladies and gentlemen in waiting who had not the honour of dining with her Majesty joined the ?? circle in the drawingroom in the ...


... LITERA TURE. FLORILEGI7C'M SEU FAsCICCLUS PRECUM Et EXERCITIORCM. DLrugis iandrorfl :esclee, De Brouiver et Soc. This is a little book the clergy Will find most useful. It contains a -election of indulgenced prayers if.r morning, evening, and other occasions preparations for MFlass and Thanksgiving Litanies' mannerof making the Way of the Cross and of- reciting the Rosary and other devotions. ...


... FASHIONS FOR FrBRUARY. (FROM 1,1n FOiJl-ET.] VELV&T is the watchword of the season, and the favoured few who are in the secrets of li suode, whether elegantos who order dresaes. modistes who design and make them, or manufacturers who supply the materials, knoxv that the demand for this beautiful and rich fa;bric is not to bh i fancy of a few weeks' durattion, but is to last, and that the yesar ...


... TUSIC;AL AND DRAMATIC IINTELLIGENC]1 According to her customu, Miss ?? will not act during Pasnior Week. She will give un the Lyceuml stage to Lladae Modjoesk, whosa numnterous admirers ;will be sure lo give her a moU i cordial welcome. Ur. Wilson Barrett announces the last weeks OL Hamlet at the Priucess'r4 {for the prusont), and the preparation of a hitherto unacted play by BJuiwCr Lytton. ...


... ITHE IF011THCOM1NG AUTISAYS' EXHIBI- I TIE TION. TO TRE EDlTfl OtE flTE1 REM.N. 2t Great Brun.wick-street, Jan i. Sri- I have taken a deepinterest in everything that per tains to the welfare oI our city Ifr manx years ancl in the matter of this eshibition I ven nure with your permission, to throw out one or tw, su ge-rllicus through the lr-remaon to the coIU- L]i~t tee. I hus not ?? that any ...


... GRAND CONCERT IN PORTADOMN. Tiu success which attended the effort of the parishioners of St. Mark's parish to clear off a debt incurred in the etlargement of their church induced them to mnake another effort to clear off the entire sum required. This gaveorigiu to the very successful concert given last nighlt in the Town Hall. The improvements on the old ulunrch, under the able artisans ...


... ] A I P. S. PorTArrnas.-This mionthly fair was held yae. terdav, but in consequence.of the inolement-stat4 of the weather there wasa -small attendance of both buyers and sellers. The turn-out of -catt!c wa-s also smnll, and there was a-general dulnrese over the fair. In the milch department springers roated for first-class animals at from £1G to £18. secondaries going at from £13 to £15, and ...


... I FASHlION AND YVAI-ETIXS. I~~ THE. COURT. Windsor Castle, Sunday. The Queen drove on-t yesterday a'tetrroon, attcnded $ by Lady Southampton. Her Royal Higihuess Princess Beatrice, attended by E 3ladlie Norele, drove to St Bruno, and visited Count and Countess Gleichen. I Princess Beatrice and tlre members of her Majesty's Household attended Divine Service in the private Chapel this mornin1g. ...


... ASrIOw AND M.ET1.9TlR. THE COURT. osborne, Thursday. The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon. attended by Lady Southampton and the non Horatia Stopford. Princess Beatrice, attended by M.qademoiselle lfsneli, drove to Qaarr Abber, and honourc-d Lady Cochranie with a visit. General the Right Honlourable S-r Henry Ponsonbyv, and the Hon Lady Ponsonby, Captain Arthur, R N, C iX of H Al S Hector, ...


... THE MAGAZINES FOR FEBRUARxY. .lel 7)er's for the current month is as full of readable mratter as we ars accustolonio to find tbe pages of this Angln-American magazine. The most interesting of the coutents is, perhaps, the i description by Mr. Lucy of Ilatfield House, one of the residences of the Marq.uis of Salifioury- There is nothing of the veciet'. journalist's golssiping manner about Mr. ...


... -FIS AION AD YAF.J-UBS.. THE COU7RT Osb~orne, Thursday. IThe Queen drove out yesterday after~noou, accom- panted by Princess Beatrice. General the Right Bon Sir Hfenry and the Hon LadyI 1Poas~onby and the Hon Mrs Yorthpalrymple Lad the honour of dining with her Majesty. The Queen walked out this morning ?? Ilcatr~c', and honoured Lady Ponsonbly with a visit at .Osborne Cottag~-. Hier Majesty ...