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... LITEmATM. (I) Mefdhza Davaim's Pr son Experiences. This book really consists of two distinct ?? one dealing with Mr Davitt's prison experiences, and the other with his political views. There is no necessary connection be- tween the two, and yet the ordinary precaution of dividing them exactly between the two vol. umes is not followed, for Part II. occupies some forty qr fifty pages of Vol. I. ...


... GLASGOW INSTITUTE OF THE FINE. ARTIS. The annual general meeting of the members of the Glasgow Institute of the Fiine-Asts was held in tho.galleries on Saturday ?? 1). . OutraEn in the chair. The council in their report state that. notwithstanding many adverse circumstancea the operations of the year ao a whole have resulted favourably to the institute. At the close of the Onancial year. on ...


... I .1AGAZINES FOR FEBRUARY. I LEt FoLer for February-is of course full of in- terest forladies. This is essentially the Journd If -du Gmandixlnde, and of the polite literature of fashion. The fashion plates are in their way tasteful works of art. Here are a few par:graphsI from La Mode columns:- Velvet is the -watchword of the season, and the favoured few who are in the secrets of la ewde, ...


... INTERNATIONAL INVENXIONS IEXHIBITION. . -f THE MUSICAt SECTION, t a The arrangements for the musical section of e the ?? Inventions Exhibi- s tion at South Kensington are now considerably )f advanced. Several hundred men are at work preparing the spaces for the exhibits, and the roads in the neighbourhood have been opened to 'provide a subterranean passage from the Li South Kensington Railway ...


... CONCEBTS. 6$ SATURDAY POPULAR CONCERT. i_ Te popular concert give on SSaturday even- itag in the St Andrew's Hall brought the orches- j-al series to a highly satisfactory close. The - ?? on the occasion could not have been r -arger. If it had been possible to provide more - tfnding room it would have been taken up by It 1hose who, as matters stood, were obliged to go k iAway. The programmeD ...


... CHOBRAL ADZ OcRCESTRAL, CONCERTS.- The eleventh concert of the subscription series was given last evening in the St Andrew's Hall. era The audience on the--occasion was the most ienumerous wre have had this winter. Whether the the fact that it sras the-last of the purely orchestral rconcerts'-had anything to do with the largeness pro-o the attendance wce cannot pretend to say. In any cads the ...


... THE THEA TRES. MR BARRY SULLIVAN AT TB3 ROYALTY. Mr Barry Sullivan, the eminent tragediat, began, a two weeks' enggement at the Rovaelv Theatre last night, appearing in the part evit, which his name is most frequently associated- that of Richard 111. It is admitted on ?? hands that Mr Sullivan's exposition of t!e character is the best that can be 'seeo at toe present day on any stage. His gr ...


... HvPATIA WALTZ. BylMay Ostlere. London: J. B. Cranmer & Co., & c In this *altz, which is dedicated to the popular American actress, 31iss Mary Anderson, of whons a portrait gracos the front page, the composer has fairly outdistanced her earlier effort - Eurydice. It is throughout a melodious inlspilration, of an original character, and well merits the popularity it seems to have achieved ...


... LITEBATUBE. | (1) Meinoriis of Tama Hogg. This is a beautiful library volunme, voluptuous in paper and type. It is Above all, a woman's book-that is, regarding it in the way of genesis and execution; and, still more, a daughter's book, regarding it in the way of a certain bitterness displayed against men of eminence for unpleasant candours towards her father, which, however, were meant to have ...


... The Heckmann Quartet, from Cologne, gave a second and, for the present, a farewell concert last evening in the Lesser St Andrew's Hall. The members of this ?? Heckmann, Forberg, Allekotte, and Bellmana-were asso. ciated with all the concerts of the orchestral series just brought to aclose, but last evening (as on a former occasion this winter in the Queen's Rooaves) they appeared in their own ...


... L BARRY SULLIVAN IN OTrELLO. Mr Barry Sullivan's visits to Aberdeen have been for a long time looked upon as the chief event of the dramatic year, and even since they have ceased to be of yearly occurrence the playgoers of Bon-Accord have been wont to keep their warmest welcomes for their favourite tragedian. Though it is but a yeaw since Barry Sullivan's last visit, we can no longer, we are ...