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... WRIGHT CO., BILLIARD TABLE MAKERS, 158 to 184 Westminster Bridge Rd. lOKDO^T, H. JE. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Billiard tables.-- inter national EXHIBITION, CRYSTAL PALACE, 1884. GOLD IVIED AL AWARDED to GEORGE WRIGHT and CO., Westminster- bridge-road, London. Billiard tables.-- george WRIGHT and Co. 'a SHOW-ROOMS are the LARGEST in ENGLAND. Upwards of 100 tables in stock to select from, ...


... Wilson's AMERICAN I liif Biscuits. j l-mAnunnmiuiumuim'.ummiirrrrrrm [Jiiiiiiiii!im;imiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN'iiMiiiiTiiijiiNriiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin The Child will thrive best oa Just gibe iljsm a stttgle trial. E (Est a aljillhtg tin nf gmtr jjrnrrr ur rljemtsf. l^nlr flCoaatgttBB, E abiii ffiljallftt, IJimbmt, -X i 1*3. A genuine luxury at a moderate prioe TPt'^r 'tr'tyPt' may ...


... WEBBS' PURE GRASS SEEDS. GUARANTEED PURITY AND GERMINATION. For Prices and full particulars, see WEBBS' FARM CATALOGUE. Now Ready; Gratis and Post Free. THE QUEEN'S SEEDSMEN^ Wordsley, Stourbridge. BILLIARDS SIMPLIFIED; OR, HOW TO MAKE BREAKS. Illustrated l>y 60 diagrams of the actual play of Cook, Roberts, t?ii7 J 1H11 IMitchell also contains latest revised Rules of Billiards, Pool, Pyramids, ...


... . A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. T) 171 Til /T TT A H/T5H T^TTTfl Are admitted by thousands to be worth ll Pi iM I H A II n I I I 1 jiN above a Guinea a box for Bilious and Ner vy 1JL kJ X XJJJJU vous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, TT A AT 0 D T T T Cf Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness I I Jli Jli XT XL ILL U JL X Xj Xj U an(^ Drowsiness, Cold ...


... WEBBS' PURE GRASS SEEDS. GUARANTEED PURITY AND GERMINATION. For Prices and full particulars, see WEBBS' FARM CATALOGUE. Now Ready Gratis and Post Free. THE QUEEN S SEEDSMEN, Wqrdsley, Stourbridge. CURE OF DEAFNESS NOISES injhe EARS. It E V. K. .T. SIL V£ 1* X O IV, SPECIALIST for the CURE of DISEASES of the EAR, fi invites sufferers to send for his troatise, a work showing the nature of the ...