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... LAZARUlS IN LONDON.| -BY F. W. llOBI3IfON, 'AaSAOr Of G=n.NDacOTssotn S MONFI ; ONVlt, A WAIF; MATTIE, A STRIAY, THE BLACK SPEOCI; ' No Csttrncn, 4C. BOOK: THE SECOND. TEi CLOSING OF THE RET. CHIAPTERii X. Mht. FitOTKE3~OE'S PRECAUTION. :Who do you think killed Ricbard M~ackneess? It. was hardly a questionl I should have expected lo escape the lips of my quiet step-sister; but we ...


... NEW_ BOOKS. lie lb TiE DEATH OF SAINT Louis. By 'ALFRED HAYES. sy [Birmingham : Printed for the Author.] k' Saint Louis woild never have wnl his saintship in our d- generation. We have little respect for the holinesswbich, ir gazinigtoo devoutly on heaven, walks into the bog and 's becomes defiled, or which drags the poor saint to n. ignoblo drowning. In this poem, however, M3r. .Hayes ro has ...


... I .1AGAZINES FOR FEBRUARY. I LEt FoLer for February-is of course full of in- terest forladies. This is essentially the Journd If -du Gmandixlnde, and of the polite literature of fashion. The fashion plates are in their way tasteful works of art. Here are a few par:graphsI from La Mode columns:- Velvet is the -watchword of the season, and the favoured few who are in the secrets of la ewde, ...


... EASRI(LV AND VARIETIES. THE COURT. Oihorne, Sunday. The Queen and Princess Bentrice drove out yester- day afternoonl, ttenuled by Lady Waterpar'i. The oan and Rlev Francis Byng arrived at Osborne yesterday, and had the honour of dining with her -Ma- jesty. The ladies and gentlemen in waiting who had not the honour of dining with her Majesty joined the ?? circle in the drawingroom in the ...


... XuSIC. POPULAR CONCERTS.. Since our last notee of the evening concert, Madame Norman.Ntrusda has continue Ao be the lawding and solo violinist, Mr. Charles nalle and miss , Ag -es Zimmermann having reappeared as solo V pianists. At last Saturday'ls afternoon perforansce a the ldy inst named again appeared, and gave an effectivercuderingof the third of Beethoven's s 91 planoforte sonatu-No. 3 ...


... Mr. Charles Gibbon has just ready a n ew three-volume, novel, A hard Knot. , rI The cheap editioit of the Queeo's IA More Zeaves w ig be ready for publication on'the 12th inst. Mark Twain intends visiting England in Btay, for ties purpose of giving readings from his own writingi. It is reported that the Duo ?? ale has bought m London an important work by Memlino, and removed it to ...


... On the eve of the Lenten period it is usual for metropolitan managers to anticipate a diminution of receipts ; but up to the present time it is pleasant to record theatrical business gene- rally has remained in a very satisfactory condition. Promenade concerts and operatic recitals continue to be given at HlER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. At the COVENT-GARIDEN INTERNATIONAL CIRQUE two performances are ...

Published: Saturday 14 February 1885
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5186 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... INTERNATIONAL INVENXIONS IEXHIBITION. . -f THE MUSICAt SECTION, t a The arrangements for the musical section of e the ?? Inventions Exhibi- s tion at South Kensington are now considerably )f advanced. Several hundred men are at work preparing the spaces for the exhibits, and the roads in the neighbourhood have been opened to 'provide a subterranean passage from the Li South Kensington Railway ...


... CONCEBTS. 6$ SATURDAY POPULAR CONCERT. i_ Te popular concert give on SSaturday even- itag in the St Andrew's Hall brought the orches- j-al series to a highly satisfactory close. The - ?? on the occasion could not have been r -arger. If it had been possible to provide more - tfnding room it would have been taken up by It 1hose who, as matters stood, were obliged to go k iAway. The programmeD ...


... I MEETING OF TEE COMMITTEE. pa' he A general meeting of the Cardiff Fine Art Es- bei Val hibition Committee was held on Tuesday evening, S, he Mr. J.P. Tbompson in the chair. There were also F. present Mr. J. L. Wheatley (town-clerk), Mr. E. wva n- Seward, Mr. S. W. Allen, Mr. J. Weaver, Mr. C. T. mc a Whitmel], Mr. A. Pettigrew, Mr. IV. J. Trounce, of La- Captain C. IV. Ingram, ir. John ...


... FAILWAY BERVA14T.' ORPHIANAGU I C0NOERT. Last evening, B grand concert in aid of the above deserving institution was given at the Colston Hall, under 5 the patronage of the Bishop of the Diooese, the Earl ofC Ducie, Lord Fitzhardimge, Mr. Lewis Fry, M.P., the Mayor (Mr. Charles Wathen), the ?? (Mr. J. D. t] Weston), and other influential gentlemen; and there was t a very large attendance. The ...


... THE THEA TRES. MR BARRY SULLIVAN AT TB3 ROYALTY. Mr Barry Sullivan, the eminent tragediat, began, a two weeks' enggement at the Rovaelv Theatre last night, appearing in the part evit, which his name is most frequently associated- that of Richard 111. It is admitted on ?? hands that Mr Sullivan's exposition of t!e character is the best that can be 'seeo at toe present day on any stage. His gr ...