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... ALEXANDRA THE ATRE. It was ?no common event that attracted the large and critical audience which was assembled in the Alexandra Theatre last night ti writness the pro- duction of As You Lie It. ' The successes of Madame Modjeska in presenting the heroines of modern drama were well qualified to excite a curious interest as to the extent of ber resources in dealing with character from the ...


... . i Mr. W. Ga. Wills may not be a great drama- tist, but his Charles I? and Claudian W, show clearly that he isda very true poet. Better devidence of his poetic gift than either of these g plays afford is furnished by his new poem, at Melchior.' This work has been published he two months or more, and little or no attention ad hasyetbeen given to it. The reason is thatthe of form is by no ...


... I . .A LTRAGE -STORY.; -I The pialtoulari have just transpireI at. Croydon of the reappearanae, under extraordinary. circum-. stances, ONof rtha Dennis,_22, who left her home, at Belgate, on March 4, and who was notheard of unit a few days ago, notwitbstandink that every inquiry had been':made by the Orliinal Investigskion Deparb. ment and advartisemeats containing htr description were nserted ...


... I LRD SHMBROOKE'S POEAMS.* I The little volume of poems by vord Sher- brooke appears to us to merit more serious treatment as poetry than the critics have yet shown a disposition to give it. Some of the many haort poems are imitative in form, sub- stance, and title. Of this kind we the ballad, 1 Chevy Chase, and the lyric, The Coscsack to his Steed. Others, again, axe pitched in a too ...


... XMCAL IGTSM- - A - - - is d = A S e | * ? F - ?? e It WM be hes with pisure W it i the detennmation of the Manig Committee of the> Phflharmonic Obral so- twlh is . blessed ?? an energetic preidsnt, a careflE treasnred, an a vigilant secrel~ytomaintaia the organisaion intsct. We may o for-. Ftadt fore to a ?? neeaon ;oof teexcellent series of performances of oratorio dtablished by thasociety at ...


... I _ _, _ ?? TfHE WORLD WOULD BE THE BETTER FOR IT' f men cared less for wealth and fame, And lesI for battlefields and glory; If writ in human hearts, a name Seemed better than In song and story; If men instead of unrsing pride Wouid learn to bate it and abhor it- If more rolled On Love to guide, The world would be the better for it. If men dealt leas in stocks and lands, And more In bonds and ...


... [FROM TO-DAY'S ATHENRUN.'I1 The late fienerdi Gordon's diaries are in the press and wfill be published by Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench,saadCo. The work will ?? intro- duction and notes, by Mr. Egmont Hake, General Gordon's cousin, and author of 'The Story of Chinese Gordon. A series of reprints of the original editions of Shelley's writings in their original form, with all the pecquliarities ...


... LTEITRY NOTES. el is a canldidate for the chair of Tiugi lit' eratr at Oxford. 'cThere can hardly be ace ?? among the ?? ± he. is the one periect man for the appoint- scut. ]iIS knowledge Of Engli1shlieaues tjarge as tholat e of ann 3odern critic, and with retecrmtical pO°.CS ..lbe ?? tenius. It is a. f the veryrastrhe hrL3 mdthat the chair falls fort*oate cb'n t possible for Mr. vamt llt W' ...


... MUSICAL NOTE. In anticipation of the annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society, the secretary (Mr. I.roadbent) sends us the report of the com- mittee, together with the accounts for the past year. There is a reasonable touch of vride in the opening sentence of the report, which sets forth that the income hasexceedectheexpendi- tare. Tirningtothacoants, weithat the balancein favour of the ...


... I Td o rh-DDrTOUS OF THE2 LIVERPOOL NECaY. se Gentlemen,-With your permission I should in like to say a few words in reply to yourcorre- to spondent Working Classes. I frankly admit to that possibly a Iarg majority of the public may be opposed to the opening of these institutions on ol Sundays. But I deny that that is any reason for ix depriving a-rge minortv of their just rights. I ol ...


... Y- D ISUNDAI-OPENING OF MUSEUIS. le TOH RD1TORS OF THE UtMtPOOL N alIY. ay Gentlemen,-The Sunday leaguers are again to ;h the front, endeavouring to persuade the City r oncii to open the Library, Museum, and Art is Ga~ryon Sundays. Three correspondents in al sympathy with them have addressed the public through your columns in support of their efforts. I trust then that, with your usual ...


... s This afternoon, at three o'clock, the drawing I for the prizes in connection with the building as fund of the Talybont Club will take place in 1 the artists' clubroom, Bold-street, no er the 2 direction of Benjam Fower, the honorary treasurer and secretary. The collection, which Y has been on view since February, has increased t in numbers since our la notice, and consists e of between 200 ...