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Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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... ROYAL ACADEMY EXIIJBTJO-N' Br A LADY. I spert an agreeable day at the Royal Acaderna on We3. nebtday last, privileged as a member of the press. I took caln and quiet survey of the paintings at least five da8 before the general public were admitted, and I was ' ptesent on the private view day on the fol'aine Fria . vhen there were all the representative mnembers of soc;r , or, view in addition ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... ALL SICK ABED~2Yz that$ with BY PHYLLS BROWNS, Author of ,A YEAR'S COOsIrEy, and 'Tarn Guma's COOsnY BOOK, Housekeepers and cooks generally, and very reasonably, regard themselves as the authorities in matters of food and diet, yet even they step aside and bow their heads when scientific men offer to speak on these subject.. This is quite right, and they show their good sense in acting thus ...


... ALL RIGHT8 RZSki;VED. FEMĀ£ININE FASHIONS AND FANCIES. By A LADY. At the opening of the Inventions Exhibitiont the PrIncess of Wales wore a dress and bonnet of two shades of brown;- the tunric of brown satin was, matched by the jacket, small1 spots of gold chenille serving to brighten thre surface of the jacket. A Marshal Niel rose alone varied thle colour miono. tony of the costume, The ...


... THOR TAXI' IVOR DI-INK. Aang sma>h ' wey noo, Geordie, what think yen' this 7 h .t war O'Vecmeiit 'a gieli ua te r ?? Ilhe Cliancellor's Bndget's a ivecer aw guess, An' alr'ldd its rairia' a iW. They wanted suu ?? fir thor bees'. in lebt, A.n' or hund for te filn'd them the chink: 9e for fear that the. Rnshinii tiv In1i; shuld get, 'ihey've clap d on 'a tax on Nvr drink. Se for fear that the ...


... AGRICULTURAL SHOWS, 1S85. MAY 25, -Eroster!ey Dog, Poultry, ieeon, Rabbit, Ctt. ?? lShow. Entrres Close Mlav 11. Secrrt..rios, WV. aud J. illey, PeakiiteIl. Erssterlev, ria Dorlirg-turi. MAY g6, 27, AND 2B.-Devon Cuonty Sqlmw, mneetir ng at Ply. nmouth. Entries clote April 16. Secretry, Jchn L. Wviiter, lotin, Msdr 27 aND 28.-Osfordsaire Agricultural Socie'y, meetinz at Chil-ing Nortun. ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... I AID 2IGRW FEIV1 AIFwhato with __-0 - BY PEYLIS BROWNE, Author of AX Yza's- Coorny, and TH GiLS' CoOEry BOOK This week I attended a meeting of the Polytechnic St. John's Ambulance Association for ladies, when Her Royal Highness the Princess Christian distributed the certificates to the candidates who had successfully passed the necessary examination. About fifty ladies were thus honoured ...


... ILL BIGHTS RESSEVED. I THE KING'S SERVICE. A NOVEL. BY MRS HIBBERT.WVAR-, Armnn~sss OF THE Kix OP B ATH,' Lips's SEFVEN ACES, 1TjEesWATEFR TowER, His~ DE.ARE, i' FRIEND ELLWOOD, &C. CHIAPTER III.-T. CULPRIT. Turning eut from the cavalry barracks on tire road between York and Fulford, a youn~g rman, tall and mus- cular of figuire, and with sinigularly handsoce and expressive features ...


... M lEMORIES ?? Like rainbow gloiies sped, The happy days are fled! The leaant days of youth's bright ?? Visions gleaming bright, Now vanished from my sight, Past dreams of joy that ne'er return. Youth's faith in all things seen, Sweet Love. a fairy queen With locks of gold and cheeks as fair As opening roses, spread Upon a dewy he& And lips like cherries ripe and rare; The yellow waving corn By ...

Extracts from New Books

... T'Arado fvolu gov 9004.5. THIEs I iNcE OF WALES.-As his royal mother is apt to sit in judgment upon him, so he, io his turn, criticises, counsels, castigates those who are subject to his authority, He is prodigal of advice on great matters and small. Whether it be a conjugal quarrel or a questionable marriage, the pattern of a coat, or the colour of a frock, the Prince, If he is interested in ...


... ALI. I i/lG ii S fX GTl MA - CTrAPTICR HI. E 'Ll~wrr has l that loane ?? ita-igination after iit~',~y (tot; any orrycrne po ?? ihost iors ifter thlirt-y?. Mi' vi-ry preity worern onl hir rLirty. -e f,rrdbrtdy losr lith-irdA chivrlroas~y rei , Anyone Who lives b;eside ytU wit preserce, trrin,, uctiflire 14 a hundC~red-. She looked at him dubioasly, cuiroecly, with a slight ?? wihrrh wa-, a ...


... THE INOqTH OF DMAY. I Queen of fresh flower., Whom vernal -t r- olo. y, Bring tby warm showers, Bring thy genu4l ray, in natrre s greenest livery drest, vescend on eartb'h expectant bremt, lo earth and heaven a ,welcome guest, 'I hou merry month of May! rakV' how we meet thee At dawn if dewy day! Hark! how we ureet thee With our rousndelav! 'While all the gondly things that be in earth, and ...

Extracts from New Books

... C'Straro f t g~m 50hq. Tiee UsSEs O GESTrrcUATION.-IknowI have found the system very useful when at 9a loss for a word in. a foreign country for irscance, if I want iormething, and remember the rest of the sentence all bht the particular word for the thing itself, I run on as far as I can, and then shrug mny shoulders and make a kind of Catherine wheel in the air with my hand, and say, Oomme ...