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... ',EIT OPENING OF MU.SEUMS, aS, ON SUDAS To T:I-- TrDL:;O-S OF THEl UlVE:wOb ~T Gentlefleiici h-to mien2 a resident in many of ,he large towns in F-szgland, having been rmany 'ears an extens~ve em,,ployer of labotur, and also a keen cisc-eer Of Uo-rn aD' of their niodes of spend- ing their time and ~MteY- I bave also lived at various times on the coot:3ent, and during imy soourns tl'ere wa:, ...


... To TEE EUIOrS OF THE LIVERPOOL BfERC3. Gentlemen,-During the past few years the public mind of England has been more or less agitated in reference to the opening of public newvsrooms, libraries, and art galleries on the Sabbath. Mass meetings have been held by the I promoters of the scheme in several of the great towns throughout the United Kingdom, and corporate bodies have in some instances ...


... I . .A LTRAGE -STORY.; -I The pialtoulari have just transpireI at. Croydon of the reappearanae, under extraordinary. circum-. stances, ONof rtha Dennis,_22, who left her home, at Belgate, on March 4, and who was notheard of unit a few days ago, notwitbstandink that every inquiry had been':made by the Orliinal Investigskion Deparb. ment and advartisemeats containing htr description were nserted ...


... PUBLIC. AMUSEMEKTS. I is- T AvLEXANDRA THEATRE. ss A play was offered at the Royal Alexandrm e Theatre on Monday which presents Mr. Bronson t Howard, as a dramatist, in a light different to r that which Brighton and The Old Love and l the New shed upon him. Called Young , Mrs. Winthrop, this new piece by Mr. le Howard is curiously deficient in motive. r It is, nevertheless, neatly ...


... I 6 FMUSICAL NOT. I ta had been anticipated the proceedings at the annual meeting of the proprietors of the Philharmonic Society on Friday last were of a very harmonious character. It is evident from the accounts that the society's affairs have been careully administered, for notwithstanding extra expenditure as compared with that of the previous year, there remains at the society's credit, ...


... I CooPs Handbook for Londeo wilh Maps. London: Thomas Cook and Son. This is one of the best and cheapest handbooks to London which we haveever seen. The price 3 is only 6d&, and yet for this sum 120 well-printed. pages of information are furnished on all sorts of subjects of use to the visitor, with a neat and handy map. Even those who know the metropolis well may consult this v-olume with ...


... I ALEALNDRA THEATRE. LThe Alexandra Theatre was the scene of wel- come last night to an artiste, in the person of Madame Modjeska, whose genius as an actress places her at the highest elevation in her profession. 1Ln this, the first of a series of performances extending over six nights, Madame Mcdjeska appeared in the character of A drienne Lecouvareur, in an adaptation by HL Herman of the ...


... I The Great Cloul of Wuitpesses; or Faifh;-nd itn Victories. Second Series. Joshua to David- By William Landels, D.D. London: The. Religious Tract Society. This second series of Old Testament portraits of the pioneers of faith, by the Rev. Dr. Landels, formerly of London, and now of Edinburgh, deserves to be well received. It belongs to a class of books which are fitted to do much good, where ...


... I _ _, _ ?? TfHE WORLD WOULD BE THE BETTER FOR IT' f men cared less for wealth and fame, And lesI for battlefields and glory; If writ in human hearts, a name Seemed better than In song and story; If men instead of unrsing pride Wouid learn to bate it and abhor it- If more rolled On Love to guide, The world would be the better for it. If men dealt leas in stocks and lands, And more In bonds and ...


... [FROM TO-DAY'S ATHENRUN.'I1 The late fienerdi Gordon's diaries are in the press and wfill be published by Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench,saadCo. The work will ?? intro- duction and notes, by Mr. Egmont Hake, General Gordon's cousin, and author of 'The Story of Chinese Gordon. A series of reprints of the original editions of Shelley's writings in their original form, with all the pecquliarities ...


... I L : T iffERAkY'N6TICE : . 1 WAY PUBLICATIONS' ?? 1;0NGX 'B MAGAzNA.-This month's part it equal In e vaery respect to the proceding numberi. Its contents refer to. mtters linquistis,.romante, poetic, and biographic, and to the regular readers of this excellent magazine, it will form superior food for the intellect. Taxu, ATLANTIC 4ozaTurv.-.There are items in the ,AtlantIc Moottbli for $iay, ...


... L: I.. CC CX - -- - , LETTmr;WD,>.iA Mfl. I.R IG.. . ORAVfl. Mr. Henry Irving lately returned fromp his apnual business trip to the United States, and before resutning his: labours at the LBcetum he was entertained 'at a c ongrattula-, tory dinnei.' It seems to have been a rather distinguished affair. Aong 'the'two bunid.ed gentlemen presist were the uire of Beaufoi't, Lord Londesborough,; ...