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Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM WALKER & SONS' TJ1VRIVALLID TEA. SIX POUNDS FOR TEN SELLINGS CASM 52 UNION STREET. ABERDEEN. HOLMES' OZONE FLUID (A Perfect Disinfcetant and Deodoriser) Contains 71o lhne or deleterious matter. Removes miltlew, saiose cad jiv4c stains, &c., withoult injury to the fabric, and produces SNOW WHITE LINEN, LACE, ETC. Invaluable for washinr steps, wood or stone floors, tables, eto. Sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TELEPHONr., No. 90. flHE112 E-NTIRE ARRANGEMIiENT of 1 N~ASin TOWN and Coiier!,r conducted tb~ most Mudloefto Terms, and EVERY REQUI- S'ITE supplied, at TH `F UERAL OFFICE, 14 ST PAUL STREET. OPE DAY AND NIGHT. T. P. WATSON & Co., PnoROPILroEs. RIT LSII1 ASS`,OC1ATiO-N FOR THE. ADVANCEMENT OP SCiENCE. ASERDEE1--N MEETING, SEPTmnuma 9TIT to SavrMaIoMf 17T11, 1688. i\ r-sss l~avirg APARTMENTS to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PALAACE BJUIILDINGS, Xsf JUNE, 1SS5. CASI AN CREDIT TERMS. IMPORANT ALTERATION. PRAWT & KEITH Deeire to thank their numerous Customers for the vary liberal patronage given themn dnring the 46 years they have been in business, and in putting the unldernoted CASH AND CRIEDIT TEXRMIS before the Public, they are merely acceding to a very generally expressed wish that Cash Buyers should receive the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILIAM WALKER & SONS' UNRIVALLED TEA. SI; POUNDS FOR TEN S=LUINGS CASH- 52 UNION ST:EE3RT ABERDEEN. .TATUIRAL MONTILLA SAlERRY, 20 l 'ears old. imported direct fromn Montif a. As a Natural! *inc, of los0 alcoholic strenzth. this Sherry .ill bc 'ertain to obtain fI, onr with toe Medical Profesaion. Tpi pri, c q taot~d below is less than half that ht which Wines oi fh clkss have hitherto been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT LLTR.-FRANCTS CUTNa RLa0 tiatil i oi-mcl. 14111IKG tonlitBrnhs t CtIrlea vt ii iitotlerata. Cheat) Eserii ae o pati. a n-n O. inn0-a to 3'3annou!rl and rOlr etr Oci Ti ., teai, ti.IC. to,_________________ ]3ALILATER.M I) E U.k N TEMP tRxNICE HOTEL. IOr CA AlND COM)FORTABJLE BDRIIOOM& Vs _%L 'pm's MODERATE. '.TUM HOTEJL. DANCUOXY. g - t ttt tt .U , Ptrir i'.'lugint orn and to T Si.rt i.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cftlrult Aoficem. The TTEST CHtURCH, -Quarterly CommuniOll M W V Preparatory Service on SATURDAT, 20th curt., at J. 3*0 r. . I On SUNDAY, It A.CI., 11ev. J. MIaToRli MItRcFLL. ,, ee0~l., 1Rev. DANiD ScTT, B.D., Dalziel. ST GEORGE'S-IN-THEI-WEST PARISH .wc COiUIIClI. fa~llc The Rpr. GEORGE COCKIIB URN, M.A. , of the Church of ocotland, ICiiaiig. China, wvill give ail ccount of his work Tl n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAW__?nt Notlren. 'COMPLETION of the MERJSEY TUNNEL RAILWAY (Under Eli cbs Riser Mersesy), Directly connecting Liverpool 'with 'ScN Birkenhead and the extensive and important SEllway hoc Systems on both sides of the River. Sta Extracts trom ` lse Times (lead~ing article), 14th Februariy, a-f :- The Mersoy Tunnel seas opened yest-,rdey, and a great and dtfool-. engineering, work was thus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAIG I E BUCKLER1 CHURCH. The SEAT RENTS will be collcoted within the CutuRrc on The evening of FRIDAY 5th curt., at Seveq o'clock. Craigiebuckle- Churcb, 2nd June, ISS5. J% AAN`NOF] ELD PARISH CHURCH.-- S iTlTTTINGS wiU be Let in the CnIsrCH on WEOSESDAT a!'d B RsDty, 3rd and 5th June, from 7 to 5 o'clock. -ANCHORY-TERNAN PARISH B CHURCH ORGAN BAZAAR. A BAZAAR W'IL BE HELD AT BANCHORY ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTI CHURCEL-Divine Service To- V8 morrow at 11 A.ti.. and f 'S0 P. % llov. J. ULTFORL1 t-UFtL taCelle tionie orColonal ohein. OSEIMO)UNT PARISH CHURCH.-The _T 0.' 1o;0. rcatlon will rworsbip In RUT1tlstxID FrPIE . tIVitC!t To-morsow, and every following SUnday Afteroon. at o-0, tUntil furtther notice. MHE RM.NV DR WILSON, of London, will k Preach in A.4LION STrEET OnrtEOu on Sabbath, 14th, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t R. AL12EXANDEIt GuRDON requestsi the L ELRCTORs, both present and future, will do him the f5eorrU of meetinrg him in the DALRTYMPLE HALL, Fraserburgh, o,. TriU o.&Y EVENING, the 4th June, at Seven o'clock, for the p ,rpDee of connidermrc Mr Peddie's bill for Disestabhlieing gha Church of Scotland. The Clerry of all denominations are specially invited to be p r esent ahe Chief Ma istrate, Mr ...


... TH IEIDRINK QTrEsTION ABROAD, A Parliameutary paper just Published contains re- ports from Her 1dijetyls, diplomatic and consular officers; upon the colsensption of iatoxicating liqueorms- abroad. ConsuI-uel-elnal Oppenlieimer estimatef, with regard to G(ermiany, that in, the distilleries of the .lrpire in 18731 and; 1,s7t at least 200,000 litres of pure alcohol were produced for lumer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Fi I N E S T T E A EUROPE9 A COMBINATION 01 THE RICH AND VARIED GROW-TS OF THE GARDENS ow IN-DIA, CHINA, AND CEYLON TO B. -A FOM WEhLIAM WALKER & SONS, 6 UNION STREET, 'LATURAL AlONTILLA SHO.BiRRY, 2O i 4 a. old. imtyortud direct fron liMontilla. As a a, aral \\i , oc loss alcohoLic strerrath. this Sherry ;,ill le cirvain t,) obtsu t.uio r with tlhe !,drc. l proeissiol;. 11e Irbo ei q or ...