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... CUSTODY COURT-YeSTERDAY. [Before Mr. Fnilx J. MACCARTHY, R.E.; Mr. RonenT Tuohi'soN, J.P.; and Dr. BROWNE, R.N., J.P.1 BrSORnanIBY CONDUCT. Miohael Aylmer and Thomas Duffy were charged W:tb having been guilty of disorderly oon- duct by shouting on the street ard causing anuoy. anco to the public. Mr. 12ILean, Jun., proseauted. VB vidence having been given, Aylmer was fined in 20s. and costs, ...


... DARING CONDUCT OR BUIIOLSIUS. I e POLICEM1AN SI[OT. rly Ou1 S1'LECIAhL WIRL.1 LoSDo', T C ?? otis and two o c=otK this mtorning the normal quietude of Kensingtotn Park Gardens wvas disturbed by repeated pistol ehots, cries of 'I Help, and the springing of police rattles, A number of ?? residents, bastily attired, at once went to the soene of the dis- turbance, and it was then found that ...


... . a I, CLARE. (TELEGRAM FROSM OnE CORRESBPONDE1T.) Ennis, Monday. To-day at 3.30 p m Lord Chief Baron Panes opened the commission. The grand jury Ha ing u been resworn, his lordship ?? O'Cal- laghan and'gentlemen of the grand jury. there are only nine cases to go before you at the present assizes,.in two of which bills were found at the last assizes. I ha~ve received the informations in these ...


... ?? - LAWINTELLIGENU 'VV-QMVDTAV II YESTERDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. (Before Lord Justice Fitzgibbon and Lord Justice Barry.) RE Gpusr, MCsoRs.-The hearing of the aru- > ments in this case was resumed. An application .had been made to the Vi;e-Chancellor by Miss Caroline Stannus. an aunt of the minors, Harold, Millicent, and Beatrice Gray, that they should be allowed to reside with her at such ...


... LAW INTELUGENOK SATURDAY. CHANCERY DMSION. Or, Sntrday the Rightr ou Joha T Bal Llt and LordJnUtice Fitzgibbon, Lords Commie,, sit, in the absence of the Lord ChanceTlor has gone to London, and disposed of a &chamber list. (Before the Vice-Chanceslor.) D TLYr MRI&aT AND OTHv ?? C resumed and concluded. The plaamtiZ a right to the foreshore attached tU ce-Cr, his pro pety, in the count- Cork. ? ...


... TimHV,&1Qs COURS A. a- plement to : o.e'te of Te a issued last night,giving t new. plling plaes )and t~aplaces .for thehdin of thej revsuoo court, The latter being of inoreimmete i portance, we reproduce them. The xevia court are now fixed as follows ?? .. j - CoUNT AVTRlIsZ,Born IfV oYBallyeasetle, Bsl. 1 ltrn~a; BlJyuien, Glenair, Dallsclare. Qarricker- *goSr sae, trxe, BaJltat, Crnn9i and ...


... ITHE WILL OF THE LATE LOPRD CHANCELLOR LAW. Yesterday the case of Law v Dobbs, which in- volves the construction of the will of the late Right Hon Hugh Law, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, caome before the Vice-Chancellor for trial on affidavit. Mr. E T Bewley, Q C; with him Mfessrs J G Gibson. Q 0, and Mathieson (instructed by Messrs T T Mecredv) appeared on behalf of the plaintifF; John Aughtry ...


... - - .. . LAW IELIGENCE. SATUNDAY. v - ?? ROLLS COURT. Beore thre Master of the P.4&si Ct.OSG V. BEULCRAMP.-The arguments in thiA ,se were resumed and concluded. The Xssterf ,i the Rol's reserved judgment. TaE Ess.L OP DAMNLEY v. LouRD C-LUFON AXiDj Lc5es.-This was an actiol to rectify a settle- ,eot of the Earl of Darnley's settled estate inr the county of 31eath. The settleieut was dated. t' ...


... i - - ' - - -- MAYO. (TELE GRAMS FROM OUR COERE5sPONDENt.) Castlebar, Thursday. To ACTION FOR SEDUCTION. To-daybeforeChief Justice Morris in the Record Court, a seduction action, by a girt named Bridget Cain against a constable in the Royal Irish Con- stabulary named David X'Caffery, came on for hearing on appeal from the County Court Judge. There had been a decree in the court below against ...

LAND [ill]

... if Lam-qoomm -fon V, ?? (EL ?? - - . (Before mr. Jiti-ce 'H0gau aud 3Mr. sioner Litton, Q C.) John lianon, teuant; Tbo; Hendrj This wes landlord's appeal The tcatw5 isw a bhl;acmith, holds 173 Sr 49 ner the C unmty Kildare; valuta, £17 IN - judicil rent, £24; eo a' vah, t2g -Mr. Patrick Kane valted the ?? at e; £17, ad Mr. Peter Clinch a1ed it at £il' Ot Xr. Algernon Aylmer, tii.s agent, was ...


... PETTY SESiSIONS. r. DuNoAtNoNz.-Theae sessions were held yester. *e day, before Hunt W. Chambre, Esq., J.P. (chair. m man) ; Robert Newton, Esq., J.P.; Won. Wilson, Esq., JIp.; James Browne, Esq., J.P.; Col. Dean _ ann, J.P.; Michael Shields, Esq., J.P.; and C. H. r- ltEiyne, Esq., 11,31. Ur. Simcrnus made an appli. ,0 catiou to present a memiorial, extensi vely signed by re the inhabitants of ...


... LTYROAN.-The bi-tnonthle meeting of this court was held in the Con. thoiose yesterday, before Vn. Liddell, Esq., JTP. (in the chir-); C. E. 13, l layne, Es., RA NI.; Dr. Adamson, J.lP.; and JTosteo Murphy, Esq., T.P. a1r. Thomaq Loutton, cxiecu- tive sanlitary oflic r, Lurgan, broight a Sum11ons agdainst Mr. Arthur Donnelly, for permittuin a nuisance to exist in Diaye's Conrt; agaiust Mrr. ...