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... There's nothing for it, Ethel, but to seud Carleton about his business; he is only half-hearted at best, and the tenants know it: nothing like firmness; you see, since I sent away the Irish servants, and brought over an English set, there has been no more threatening notices. There was a doubtful smile on the girl's face as she replied- Mr. Carleton is different from a servant, papa; he ...


... SHERBORNE HORSE AND HOUND I SHOW. I a - s -.1 , 1_ -__A - +11 The third annual show of horses, hounds, and cattlet an was held on Wednesday and Thursday, and brought be together a representative gathering from the Western th Counties. The show was held, as usual, in the Home ha Meadow of the Castle Yard. The first day's poograoene an was entirely confined to horses, and the second day to the ...


... LITERARY AND OTHER NO M13 I Boks IV,, V, VI, of 'Glenaveoil, Lord Iyttou'e newpoew, will be published simultaneously about the middle or end of July. The work will theu be complete, reed will be iasued In two volumes ae well as IG separate partE, Readers of Mhe recent fMemoirs will be Interested to learn that Messes. Wacuillan and Go. have to the press, and will shortly publish. a volume ...


... I GRAND O1O0EBT AT TElIl INVANTIONS EXHlIBITION. It barmonlied with the fitness of things that, In con oeotion with the historical concerts, aud following the illustrations of ancient ?? at the International Inventions Exhibition, the Bristol Midrigal Siolety shonid be ?? by the council and the Miusical Com. mittee to give, at the Royal Albert Hall, reNtordsy, an exposition of the English and ...


... By ISA BELLELBY. Anthor of Alargaret's Choice; Rich man, poor man, apothecary, thief etc. CHAPTER 1i. Hilton made sure of his visit to the Beeches text morning, for he went directly utter breakfast, but it was written in the book of fate that he should not obtain the permission he sought without yet more delay. Perhaps these delays should haive warned him that there was danger ahead. ...


... Dt8$6 ;, AND FASHION WIN PARIS. *`Tlle hoteet sessonr of the year is here, and if is time to be thinking of seasonable toilettes in fine batiste, fanco crepon, and the many other delicate fabrics in light shades, of which most charming costumes are composed. With these are wora coquettish chaussures of all descriptions, hats in many strange shapes, and parasols to correspond with the toilette. ...


... MOaIdIt POPULA~R OOHRTS SDtgTYg1 I . . . a . . s . - - 1-a An. 1ri .- 1 A general seeating of the members of the Monday I Popular Concerts Society was held yesterday afternoon in . the Grand Jury Room at the Gteildhall, under the presidency'of the Mayor (Mr Charles Wathen), and there was a very moderate attendance. - M Mr CAieRs MILLER, One of the honorary ssecretaries, Z read the annual ...


... The annual rose show and summer exhibition of plants siT and flowers in connection with the Torquay Horticultural rm Society wes held on Thursday, in the charming grounds C. I of Apsloy House, placed at the disposal of the committee by At the Rev. WV. Brocllesbury Davis. The roses shown c exceeded all expectations both for quantity and quality, and wereof rare excellence. The most successful ...


... TBEATRIOAL MEMS. an The American news states that all the papers of this Ole date contaiin prominent announcements and articles as as to the inte1ations of Mr Wilson Barrett to visit America. w. When he arrives, no matter what the date may be, he at can rest assured of a hearty reception, and the fairest a) rit oicism any actor could desire, Managers hera are Ialready sebeming to secure Mr ...


... By ISA BELLEtBBY. Author of Margaret's Choice; Rich man, poor man, apothoeary, thief ets. CHArTER IV. Seal, leave the poor child alone you know she can. not bear the eight of von. 'Do you went that fellow Hilton, to have her? Mrs. London gave a start. What do you mean ? 7 What I say. Do you wamt Geraldine to marry Hilton P Ah ! you thought I didn't know your little seeret ! A blind ...


... By 1SA, BEL1,rny-. Author of Alsrgaret's Choice; Rich man. poor man, apothecary, thief ele. CHAPTER XI. As Grim wont down the village to seek for someone to take her place a, the Beeches sie was overjoyed to meet Hilton who, she had understood, was at Muddleton. I must speak to you, sir w wiat has brought you back F I go backwvards and forwards every few days. What is it, Grim ? 'i ...


... - A SUMMER SONG. Oh, lovely sunbeams, through the meadows dancing, On golden pinions, all the live-long day, Kissing young leareE, on crystal etreamlets glancinw, Changing to living gold their silver spray ! j 'Wee ansourons elves, coquetting with the roses, Wooing the daisy in her grassy bed, TillI the shy flower ?? untlosesi Her dew-gemmed leaves, and blusches rosy red! Gilding gray rocks, ...