... I is a U' the A SUCCESSFUL GATRIE3NG. ..I Inot CL, ?? I her WEDNESDAY'S JUDGING. n into H thean [PRow OUR OWN RtEPoRTfl5J Ho at Although still in its infancy, if count be Wade aope by years alone, the Cardiff and South Wales Horse C her Show has gained for itself as prestige probably nor her prl ffotr second to no similar gathering in the provinces. Pa ire. Inaugurated but a few years ago, so ...


... IBIRMINGHAM 'HOUSEHOLD SUPPLY ASSOCtATION (LTIMTED). The eleventh annual meeting of the shareholders of fio Birmingham Household Supply Association (Limited) was held at the Queen's Hotel, yesterday morning, Gr. T. T Bloomer (chairman) presidel; and there wcre also present BlIQesr. J. 0. Lord, C. Faulkner, E. R. Pearce, R.Tilslev, Alderman Martineau (solicitor), T. Sloeombe (asditoi}, &c.-In ...


... PUIBLI AMUSEMENTS. > AL XA'RA THBATRE. jis Most readersof the late George Eliot's novel, Adam Bede., would hardly associte with that work the possibility of presenting its main iDCt- t dents in fitting: formn fog the Engitsh stage. This ,f work, certainl Ty not the easiest, has been essayed i. by Mir. Howell-Poole, and he has been wronder- rr fully successfnL. Elis dramatised version of cI ...


... KN OW There is not the slightest doubt (hot there 18r poseirity of rostoritoi aud beerlifyisir theiair. The groatest ehelirets tell re so, arnd emoderi prooe tie. boiri offered is Oiariy peep.retloos Thit h-e a0 iculu be oils of stipefior exclltesee airier . - fusese LUCY fv ho ad ieid eud the bese test of tba OSefir Ila erteese would be the tastier paiio-go scooited and ftul etloised rlosS. A ...


... 1 ORTH-EAST SOMMRSET AGRICULTURAL I I SHOW. The amnnul exhibition associated with this well.known sald Impostant district egricltural aaoolation was hold yesterday, st Fartinglon Gurney, on the ground of WFs E. f, nd C. Killer, The show in a migratory one, erd tie decision fo the committeoes to where it shall take place ia alwaya regaree6d with considerable Interest. Fiai!eigton Gurney, for ...


... THE CARL ROSM OPENR WEEK, MASSEI'NET'S MANON. We have already given a desoription of Goring Thomaae Nadeshda. The second novelty of the Carl Resa opera week will be Massenets Manon, to be produced for the firet time in Bristol on Wednesday evening, with Madame Marie Roze as the heroine, The action of the opera passes In 1721; the gayeas period in the very gay hietory of Freneh, end ...

Our Library Table

... -, q j_4~ib11a)I Zab1~ Gas aud Gas Wo7kt. By Samuel Hughes, C.E, and William Richards, C1, (London: Croaby Look. wood, and Co.) Boiler Makers' Asuelsitt, By Jobn Courtney, (Same publishers.) Tbese two volumes are valuable additions to the technical library published by Measrs Crosby, Lockwood, and Co. The treatice on Gas Wozke, their construc. lion and arrangement, and the manufaoture and ...


... THEATRIICAL GOSSIP. MeS JOHN WOOD and Mliss Marion Terry, who, we hope, are all the better for the well-deserved holiday they have been enjaying, will return to their original work isa 2Tcc Mopiefrol at the Court Theatre on Monday next. They may be sure of a cordial welcome. Mr Arthur Cecil made hia reappearance as rocket onl Thursday. hnady, October Sth, will bring the 200th night of Mr ...

Published: Saturday 26 September 1885
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5721 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... The first exhibition held under the auspices of the Argyllahire Cattle Show Society took place a yesterday at Tarbert. For some considerable time it had been felt that a show embracing tbe whole county might with advantage be held at Tarbert, and in March of the present year alargea and repre-t entative meeting of farmers and others was held, at which the matter was discussed and steps taken p ...


... ?? BRAT --b I T u RE. DOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. or DORE (1) has found an appreciative bio. heI the oultqet contempliting a simple %I ~ir sl) fnds jatil so abundant that hier labours asI ~ shi5~hor dolin a thick volnume. REe is placed fe ~re h ~ssti bythese contributions of his friends. ~hhtha fal sare of vanity which the aimiable d ~? 551eee~ h ousld hardly, if alive, accept s Ir~i,,ying tis ...


... CO.EDIES FROM A COUN'!VY-SIDE.!l* AIASHAM-DE-LA-POELE and. Startleigh, the, village centres of the country- side depicted by Mr. OutramTristram, appear to be reached by the South- Wrestern Railway, since the three guardians of Ctythia de la Poele return to Waterloo after their fateful visit to that original young person. But for this indication we should have 'been inclined mentally to ...


... By IsA BELLRRlBY. Author of 'Morgaret's Choice; Rioh man, poor man, apothecary, thief; ste. CHAPTER XXI. Poor Geraldine'e hopes were down at zero. When she found Aunt Jane was not only going to write to Hilton, but that Mrs. Cook had herself posted the letter, she had been eo happy in the prospect of immediate release that the hours dlew by like magic. But a day ortepo later Misse Habbert ...