... ART fIN A NVELSH' HoMb,ý As flustratin, of amome of the older fashioned ter it methods of inculcating a love of art in the home, a cornaondent ?? a furnished hiouse i hired at a LWOlWh seaside resort I found hanging over' the dining-room manteishelf a pail' of German print& respectively) entitled Des Jggers Hocbzeite Fest (Thel Hunter's Marriage) and Des 'ligers Leichenzug (The Hunter's ...


... 7ItIE DRAMA IN PARIS. (FROMt OURs OWN CORRESPONDENT.) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22.-By veering and- ,lealy from grave to gay, from the old-fashioned high fdlitnl of leos 11:-'es Repenties to the essenbially modern persiflage of MM131. Ferrier and Bocage's new coieilY, the Gymnase loss effected a particularly. wlcome evolution. For on the stage, as elsewhlere, mietl appears to be at a discount in Panes ...

Published: Saturday 24 October 1885
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3688 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THIEATRICAL MEMS. ' Olivia reached Its 100th night a. the Lyoeum last night, hues Ellen Terry has baan suffering from neural. Ria for some days, and her past has been played by Mias Winifred Emery, Miss Terry has now recovered. The Pink Pearl reached Its 100th night at the Prince's on Thurrday. The Candidate has recommenced his electoral ains. paiga at the tilterion, the Metropolitan ...


... TEm BRISTOL !USICAL F OgrVAe The opening day of the Fifth Triennial Bristol Muscal Festival has bon inaugurated witan, amount of success which it is hoped anger well ei h compiete sutccss of the meeting. The yesterday- Belshear -was probably a novty to, most of its hearers. It Was with mx. Ralw, thecm. adoctor of the Festival, the idea of prodncing tlis-Utt1. knowis work originated the ...


... | Vote to be ?? tleoltygl 21arried. This is a hand- book to marriage, written byB a Graduate in the b' University of Mlatrimrony, and published by T. t Fisher Unwin, 20, Paternoster-row. The Graduate miqlit appear by such a grim title to h beeynically disposed in reference to marriage. That this is not the case, however, is seen by a C glance at the Preface and on every page of the book. b ...


... I ner } Last year's annual exhibition was considered the era best that had been held at the Crystal Palace to that time, but there is a distinct advance, both as art re'ards numbers and quality, in the collection of at cats on view at Sydenbam on Tuesday and Wednes- me day. There are.484 oats, or 130 more thanin 1884, - which are divided into short-haired and long- haired groups, each ...


... THE, BADMINTON LIbRARY OF; SPORTS AND PASTII1MES*, , I 0 IT- was a happy thought on the part of the founders of this series of * sporting volumes (of which the one- before us is the text book on hunting) to propound from the pens of various undeniable authorities standard bodks of reference upon each of our leading British sports and pastimes. There are already divers independent works, manyof ...


... As already announced, the first B111 0010orrert of the season is fixed for Thesday, the 27th I instant. Great is the power of a vocalist with I a nme in br ing an audience together. Let nsahope that thoose 'who w-ill go to tbe Philhar- ?? Hall to hear Madame Albani will look uoon the performances, by tbe orchestra of endelasohn's Scotch Synphony and the Over- tures to Der Frcysllutz and ...


... THE LONDON TIIEATRES. Few changes have been made in theatrical programmes during the past week. At the ADELPsi Arrah-na- Pogue will this (Saturday) evening give place to a revival of The Colleen Bawn. Mr Williamson's comedy of Estranged has been added to the GAIETY playbill, which still includes the burlesque of The Vicar of Wide- awcakefield. On Thursday night Oar Ameeicana Cousin was ...

Published: Saturday 24 October 1885
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4388 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... FASHION AND VARIETIES THE COURT. The Queen went ?? ~ Bailnoral, 'atesday. The Qieen went out yeabefday morning, acconpanued by their `RoyaI lighnesses Prince and Princess Henry of Battenburg- In the afternoointhe '4ueen drove to th Cool6nei's Bed, Green Eye, accompanied lby their Royal High- nesses the Duchess of Connaught and Prince and Princess genry of Battenberg. PRESENTATION TO MADAME ...


... A romnantic etory jitst brought to Iiiilt, regirdiil the flight of thel 111th Dll,~)ra1ou:It thle b Chil .11 e.Neiti1ig g 'eat intf`res.t a ,1idol iid iers ill lldi'O. A1 lie cl~tjit le.ei .d ielt- u tlie order, - j'lti',esia utaid cantite '' wvhivl . cia etr~eat, ~I at niiic-r pr- ci re Ir' in a1 ft i-c ej l tedh l. i Ltile al r, iiili'' ~ AC;ll'.C fromt a itai h 'gimeliet, whom, ...


... We have received from Mr. T. Fisher Unwir, 26 Paternoster-row, A Roll of Golden Thoughes foL the Year. They aro selected from the bestwriters, both ancient and modern, and it is desired that one should bo learned each day. This roll of a book has a riband arrangement for haaging it over one's bed Lnokingfor the thought appointed for we fin. this one from earces Aurelius- Every man i ...