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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... I Wing Gordon Onmming's new book, Wanderings in China, Is now ln ths press, and will be published by Messrs Blaokwood, The book contsins a loll acconut ol Miss Gordon Cumminge travels while in China, and Will be illustrated with ?? of her most ?? sketches. Mias Gordon Camnmiog Was fortunate enough to obtain numerous latrodnctions to native socioty, and thus to become more famlliarly ...


... BRISTOL MUSIRAL F&A'IVAL. THIRD DAY, di It the Festival Committee bai any hesitation In ven. turiag on such an Innovation Am the production ot Jauet at a mornilg performance of the Festival pi weeki It mmec have altogether vanished at the eight l Pi tbe thronged hall yesterday morning, and the eagernels es displayed to eoure good seate to hear Berloz's work. The 1 attendano, won ote of sbe ...

Our Library Table

... im, I 7. m OR sixalig I gahiq* 3popidlar Counta Histories -Zrofolk. By Walter Rye (London : wlliot Stock.) fr.B .'rRe The task Of writing a history of Norfolk could not have teen entruted to better bands thbn those of Ur Walter yer whose renown as an accomplished antiquabrilin is not con1neA to his own r ciinty, and lbe has produced a Msewi interesting bcok, of which it is not too much to say ...


... Ito After the lapse of a year the show of the T~unton Poultry, mogon, Cage Bird and Rabbit &saloolaitlon, wae Iheld In the Corn Exchange and Victoria Rooms yeator. 2 day1 when the committee were fortunate to secare A good 3 entry,. totwithstaindling the fact that four or five othit lo shows were held an the isame day In various parts of the St kingdom. The ?? was formally opened by U~r 0, C. L ...


... I - lie BERLIOZ'S DR&M&TIO LUEGHD FAUdr. The dramatic legend, Berlioz's grand Irsepira h IIon, drawn from Goethe's Fauust will be the ve novelty at the Thursday morning's performance during LI. the week of the Bristol Festival, Before ?? some eccount of this Important composition It may be men. tiored as matter for congratulation that It will be intro. 511 duced to a Brietol audience under ...


... [SECO10 NOTICEJ There is a good deal of solid reading in the onrrent 'number of Time. The second instalment of Stepmiak's articles on the Russian Storm Cloud, throws farther light on the struggle that is being waged in the Czar's dominions against the power of autocracy. The progress of the revolutionary propsganda amongst the workmen in towns is exultantly noted, and the writer hopes that ...


... MANON AT THE PRINCE'S THEATRE, Novelty was the attraction which drew a crowded m house at the Prince's Theatre last might-lhb novelty of wu. bearing for the first time In Bristol Jules Massenst's new re opera, Mannon, and the added oharm of seeing a great w snd popular lyrlo artiste lire Marie Roze hI yet DI another charaoter, pourtraylog with all the energy ,nd ar enthsslearm of ber nature ...


... I FIRST DAY'S PERFORMANCES, 09itig to the heit and turmoil cf Parliamentary election and other causes, the great maidoal ?? judging from the Birmingham gathering, arehavlg a rather hard time of it this year, The receipts at the great Midland Festival wore £1500 behind thoee of the previous year, though that meeting wat held nearly a month before the election struggles commenced. The BEistol ...


... I LITERARY A.ND OTHER NOTES. | The now volume which Men3rS Macmillan and Co. will publish for Lord Tennyson early in December will Lo ConBist almost entirely of new poems, several of them of Sa considerable length. The moot important are Tiresiaos ml with a dedicatory epistle to the late Mr Edward Flitz MI gerald The Ancient Mystic ; The Wfsokr ; To. fin morrow, a poem in Irish ...


... MOTHS, Although not new to Bristol audiences, Ur H, Hamil. lon's adaptation of Ould'es ?? and widely road novel was produced for the first time at King street last night, and unquestionably It 1s, of Ito class, the most Important engagement which has been made for the old house under the present management. This doef not imply that It Is the strongest attraction for habitots of the place, who ...


... TIHEATRE ROYAL. One of the Most sali1faotorY engagements whibh the tk ti: marnagement of this theatre hos made for some time past ti is that of the present week, and the public, recoguising In the merits of a really good entertainment, were present ?? night In much larger numbers than have been their xq Rout of late, in fact there was an exceptionally good house, Mies Nellie Farren, an ...


... somre AGRICULTURAL STOW. I ti i In invnngetion wlth thi Fcavn i IO ?? exhihi'ia n~ction wlth the Fromi I srit Aicotur ScptYltooy k pl909 yesterday, and I Proved gest i ll all diparktments P . cticaily 1 ?? DatialR useti,, for cheese and butter, boraer' , cpernle Y ?? implemnents, but remembering I cbttleo nd tsld e hlhii the arrangements waec fairly, ?? ol ,amt lhe earlymorning weather , got ...