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Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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Art and Literature

... el?lvt. Ana 'Wittraturr. -0- The Official Baronage of England, by Mr James ?? Doyle, which baa long been expected, is now announced for immediate publication by Messrs Longmans. Messrs Bell are about to publish Letters and Letter- writers of the Eighteenth Ceutury, comprising select letters of Swift and Pope, edited with notes by Ur Hroward Williams. Amongst the new matter which the ...

Extracts from New Books

... ('Stv'sa. frona TOW goohjo A vOi-EL POSrAL SmRvcIt.-The native pastors on most O~t the islands--ying about 60 miles apart-of the Ellice Group ct-r eir with each other by means of the frigate. bird. The note is concealed in a bit of reed and tied to on of the wings. In the olden times pearl fish-hookks were in this wi; sear from one islatnd to another. During acyclone the frigate-hird flies so ...


... IN MEMOREAM. Vw. tl TAtLBOT LOWRY. N. V. Y. P.. hlLLED .AT CItT KMHG, CREErk, I(a\AIes.| in memosry of my e-e mraeie le-.ld I v'eulul indite a ?? ?? As iereenae-h as yeipel estf reX', 3nt Caledeenj's feudlal deLy.| }'et sure it is oet sad, i we-t, Tha~t in the maddten ing: vhir1 *-ci fiht, Irtil t,:.hinitg qtrerl and! ringerz s heet i 3i ne hle ierit tco/k etc tlieght. Fo, rathe-r than a ...


... ALL RIGH{TS BREBVE.D IN ThE KING'S SERVICE. A NOVEL. DBY 31118 HIIBEERT OwAuu AuFoiS*Sa OS' 'mX KING OF BATE. LIFE'S tSEVEWG AuEa, lEEI WATER Tow-an ?? His Usaweat WitS, FaisEND ELLWOOD, &C. CUAPTERW XLL-TRUJE BLUE. In the early days of October in the year of which wea are weriting, a stranger passing throutgh York mig/ht have mar- relled at the stir and ex citement andl cven uproar ...

Art and Literature

... ,Svt AAA 'Tittvatim. ~-0- Messrs Cassell and Company have arranged to publish Thackeray's 'Yellow Plush Papers, Major Gahaj an, and 'Fatal Boots, as a volume ce their Red Library. Mr IL L. Stevenson's romance, Prince Otto, which has now nearly reached its end in Longmna's Magazine, will be published forthwith in a single volume, and ats cheap price. Steps are now being taken with a ...


... Dear 'ror.-Aw'sr miserable aboult the werather: wor ronqtantly b;euin' storn Warr/ils.' senxt e frighuten us out e' ar writis. 'The north croe's up bore, the sou~th cone's up tbere, next tbie bycl *¾irum's hoisted, aw declaire rne, anl' mnaw wife can Lot no peace; We're elviay s in a statsd u' twritters wi' thor etarnal proferyin'. V Geordie, lad, aw'm glad yor coirn, -Aw'm snre aw'ni nearly ...

Extracts from New Books

... AN ANCIENT FREZ TRADER AND LinER~nNT 3i 1- Evrerywh~ere the splendour of the ruiga of Jastiniau-aal there wras splendour and an appearance ot prosperity abon;i it-wras obtained by living upou tE8 cipitalt of the countrr. Everywrhere, by his fisca~l oppression, as well as by his ,ceru securing attempts to produce relieroes coufarmnuty, h' wis prepariog the provinces of the lfiat., plte, emacus: ...


... ALL EIGHTS ?FSERVEfl? IN THE KIN~G'S SERVICE. A NoveL, BY MRS HIBBERtJWARE! AirwonESS OF TEEz KxSo OF Ba'rn nLIFWE'S SEVEN AGb Tiet WATEZh TowxE ; Hlis DzaREsT WS, F;RIED ELL.1oOD, Arc. CHAPTEiR XXXIX,.- MY GROOD R@EPTILE. The Vicar of Fulford and Colonel Faulkner with, Sir Nenelaus Martinet Were standing at the window of the former gentleman's dining snowr commenting on the ...

Art and Literature

... ?nd ?itex?dure, Baron Hfubuer's new book, Through the British Emnpire, will he out before lon g. M~r Hunter Bl~air is reading the proof sheets of the 'Charters of Crorasragnrel Abbey,' whbich will shortly be I publis hed by Mir David Douglas of Edinburgh. The late Earl of Shafreabtusy wias engaged, during the lest year of his life, in supervising a bistoiy of his life and work, which is ...

Extracts from New Books

... ?ew ? TE a LATE Quaint og MADAGASOALR-Fromz all accounts the profession of Christisnity by the Queen wras sincere, and not adopted only from motives of policy; whilst her religion did not consist in the mere external ceremony, for abe acted up to her creed by the performanoe of constant deeds of charity and mercy. She toek a n active pertonal share of labour in the distribution of medicine and ...


... ALL h .Lt- K .: :,T ?? IN THE hi v IS , J A CEtwi(,. I Arnr~rsn~ ?? int ?? ?? 'XF,rrrs SEVEN' sOC, THEi 'A Al Ei ±1 ?? ills DEAtsii.`: sits twili;,lit shed nit I t Nt.- x:e kilp-pi, ?? Vit~-t thec little ?? 3. r-_ ¾ Ar i(Ossq, sp~ears at a window overloitku w - tne twrjok -h bwlt hi en re-iAdirig, arid -. ' .: nni fo:,ei~tl i . f- ~ 1!-, -j- flin~vr rncds Tile ua,,brai uin -. . . f imau ILI ...