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Extracts from New Books

... ?ew ? TE a LATE Quaint og MADAGASOALR-Fromz all accounts the profession of Christisnity by the Queen wras sincere, and not adopted only from motives of policy; whilst her religion did not consist in the mere external ceremony, for abe acted up to her creed by the performanoe of constant deeds of charity and mercy. She toek a n active pertonal share of labour in the distribution of medicine and ...

Extracts from New Books

... ('Stv'sa. frona TOW goohjo A vOi-EL POSrAL SmRvcIt.-The native pastors on most O~t the islands--ying about 60 miles apart-of the Ellice Group ct-r eir with each other by means of the frigate. bird. The note is concealed in a bit of reed and tied to on of the wings. In the olden times pearl fish-hookks were in this wi; sear from one islatnd to another. During acyclone the frigate-hird flies so ...


... ALL h .Lt- K .: :,T ?? IN THE hi v IS , J A CEtwi(,. I Arnr~rsn~ ?? int ?? ?? 'XF,rrrs SEVEN' sOC, THEi 'A Al Ei ±1 ?? ills DEAtsii.`: sits twili;,lit shed nit I t Nt.- x:e kilp-pi, ?? Vit~-t thec little ?? 3. r-_ ¾ Ar i(Ossq, sp~ears at a window overloitku w - tne twrjok -h bwlt hi en re-iAdirig, arid -. ' .: nni fo:,ei~tl i . f- ~ 1!-, -j- flin~vr rncds Tile ua,,brai uin -. . . f imau ILI ...


... ALL GHTS RBSERVEn. EMUNINE 'ASHIONS AND F'ANCIES By A LAm.Y Seeing the unlimited fancy for bead decoration which prevails just nowr, I am reminded of the saying of a certain German author of much repute, who, commenting on the subject of bead decoration. remarked that the purer the race the less the fondness for beads. We have developed s liking for them hardly less keen than that displayed ...


... ALL ]UCGiTS flIERXIVD. IN THE KING'S SERVTICE. A N'OVEL. DY MEW BIBBERT.WARI, Asns'.oieaas Os' T'5k KING 05' BATH,' LIFE'S Slcvsee Wagan Toss siq firs Dsaa??gr FIIIENI) Eti.WObh, &c, CHAPTER XLK-F.PC. York had subsided into the usual c'ilm and dignified quiet of a cathedral city for the eitcrinn seas over, arid Josh Martin, to the great joy of himself and his friends, could now write the ...

Extracts From New Books

... cf.'at fi hong AlU ~pAw LAMAN BLANCHAnM-I question Sir Bulwer Lytton's statement about Blanchard-viz., that he would have been likely to produce with leisure, and under favourable circaw- stances, a work of the highest class. I think his education and habits, his quick easy manner, his sparkling hidden fan, constant tenderness, and brilliant good-hamour were best employed as they were. At any ...


... ALL RAGHTS RESERVMD. BY A LADY. Iv I dIO ?? how my friends have fared in trc country. k Sr Here in London I rneverexperrenced more depressing weather W -fogs and rain alternately, and no more light than, to quote 0 George Elio,, might be foeud in a well-cou-trucred chimney. 'I heard an acquaintance telling a h-umorous b story anent the dense fa~g which prevailed last week. A Y builder's ...

Extracts from New Books

... Tas WHIrs ANT IN TElE SuunAes.-Althonzh the white ante a re so annaoying thatliardly any thing is proof against their attacks, they are a great blessing in tropical climes, their office being, in the economy of nature in these hot countries, to hasten the decomposition of the woody and decaying parts of vegetation, which, without their In tervention, would render these regions uninhabitable by ...


... DARLINGTON AND TIII4 ROYAL SHOW. ?? - - .. - q Yesterday, a special meeting of the Darlinqtou, El Town Council was held-the Mayor (Ciouncillor it J. B. Hodgkin) presiding-for the purpose of e receiving a report of the Royal Agricultural Show Committee. The committee reported that from inquiries made as to the extent of the hotel and other lodging accommodation available d to visitors within ...


... WHAT SMNALL THINGS MAY DO. The Fmnallest urust may save a human life: 'Te sumllest act m=y lead to burnan strife; ]hLe eaatl~cst tiidh may rause the body pain; 'I'le Sl inlvst spark may hre a field of grain; Tne 'mallest ded1 may tell the tnrly brave- 'The Fnaleiti skill way serve a life to save; 'I he .alsm'est drop tliw thirsty way relieve Tyhe .di:, ?? sck may make a heart to grieve. 1\ ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... ALL RIGHTS R?ERVED. with ? LBr PHYLLIS BROWNE, Author of A Yz^B'e CooKERY, and THEZ Gnar's Co'snss Boos. Now for a few convenient, easily prepared breakfast dishes:d- Sardines are very excellent for breakfast, and they are much approved, especially if they cant be obtained small. For the sake of a little change they may be served on toast thus :-Sikin and bone three or tour sardines and ...


... ALL RIHUG RanXD Ex OTYIDA, AuTBOR VF Foes, 4Ussonr TW~O P'LAOS, *'Ansvru,o Snu1si, IN A WreTER CITY, &C, 'ta, &C., CHAPTER X:T, t7 R~osselim did not see his wasy tvipre'rent what annoted him. The duke, with the hyele over his arm, walked beside her over the pasture; th'ee rotes of the Bridee had ceased; fthe hunt had passed onward weatwazd5 wvhere Dainpierre was Bdrhune spoke to her ...