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Extracts from New Books

... ?? ,4 nyt 4Wlrw g .too Tsnz PANJAB PEAsANT.-The average villager one meets in the Panjab and Neorhern India is at heart neither a Mlobammedan, nor a Hindoo, nor a Sikh, nor of any other religion, as such is understood by its orthodox-or, to speak more correctly, authorised - exponents, but that his religion is a confused, unthinking worship of things held to be holy, whether men or places ; ...


... 0N A BARRICADE. Upon a !iarricade, across the Rtreet4, 'Where ?? ot criminal and hero meets, Ta en with the men, a chi;d of twelve or ls55! Were nou nneof therm-you?' Thelxby sad.: Yes. Well,'said the officer, *Then you'll be shot; Wait foryour turn. The chill saw ott the spot All his companions 'ne4th the wall fall low. To the officer he cried: ' Sir, let me go. And take this watch to ...


... ALL RIGHTS R&ISERVED, BY A LADY. I saw a pretty wedd-ing last week, and I thougIht. the gowns worn by the bride and her leails vwere channring The wedding drets was of ?? -ilk edged with browvn fur -sable I fancy. The bridemirids' gownns of pink silk were also trimmed wiitl fur, and all the bridal party, including the bride, wore very long far bsas, knotted under the chin, the ends in front ...


... ALL RIGHTS RFSERVED. 0fQT HMAR. BY QIJIDA, ADrTiIot or PuCK, tt'ieRm Two Fi.xoS,' ATIiADNE, NAL, 'IN A *VINTER CiTy, &C., &C., &C. CHAPTER LXIT. Ti.c grfat Easter fetes at Amy.'t were successful with all tlot brilliance of decoration and novelty of wit for which their mis-tress Was famous to all Europe. The weather was rnill, the gue sts were harrnsuious. tze princes and ehtir cons: ...

Extracts from New Books

... lestvab fromg-rw @£3j |RESULL OF ABOLISHNG FLOGGING.-Whel visiting the wounded, I found one of these wretched me;, who should have been nurdng his bleeding domrades, hopelessly and noisily drunr. I was very wroth, andlonged for a return of the days when a man could be traced up anu given four dozen lashes. All I could do was to have the brute tied up to a tree in the ?? Korti to Ehartoum, by ...


... t L'LTP ASK NY-ITERE RADIANT SUMMER i FLTES. ?? the late WM. VALENTINE 1)ODswonRr) ::ve'er ashi vhe~e r::di ant suultrmtr f!is, Wshen wiutry temncem.'t ci' u.A tne skies; tnwarh'd the sh- fns minytl dep.rt. Fti oVIE imakte s ?? er i: [ly h1iart. A:c nla, unst wbhere thie (uJ11tbCC ?? f'dea is 3tii-'tr's horn :1:: rvc; Ios-s en(l sunlight far r'a,-e bribtt In thy sweet lace for nr.' nni-e ...

Art and Literature

... m 1 3ayt an LWitgrture. Mr John C. Francis is engaged upon a life of ais father, the publisher of The AVthewum. The London Literary Society is offering proof slips of three volume novels by talented authors, previous to publica- tion in book form, at the rate of sixpence per column. A selection of the late Lord O'Hagan's speeches, as revised by himself, will very shortly be published by Messrs ...

Chats with Housekeepers

... ALL RIGHTS REPSRV3ID. what}A vt~ ' t4. By PHYLLIS BIIOWNE, litt Anther of A Ynxszs COOXERY,'1 and Tae GlhL'S i s COOKERY LOOs.its -Now that Christmas is ajprca-chiri;, and the rinds oP It it he(usekeepers are alumost sure to he en bouspitaie thou)ghts. ?? intent, I propose to give a lies; of dishe~s suitdibe fee a pjorvma or hall s~upper, and from which choice can be inside by t~ioss, ...


... As a ligbt wind will make the ripplea rise Upon the bosom of &orme ailvery Jake, Bidinz the mirrored image ot the skiem- 9o little tbings may cause foud hearts to break Across the calm Fea of two lives that loved There came a Vwind. se, gentle at the first The riprle on the waters sczrcely muovel - But ere it ceased the bojol that held them burit. Nos., D1. J. II S. ...


... I CHRIISTMAS FAT' 1STOCK i II I S~ il~. ff fi;,S Zi M- I vv ,. I ?? r - tli. Yesterday, a capital prize %xhitition and sale W of fat and 4tore cattle,-dtirY 'us, sheep. and do pigs. was held' in -the Fairhetd Anction Mart, pa Darlington. The beasts' shown were -for the ljr ITos^t Prt of high quality, and ihl splendid con- th dition, tt price- ?? still rqled at the low uit everage current ...


... A\L EIGHTS R;'SER£VrD. AUGUGSTA RAYNE'S AMBITION, I~ By 3. Ml. S.G UNKN, SEC.RET,` I s M E Btions's TALES, &kc. PAPRT SECONDc-CHAPTER W. VeO-ing events cattershadows liefore. -Campbell. Luncheon. was served in the small dining, room of Castle 'h~e hicl 'was a kind of theatrical liet]], where crusaders zaxd knighit ternplars etilld have sUptped. Sir Hugh dined in Silence 'and gloom; the ...


... Withont a peri-plhratic word, But decurtatior, lv, Pennir a p',lyirathic bard To Fing the eyes of SdUy. Her %trarnental, faruind orbs TIniignoriate all fanci.R, And fcil6ation olie absorbs Fnm loveig hally's glante-s. N lippitude in them app-ars, Of etrnhi-rn not a t -ken,: They inclat-e like winter tikr', fir glaxs when it is broken. But whvy coacervato her praise With such nugacious jingle? ...