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Advertisements & Notices

... Jk' ,,JAi ire c'. vi)44':v 4'l fiii nti4;44 h -- 1 4it, . 41.00D £i'41i J. i C !.L C! ct l I- 1. v.:W ii- I 5f r~ w , I 1) r N.. U.-'titl' u ht -L L I 1 I4I '414A ft ::r-'44451' 244.2 , .'Kcw-L4.IA '154 4 G 4(4 l8 I 111:) i ! * 1~'' 1~~-i ~ _ ,.i LifIf oe-P i sWU i 0.-. ' 14'. )('4, 4 ,?: 'ie -il4j1 4(444 tsr, 4t ii, IVliItE141.l Te~r4''-. 14444 &'d I fitA4444T15)4Q.) ; )J' ' '1( ,1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtnTIONS. SPECiAL. SELECT SALE OP NEOALY NEW HOUSEHOLD r pely removed ?? road, and various city residences). Cottage and square Pianofortes 14-day marble and orm ala time pieces, 3 very handsome crystal gasaherS, Ormolu and bronze do, t Superior S-day bl clock, Gilt and ebonised matelpiece, Oil nan Miros Oil SamntingS eos, biscuit china figures, ?? Table and sideboard lamps; Sma1l lot new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BO'T 1.000 In 31emoriail Cairds to select froi; * rii the newest dosign_ in Irish and Frenchpatterns. :.-i tcrdeds pr.nted aid sant pr return post.; simtple cft, co tzairitm-pazterns and prices post tree onappli- at; .- rgesr, cneapest, atid newest assortment 01 rr a.dan Dublyn. Lons lrothers. ateofi Eaton's, .._C h E i Graftosn street. Dublin. LL 1rliiexa] I.fquvsties at ?? strect Zle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* C, I) ? Al Al' l *UA J~j . A fRA)A!t 'i ' ' '.' ',' V ',. 'V- DU I' ' E 1'' C . ' 1 / TP O 'V ' J ' I 0 [ N II, .- : ) 9ri-)g'r'T prtJ-ll:;gtttTvl' evY~ x '\ :I C THIN E AN -- ; 1) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ;'- - - . - -. . ., . .- .. l V i V; 1) i1 P /--. 'I YO' P1 J rlt) OJ' g. '.PLU'-U 'U L ENU.(NA ANI) I -, 1r0 ''F ' Y ,', \ f AA N N UJ A L. ~ A.!.~I ': 1:~i~ AMi FO ITL WMINU~~~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOYICES. .A AI T Y TRE A TR E.1 - THIS EVEINiIG (Friday), Jan Isa (At 730) The Grand Christmas `PantondUime, DI¢K. WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT. C Another Gaietf' Succels. I'LIGTONX Another` Gaietyl Succes. DICK j Tremendous EntIrosiasn. SVlIITTINGTON Tremendous EnthIsiasm. DAY TO-2IORROW (Saturday), PEBFO : MANCE Jan 2nd (at I S34 Prices as nsual-;d to Se; i.ox Olice at Csamer'6. Speial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 171 i 13FI 1(~'(1 O h (71.).,II I , 3J7111 i'333 1''13(lift 113..1.4' IN ' 1'~ Itor (i!iIC \7.'31733)S ('1½ I 0 'kn .111 w 1'333171'~;. v.1' o 1, plote lmd11' I l'7I I (ff11 II' .rflv3- ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOEVTAM.TS )'ACANT. OP TEII; wvanted for Grooerv and Provision business i ro; Boy, mnust knOV how to dsriv~e and care horse; s per week. Addresswith reerences, 9992, Freemau PRINTING; wanted a Turnover at; Case; one with tw o . or three years preferred.. Apply between 11 and I s2 Y'clocXk, a 6 Bachelor's walk. ' p9988r! Lb TROVISION Trade; wanted cn activeuindustnous Yotv ing who fully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 * . . . . C. .3 .s . I m .N' 71 Ii' 5. 5. 1 i '.5 Il'S - '1*'I'?? 5 Ills! * . ?.' , , . js }.ssIs 5. 5. *.5'I1'( '.' s 3?r Sr 16.0;1 i i - - nanauamflflgfl~~~~~~~~~~~~ad; r NYI P. I 1t ( I :9-9S th'x \,1 .K'9L9A;, 1( V'I. STO Tr 99';p '9')99'99,9y.'9999 ri't9'; 9 9''r';''' (.T9' 6I voi .99 9'1,~ '99 E'P -x ~' 1 .i 9 9 niv, ¼ '-,9)9' us~~!' A8 vj) tlic( - r-9 \'P' N (9'lT R J Y - I Ilooll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. f BE LEITP ON LEASE1 FOR EVER, TL BtJLL1)IENG G:1ROU Nb un Nowtowtirds Road aidcl BI3 vsoli Strcet; t1 o ael ;rner of Albert Bridge Road nid Nc-v oiiwuitdt iRoad. Apply it thU .Nus-7.,'toerOIlice: to D.FKEDK. SPIlLER. Jr., Solicitor, SI). High Street; or, J. FRltASEtE, Civil I lgii-ier luid Aichitect, 11 5), V'iCtOliIL Slrect, BelfaLst. 31J30 Tr1101.17, ELET, OR I.N'J'REST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. C R5OOKB,Auctioneerahd Valuntor. begs to MLt . state thit he cntinurres tomakeliheralctasata I 'macesonFreehold -and Leauseholdlntere.sts in Larnds and Rouses, lntere.,ts in Grocery, Wine, and Spirit Estab- lishments, rnd on all kinds of Mlerchandise or Chattel Property that rsay be transferred or consigned to hint for bona fide Sale either by Public Auction or Private Treaty. There ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 K1 \_OTTA701 S, MI L, D. l.y 2oL..;nl Apponu'tu nt to Hl.R.. lhe Prince of A\ aloe. ].it0l FUNITNPALS. 1 id'L-VIlLI *' CO., lTndoertalhcr A I~o L i ir~ Propir' tne,, Supily Shrm!6d7. (o02ijll, al(I C'Voov horrcmiuite for : ,ue rals, ill rncw; re- ctrtlt flilrer, , ;;- . t; ;;. TO Q o , T A E )S. E T 0 1.22 T .THE P'A7- A A PAR, EIN'TER SALE. FLUrS, MANTTLES, DRESS AND MANTLE CLOTHS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVEIRTISERS. AN order of the Pi,st )Xflce states that letters addresecd to Initials or FictitiOUh JS lrcesivill OC stn to the D-i ...