... POETRY, II1E WEE, 'WEE COT. A BACHELORS SOLILOQUY. nherc is a place I love to be, Anid that place is my home, nssa l:;l is my felicity %\ hen from that place I roam. 1WYh)1n 1 u11 ?? from that dear saop I .i neve r at my case; Oh hoe, I love the wee, wee cot, 6urroulnded by the trees ! rhrb ro I can read my bits of books, And kdeep the rocking chair J o screatiiu babeo, no fussy cooks Nor ...


... JOKEIS AND JOKERS. very hntieymoon has a nrmn in it. I'Vomnai writes--Postoript. What is the best tea for a Christmas feast ? Cha ri(tea). The beat bees in tbe family hive. Beabel. The lasta go out at nighi. The candle. What the hatchet said when its handle was broken. Treemrend-us ? (Tremendous.) Tonimy Tacker is very glad Christmas is comting, as his aunt has told him Turkey -will then be ...


... BARD r- A A - -ag At Ml ?? 11 w- -- N- a ~- .LAL-- A Kr Wronielr's poem of Tireslas!' Is now In the bands of the prliter, and will ahortly be lleued by Messrs Geo, Bell and Some, It Is thus divided:-PartL, book I,* .Tereainsa; book ii., Chariolo and Pallas Athen%; book il., Terelsas ; book iv,, Ohaulolo and Tiredsia-Paft Ir., book 1,, Oharlolo, Tireslas, and the Birds; book iI,,. ...


... AS IF BY MAGICI TstF Ihidtelhall Revuiew contains the following. rc. letive to a diecovery of American origiu, which is just now causing considerable stir througboet Great Britain:- The same has such a direct bearing upon human happiness that it has beeo made the subject of considerable comment and iu vestigation on the parteof various newspapers. Ax itis claimed that by the discovery in ...


... THE ?L4GfA ZINJES. sECO:ND NOTICE. yleads nl with two articles on 73the al sit by ?? Reginald Brett and the2,, p- i The former seeks to prove, i aI'CartEY in the Con teniporary, that ki;o Jo. of stio can only be settled by Mr I[rish e. and nli in the sarne strain, .Mr that Parliamentary paralysis can jviziud by ajunction of Liberals sly best in the ?? of Commons. Vi4l 11 eemns to derive ...


... I EDITED BY A BARRISTER-AT-LAW, No. II. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Objections to the publication of banns are made to the incumbent; and to the issue of the ecclesiastical and superintendent legistrar's licenses by lodgina a caveat with the judge of the diocese or the superin- tendont. The judge or registrar-general decides Upon the objection. A marriage is not void if celebrated without banns or ...


... Are~s's JOURNAL. Translated by Mrs. Hor'mwrY WARD, InI ?? VOlS. [Londorn: Macmillan and Co.] Tho name of Amnidl is little known in England, nor caln it indeed he said to be familiar on the Continent. His personal history was uneveotful, ;Lld during his life he published almost nothing- nothling which attracted much attention, a fewv e- viewvs and small volumes of poems of no very special ...


... APRT AFTER DIXZER. .e~AT THE uymE akETC-fl~VG CVUlI. n Thefate of natiinst wrote Brillat Savaria, * depends upon how they are fed. Mr. BRakin s has said that a.pszmdy soil produces one-kind of . 4it, anda ylv ai£1 a9 totlly diffe-enP aitia style. Two jer -go ,xt .C- es the Dekaof 31 ?? ertbhso a relan between a fgrea pls4pte's work and the din of hi4 ypi)V1L The ThulS described h4w, in.his ...


... s- L-Ds- L OPM- - SUINIAy OPENG OF ART 'GALLERIES, &c. i To T1g 3rDaT o TH ttMlOOL UM rS. Gentlemer,-Waiti-g for a response to the very Practical -and Sile article beaded Sunday Art 'iew of TWo Cities, which appeared in your issue f 2&±d in. has been in vain. Is it possible that At last ?? are sheathing the sword, feeling tbat the weight of the powerful arguments 8sed saist are too much for ...


... LITERAMY NOTES. Tbe Pictorial Warld is aboat to pass into the hands of a company formed to provide the additiona! funds requisite to enable the newspaper to be im- proved and to develope new features. The capital of the company is 60,000;,, divided into 40,0001. tea per cent. preference shares (now for sabscription), and 20,000?. deferred shares, which will be issued to the vendors in part ...


... ?? oUR oWN CORREOUqnD=.) PAEIS Monday. u Who sets the fashions ?' is a question oft-en asked h and not always answered. I once was bold enough to it make the inquiry of a fashionable dressmaker, and o redeived the rather unexpected reply, We do. 9 Tis cart only be said to be true with. a hualifloation. Lt Dressmakers, maanufaaturere, and a few leaders of to fashion must settle the matter ...


... if We are not surprised that s a second edition hbs ,y been called for :of the Orient Line Guside (Sampson Lowj 188, Fleet-street)( for it is foii of the informa to tioupeople require in these days, when to go round Lg the world is becoming quite- the fashion. There id could not b :a:. better guide for tlee'voyage ?? e. England and America, for not to spealc of the many. ll maps, pl`aus, and ...