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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... IF I I. FAR O 3' AND VAiZm -- THE COURT. Tu: dy , , . . : . . O~Qbonza Teday H:ew)!ajesty Went out this morning ateded bythe Eoim aotia Stopio.d. THE- PRINCESS -OF WALS - -London,Tnesday nli - The Prineess of Wal~es~nt out foi a- diive this .after- noon. Ber ItoFial Highness 4ad uxnivn out ouli Lila befor sico her arrival frtom Saadringhas, w hen. she visited her Majest at Bucklagham Pala- ...


... FA|HIOX ANDI VARIETIES. I ' . I_ -- - THE COURT. TE '''Osborhe, Tuesday. ' The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon attended by V Lady WYaterpark. ae Colonel Nightingale, commanding the 93rd Argyll and w Sutherland Highlanders at Parkhrstrt, had the honoirs at of dining with the Queen and the Royal Family in the evening. Her majesty went out this morning attended by the a Hon Evelyn Paget. ly ...


... FA SHIOS AND VARIETIES. MARRIAGE OF MR. STUART WORTLEY, M.P., AND MISS MILLAIS. (By Freeman Special Wire.) London, Wednesday. The first martiage of note in the new year tco iplace this ?? by special licence at the parish church of Kensington, which is admirably adapted not only by its internal arrangemeuts for imarriages but owing to the considerable distance from the sate to the church door, ...


... THE COURT. F Bauckgham. Palace, Thursday. t Her Royal Highness the Princess of WaIew. Lwith Princess Louise of Wales visited t1he Queem yesterday afternoon. r The Marquis of Salisbury, } G, had an audience of Iher Majesty. THE LADY MAYORESS. 'The Lady Mayoress will be at home each Tuesday until further notice. Earl of Wicklow has left Kingstown for Englnd. . on Judge Murphy has left ...


... jEVI- E H ?? IERP'TS-1STRYT EIHOSPITAL- RAL.T. .! ?? '6 - - We ru2er and there has been1 ac co.silerable ?? t; of ei spetition for the contract to suipply e -;per tor the ball on- the 27th iust. - Most I :tshe principal caterers were invited to tender, 3!Ll the refreshment comuittee have no small :.fdir ul-y in deciding to whom it should Ie CeOl- ;.i 1. Ultimately 3Ir. MSie, of Merriou-raw, eb ...


... - FPA-SHIO-YAND VARETIES. ?? ~~ I- _. VICEILEGAL COur. RlEGUAIfONtS TO sE OBSERVED AT THE' VI(C:ERZ;AL . : COURT, DVncAS. . Noblemenand gentlemen who bare been rereired at !th Court of Dublin during any one of the last fou; I Vicroytaltics, those ofbhis KaxcDeney Earl Spencer, his i Grace the Dake of Abercorn, his Grace the Duke of 'Marlborougb, and his Excelency Etarl Cowper, will be n ...


... I UTEWATURE. 3RE HOUSE }!N THE RATH. By James xurphy. Dublin: Sealy, Bryers; W4 alker. 11 ' Mr. Murphy has written many - excelleiV Irki novels-works that in conception, Itbot, aid spirit are thoroughly racy of the soil. He inva- riably selects some stirring period of our history as the time of his tale; his characters arefre- quently hitoric, and intrwoven artistically with 1 a weft of ficton ...


... I . P?AsmoX AN 4IES. - ?? THE COURT. Time Queen droere out ycreterday afenico.o, ?? bY the Doswager Marcldoneas of hly. Her Mlaj0ety went out this riorilb.n wih Prill.. Bestric', i LIDA31E GEORGINA7 BUXRNS. Maasme Georgina Burns appeared in Liverprol W nigh, at the Cnurt Theatre for the fir.t time N 5ades1hcn to tbe 'areste Jaoc,-e of thre Catl Eosa Selao;~ scoring a triumphant success and ...


... FA- FASHION 4AKND VArRTIES. THE COURT. Osborne, Sunday. The Queen drove out yqterday afternoon attended by Lady Southampton and the Honourable Hoatia Stop ford. The Very Rev the Dean of Windsorarived at Osborne' and had the honour of dining with the Queen a the Royal family. Her Maesty and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princes Henry of Battenberg and the members of the Roysa household ...


... I PASHION AND YARETIES. Ron R Hamilton has left Kins own for England. Hon A Hamilton has eft Ejingstown for Engand. Colonel Heywood has left Kingstown for England Lady George Hamilton has left KingstownF for England. Lord Claud Hamilton, a P, has left Kings- town for Engluid. Lord Randolph Churchill, M P, has left Kingstown for England. Lord George Hamilton, M P, has left Kingstowu for England ...


... I MUW i - f of 4ulon# the in which &a n d mofey wimu e tiundr Wm ANW U34s - I veanber, 1861, of Was E11*h.etl Atm. Cetalasa, ~~-f he th6arinti of RuIon Education in Ir te a x-* {olb.:~the-n: et ohe-:plus 1 of my odd reid , i i 1 shall be iaplimd by. ane~tw tr iap A .is a- nir* tbse *x ton ans dt 3^oa f cal tletso dd y bh t i W . So= of ?? '' it 4 r. -; d3 th. 'ate ditigins 'mate, -rdmo ...


... 1 - , P8HId D AXV xTI *- I . _ - 4 THE PRISCE-SS OF WALES. t- ' X ?? I' -, Li,,jdned>g t !ba princess of -We.4 -alpeared WIMn ±ifo t. Btlnd to-day sins eher anfvd iu tedon fromn Ssdig- ham. .IestioyalE1ighness, 4ho loo1~tv~ry-0ale 'Sft r r; e h ate iniosdtoa and confinement to the hoa4, L1drove at X~~'i0:In A cdotaedr atgge. tg Blnckizdghaln ;rwsce to visit her Msty. Lady Burton has left ...