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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AI)VEIRTISEDIS. MA order of the Post )frce Rtases that letters addresed to Initials or Fictitio5us Nitmeswill be smstr to the Dead-Letter Office, D)ublini. Advertiserni Bhomuliooitlsequeutly, give their full aud prmper wittnes - hulif they desire tD rec lvo cuommnillciltioiis Lit a Poet Otira. Leritors can o c adressed to Initials at th'e Ni ?? a0O:iece, as 1teretoiore. 1' O N,, vto. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 BE LLt', ON LEAiSE FOR EVER, ] BUILDING GtOUNi. bn Nowtownarda Road and Bryson Street; also at orucr of Albert ' Bridge Road and Nowtownards Road. S Apply at the Nws.L]Xtter Offioe; to D. FltEDK. SPILLER, Jr., Solicitor, 29, Riigh Stree; cr, J3. FRASE11. Civil Engnecer and Atchitect, 115d, h Victoria Street, Belfnst. _208 ti r O LET, :11, lVELLESLEYN AVENUE, uear r . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. AN order of the Poet )fflce states that leoters addressed to Initials or Fictitious Names will be sent t ?? Otjice, Dublin. Advertisers t3houldconsequeutly, give their full aud 1iroper names whoui thev desire to reeefvwe ?? at v. P:ost Oflice. Letters can ho addtressed to Initial-s at the Naws.Li:nei; Offitce, ag heretofore. LOST:.' I 4EY LOST, os 5; ?? betveen t Antrim ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Bii!, LE}T OR SOLT). 13 BE L}El, ON FOR EIVT11t ro BT!TT DING GBOUNI, *. RItaol, wl BrysuI lti ect l.nso at :ormler of Albert Brid-- f11:e .d and'viovrdvs Jibid. A&py 1n the NS'wv- r!dlter O'oX to D. FlsT7ED. SPlLL. R, Jr.,, ?? High Street t or, J. ?? \ER Civil Engitneer aid Arctitecr, 1 5A, irortoil% S ?? BeifLAst. o,¶itl iTCENSEI) PIMER;.lS]:i in Hit~h Street, ex- L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. kILY SAXILINGS B3ETWEEN BELFEAST AkNI LIVE RPOOL. r' *a len 4ntcipi; Caloric, D~'1ieiimie, Voltaiaj, -,J-IVI'LlIl ly IAu0icr IL i.forsc cmi occiiur~nieo) aic, II iido Sail btctncII 1St)1 .aimd[vrpowt i~ cul at liri ilicd or otherd Ilit, at or11 ayfter tile MCcc trinoi'lt, Ill hjujr,:- lI'lui'S I:~ ?? (Daflcgall Quay). x1 NUAX711X 1, at, 7l, :2 Imil 4, lit ~i; 5 and' (i, at 9.): 7, 8. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTIOE;RS. AN order of the Poat )f5co states that letters addrsascd to raitials or FiotCtious Nameusvill be 5ent to the Dead-Letter Oiice, Dublin. Advertiserm should,conseqiltutly, give their full and proper iarnes v-hei tbev desire to reeiave colurnnii1oations at a Posit Office. Letters can be addressed to Tuitials at the .NI:ws-LLTrC: i One, as heretofore. LO]D)GING S. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. Dr-AILY S A1LINGS BETW1.IEN I3ELVAST -Ul AND LIVERPoo-L. ilk ?? fat Lt :ii1sitlV Ci,-t)lmliy'it. Lirntt.i-tn, First- ttk ron McI Itshtlips Catloic, iyn::nii, V'ilt'ajic, t a II t u 'ist or otl'cr ports,, at Caiter it a i~~ ?? a ?? u 0' :i IIl X.1 \1'3 U 'i it' i IAolti;~ t 1 n!T F-r!'ictl''V' roe0 Sailitig Ilille ad (bides, j~L~'L i) AA,.D SOOTLA.Nd). S 1-I I 'L tl T\WIV;LL D A ILY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMISERABLENE>2j3IiiSS. i Youir ti'it foxe-s :ro ?? you have a feel. ?? a, ii 'iii talc a :iiitie ahcteite, areeacilv jf.;tia,.t il:-iit ?? tie at it. rle' ?? oif breathII on ftttd .C l'i tJtI0O fPClel'n8 ,js - t ttv J Illilltt i 'on, v.u t stiff cring fln(III I' al et o t it-:Y or 1.titea in fit iI I Ave .tit a tillc of itlit ot 'ell'iet ?? tfu l lti,, r C:t:'li'4.;li ; IlettitC, , , .A:1all, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : l .. !1 , 1 ; ?? :) z ?? ?? t}, ?? - ?? i, ?? ,i ?? {, . ' ?? :. - ?? 1 i.:: ' . !N :LE. '12 I T., D . ?? . II, II. el- A to -. tI' II . I IC o CO' COT.TA.AFS Ue, M I LI). i ,!r .ol: r mitt tn l.1lII. t;ic Prinice o Vi alet . 226i ,4 1 lI'. i~l.i ,t ?? ITj lert 'tbn's I * 4. L I't ]f:r et'ropiietiis , X : i 61pty r i ?? .] ?? iu'F rl.e-itctabk'' iuntniltl't, ' ii., \Y ,hENS) CTREE T 1242 r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlDNEY INrORT. THEu OIJY MEDICINR [F1DNE 'QX J In either liqjuiil or Dry ii )NEiY \VORT. ii o ia tottlit Iathe bo!ne tiule (i11 lf-tle oT. TlFi lIVFl:. T4il 1I)NLY ANSi 1 Li. -, ui i, i i; ?? til~ ^e I,,! all- ti-lel I:Ufi Y'T1T i:,o.L , A; g O.i' r 01- ?? I ,)N EY 7 urT. : ie. bI Lti iti to il tIw: !I, ti-. H I)NEY ? !T I. lisori. ri, hicx- I1) N Y ALY 0sTCRT. xin i hi't '1,1 fUNK S I o 'I . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* C, I) ? Al Al' l *UA J~j . A ?? 'i ' ' ?? ?? V ?? ?? DU I' ' E ?? C . ' 1 / TP O 'V ' J ' I 0 [ N II, .- : ) 9ri-)g'r'T prtJ-ll:;gtttTvl' evY~ x ?? :I C THIN E AN -- ; 1) ?? - ?? - - . - -. . ., . .- .. l V i V; 1) i1 P ?? 'I YO' P1 J rlt) OJ' g. '.PLU'-U 'U L ENU.(NA ANI) I -, 1r0 ?? ' Y ?? \ f AA N N UJ A L. ~ ?? ?? 1:~i~ AMi FO ITL WMINU~~~ ~ ?? PU I Y2 'U I ~ L. u U AL A N Nm Al. S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' cc', n. ?? ?? c''a \1 'I ?? 1,lA G' S'IZIJ' '1 'UA . I( '.10 'A ?? 1/ 7A'a 7i. ?? Ac ' S IZ 2 ?? t 4 ?? ?? 1 rc ti C(It' ?? U r i 1l o j';0)1 :1 1 I(J/! 1 i ' ,.t :r. N Ft . ?? 1 1 J)s.,R . , 4 I ;1e0M - . I r ;r is S Q !^ ?? Eig! ?? A AE NO ?? ° 1' O I V ; PIING O u 1. 'IXfl~ESTOCK i-ATVLY R' DT CID PriTUIE D)ON12Z.AL P)LACE. , * ?? Li ?? Ziv o.+ M\. UNG' Cxi:) I0s,ijl -1 - - - - ?? - - - ...