... @ -W R eK u s RuBINSTEI N. -It is five years since NIL Rubinstein w. a England. He has now returned to us to give his series of ?? Historical Recitals. He will also play twice in the lrovnlce. and may possibly attend a reception to be held in 1i. 1ainot- Otherwise we believe the great pianist will, during his bries-tnd, it is said, his farewell-sojourn here, spend his time in privacy If, ...

Published: Saturday 22 May 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1392 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... l1 I |~ ?? . ?? WE have received a new volume of the series of English Worthies edited by Mr. Andrew Lang, Raleigh, by Mr. Edmund Gosse, M.A. (Longmans, Green, and Co.). The writer has brought to his task much and commendable judgment. He has also had at his disposal a great deal of new matter collected by the late Mr. Edward Edwards and the late Mr. James Augustus St. John, the more ...

Published: Saturday 11 September 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1774 | Page: Page 29 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ?? TI E OPERA.-The Carl Rosa enterprise at Drury Lane will close to night after an unusually brief term of four weeks. During that short period, however, twenty-eight representatipns have been given, a new opera by an Englishman has been produced, and, as the music performed has for the most part , been far removed from the hackneyed repertory, the work actually done has been of far greater ...

Published: Saturday 26 June 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1412 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

New Music

... MESSRS. FORSYTH BROTHERS.-The Widow of Nain, a sacred cantata for female voices, Composed by Frank f Sawy-r Mus. Doc., Oxon., just comes in time for the heads of coi1ged anil their pupils to commence studying it for the Christmas holiday breakings-up ; the libretto is well chosen, and the music of more than ordinary merit. Both are well worthy the attention of refinol young amateurs.- ...

Published: Saturday 17 April 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 671 | Page: Page 23 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I I THE opening of the juvenile fashion season was very pleasantly inaugurated by Madame C-, who invited her friends and clientle to an afternoon tea and private view of her new Paris models and artistic designs for children's dresses. From a host of dainty little garments for young folks, ran ng fr )m a few months' to some seven years old, we have selected a iew for description. There was a ...

Published: Saturday 06 November 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1678 | Page: Page 24, 25, 26, 27 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... 50, i!l; WMIX, VE Zq %\N THEAT MR. TIIEYRE SMITU'S comedietta, produced at the PRINCESS'S on Saturday evening with the title of Mfy Lord in Livery, is a decided success ; yet is not the sort of success which his admirers expected. Hitherto he has mostly relied on the play of wit and fancy and subtle self-portraiture, entrusted to a couple or so ol artistic performers. In his latest trile he ...

Published: Saturday 16 October 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1003 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... E EXBmITION AND) LOCAL CABOWNERS AND DRIVERS. : etzde af moen arepeeetai vedepntatinn2, eonsgewof W. T. Dawaon, John Morleir, W ANE D NdSambeSel Hiddleato, RaRited UpOO te AG k Caagee OT iHE ttce of tbe Copr Sa ?? -ne, Dal-tet and psectd th ifcig nmoato wi~ Wvere atache chot a thouad naturca CA u OO X OP 5 LIYKE.oOL COB. PORTIOI. The ?eepecthd Menwiai of Cab Propnebazz, Cb ;L ; , a delp and al ...


... I A meeting convened by the Mayor (Mr. Alder. man D. Radcliffe) was held on Saturday at the TowvHall, in order to make arrangements to en- able the Royal Horticultural Society to bold their annual show in Liverpool in June next. The Mayor presided, and there was a numerous attend- ance of gentlemen, while letters of apology.from others were read. His Woasmsp said that the society had never ...


... :} P~UBLIC AMUSERENTS. NEW SrA 3ffUS'flc A IA L Blessrs. Fineberg and Lees, tie proprietors of this place of amu-Senent, have engaged on f tehe strongest- O-npamies on rd for the present week, and, as a co squenoe, tbey t evn i tile presence of an audienie which ckowdL 0 hall to its utmorst extent, ' ?? engaged included Miss XNgy Fazr?. Mn J Fawn, Mr. W. J. Asheroft, the Pa Adse Parisian ...


... MUSICALNOTES. The members of the North-western Section of the National Sodely of Professional Muni- cians-how the addition of the capital letters M. N. W. S. N S. P. IL would adorn a name ! -meet in Liverpool on Saturday next, when attention will be invited to business of im. portance. At the dose of the meetng the followinvgcompositions for the pianoforte will be performed :-Caprioo in B ...


... IaTHE MAGAZINES FOR DCEMBEhjz. I IMt)ENVE6jD.1 The hagacve of Art (Cassells) for Decem- _ her has for its principal illustration a not very successful heliograph of Pandora's Box, after a portrait picture by hI. G. Jacquet.' The number opens with a paper by Charles Dekay1 v on The Movements in American Painting,' ' with a description of the Clarke collection in n New Y1rk, with ...


... Bangor Cathedral: Its Sistory, Bishops, Deans, OfficiaJ, SttUts4 and Library, Bangor i Evans Williams. The city of Bangor in respect of public buildings offers no great attraction to the archeologist or the antiquarian. but its cathedral is worth knowing for the history connected with It, and of this we have a pretty full as it certainly is a graphic account in the little book which Mr. Evans ...