... Should Sir George Macfarnen fini himsel unable to attend the distribution of the Rovai Aademy: certificates in St. George's lfal towards thecloseof next month, an effort should' be uado to obtain the presence of some gentle-, man of literary and musical distinction. Or former occasions of the kind, exhaustive addresses bearing upon the art to the cultivac tionof which the Academy is devoted, ...


... I THE COPORATION ANDI THE | FORTHCOMNaG BXIBrMON. In the minutes of the tmeetinrotbe Finance and E-state C(onmmittee of the Corporation held on Friday last, Mr. Alderman A. B. Forwood, MP., in the chair, occur the following:- Edge-lano Hall Estab~ , Liverool Exhibition, 1886. Read letter, dated 4th February, from Mr. I-. Sumners, as to the removal of wooden-shedding. Resolved-That, so far ...


... x .1 - IJVEftPOOL INTEXATONAfi EXHIBIIOL Liverpudians mnake short holidy -of Whitsan- ide and it was a pamdonsbs4igust with ?? many looked back upon theamday of the festival given up to pleasnre-seekig spoilt through the fickleness of the weather. The incessant raiD of Monday wassucceeded. yesterday by brilliantam- }hine, tempered by a fresh trlbreese. 'J-ogh business was generally resumed in ...


... I PUBLIC AUSEMENTS -, I IDiavolo, - I Trovtore, and la Soenambtir,' opera which are regardied with enca aori ?? esc: favour in. ac the scheme of the week at the b exad y o.rja stage is2 now occupied1 by a company organiwd by Mr. J. W. Turner, a singer the power and beauty of -vnh e voice base made him popular. Ther was a large attendance within the auditorium of the Mlexandra on Monday, ...


... BOOKS AND .EADERS. Mr. Peter Cowel, F.RRES, principal librarian of the Liverpool Free Librares, under the auspices of the Corporation, lectured last night, at the Rotunda Lecture Hall, on books and theirreaders. At the outset, Mr. Cowell said that people often talked with a feeling of regret of the good old times, and by repe gthe phrase came, possibly, to believe that the old tines were ...


... IFREE LIBRARY AM MUSEUMS. TO TEf EITOR OF THE LVDIOOL MM4CUZ, Gentlemen,-A correspondent in your paper of yesterday reminds us that 34 years have elapsed since the opening of this institution, and, notwith- standing the lapse of time, Sir James Picton occupies the chair, Mr. Moore retains his position as curator tor the museum, and Mr. Barger as keeper of the building. As a citizen of ...


... ITHE POSi OPERA SEASON. Distinctive as the first work designed by it' 1 auther for the lyric stage, Esmeraida' is an i opera strong indranatide contrast; and of the; many musical settings of plays based upor Victor Hugo's - Notre Dame, i iis not the least Bpicturesque. Nadeshda is more poctic, t but its romanticism is not so robust as r that of Esnmeralda.' Mr. Goring Thomas I is a ...


... Such portions of Mr. F. H. Cowen's overture as reached one's ear through the din of conver- sation carried on by 20,000 persons during the ceremony of opening the Exhibition on Tlues- day, create a thirst for more. If the pro- gramme of the first concert in the great music room at the eastern extremity of the nave be not yet completed, the overture might appro- priately be included in it. This ...


... HAIVERFOI')UWESL DOG SHOW. T;he third annual exhibition of dogs took place on Thursday at the Corn Mnrket, whien a verY large number ni' dogs of a very superior quality were exhibited. The judge wans1 Mr. ?? wonor, sehose decisions gave univermal satiqfaCtiOn. P~rIZE LIST. Foxhijifnds lst, Li.reneaut Colonel 0 fenry Leach. I St. leirnaro, Imstiff ar Nvewfoundlaiid 1st, MVr Josepi ovic . 2nl, ...


... ABERG2LVEQNY HORSE SHOW. It wil! be observed from an advertseme nt in our adv E rtisig columns that the Abe- gavenv Horse Sinow and Exhibition of Stotk ta!;es place on Thursday' the 16th inst. and that tlhe entries finally close Oa Tuesday next. W\e observe by the schedule that, in addition to tile pgazesoffer.ed inforiter years to exhibitors in the Lnited Kingdom, local prizzs for heavy and ...


... S-MITIIFI7I I) SETOW. is VISIT Oi IlE PRIXCE AND PRINCE:SS OF WA LES.J I'?1 -- 11e LOCAL PI'II: V WINNERS. .Tlue eighty-n lit aln nul caeittlesll ivhofvt Itilemith- ImideI Club, C1 IVIicI 5I- Cimi10 MP. is preestidemie er opened at tho A pircultur va-haill. Ilgton Cif 1Y Monday morning, the judger commencing work I citrily aftor nine. Ali tihe animals Lie ir gorod to ihet tip. the veterinarv ...


... R OYAL CAMB1RAN AC).CMXIIY OF I K i I S.*l A KtIS. ok- - - to T'11 1.2 1i LE C1N F 12(111 LItN A'T CAIRDIFF. Th' eli> oiit C tinblhri n Acitdety lie) d its tin noah2li tiI' Bmetling m1 hjliiidoildtit trod in on Situtirdilty Feb. inl 0. 6 Ille' chtair was;I riken by Air. CitircncO Wiutate, R,.WS, ie( previdow'nI, n iv report WAS read by~ the' for en seresiziai5 Mr. hiour~iir Ittinke. R.C.A. ...