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The American Salmon Fisherman

... . By Henry P. AVells. London Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivmgton. The author, well known by his book on Fly-rods and Fly- tackle, deals very fully and practically with the subject of salmon fishing in America. AVith a strong preference for the productions of his own country in the matter of rods and tackle, and ideas on one or two points of practice which will always be matter of ...


... MUSIC. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA.. THE vitality of that form of musical entertainment which-- including operatic works by the greatest Italian, French, and German composers, performed in the Italian language-- is known by the generic term of Italian opera, was signally demonstrated on Tuesday last, when the first of the twenty-four operatic performances announced by Signor Lago was given in ...


... . THE third series of these popular concerts closed on Saturday last, when an attractive programme was provided for the large audience that thronged the Connaught Hall of the Albert Palace, Mr. Reeves might have endangered the commercial success of his concert by confining his programme exclusively to the works of Weber-- for popular ballads are the chief attraction at the Albert Palace ...


... . HANDEL'S Messiah was performed last week at St James's Hall by this society, according to time-hallowed custom. The fearful weather had unfavourably affected the attendance of the musical public, and also the voices of Miss Eleanor Rees and Signor Foli, for both of whom apologies were made. Miss Florence Harrison took the place of Miss Rees, and acquitted herself fairly well under the ...


... . Tastes differ, and some folk are so fond of babies that they like seeing them even upon the stage. For our part we are heartily sick of these long-clothes characters of farcical comedy, and as there was not much to laugh at in Mr. Bouefield's Bachelor's Wives save the misadventures of a hapless infant, we found the fim of the piece very tedious indeed. The play was, however, very well ...


... . A VERY lew words may suffice to chronicle the appearance of yet a third representative of Tom Jones in the popular, albeit somewhat unworthy, version of Fielding's novel now running so prosperously at the Vaudeville. The first Tom was, it may be recollected, Mr. Charles Glenney the second was Mr. Charles Warner, whose robust and genial presence being needed elsewhere, has now been succeeded ...


... OUR CAPTIOUS CRITIC. CHRISTMAS-- WHERE SHALL WE TAKE THE BOYS WHERE shall we take our boys this Christmas? Spite of the consideration required for such matters of imperial and domestic policy as the plan of campaign and the third ap plication by the rate collector, the gathering war cloud in Europe and the bills for the Christmas quarter, the existing agricultural depression and the ...


... OUR CAPTIOUS CRITIC. ON SOME SUBURBAN PANTOMIMES. I must confess to feeling a little, a very little, doubtful as to my capacity for criticising pan tomime. Many years ago a friend of mine engaged upon the same journal as myself wrote one. lie was a dramatic critic, but lacked the assurance though enjoying the opportunity to do justice to his own produc tion. So it fell out that the task was ...


... . IT has been happily suggested that the word festival may fitly he employed in reference to the honours paid to Franz Liszt since his arrival in England. We have had interesting conceits at the Crystal Palace and elsewhere, and the latest Saturday and Monday Popular Concerts have been worthy of praise; but, for the time being, Liszt monopolises attention. His name overshadows all others, ...


... . IN the course of a prologue, which was circulated amongst the audience but was not spoken at the first presentation of the new play, Sophia, its author made an ad misericordiam appeal to his hearers-- And if, while tanking for our modern stage These forms and fashions of a vanished age, Our author trips and blunders, do not blame The dwarf, o'ersliadowed by the giant's fame. We cannot ...


... . Good audiences have been consistently attracted to the series of old comedy matinees at the Gaiety a series which is now, we believe, temporarily suspended. This week's performance was a repetition of She Stoops to Conquer, the noteworthy features of which have recently demanded favourable attention. Miss Kate Yaughan's Miss Hardcastle is more adequate than her Lydia Languish, which on the ...


... . WHEN MM. Greney-Dancourt and Valebrégue's Tro's Pour un Mari was produced at the Cluny Theatre, Paris, some two years since, it obtained a run of about 600 nights --a won derful one for the French stage. The fun was something more than suggestive, one scene especially in the course of a civil wedding being for more reasons than one wholly impossible, so far as representation in England ...