... J~AG-ZESFJ AJu{ ,e- t o- iv;R. Mallo-ck'.s n s l )aaal t Order Changes.. The veador cannot help iden-) 8 tifyi~ -at lt oae o .c;haradk in this serial 'w itl a eading -Elish- Democrat and prominent .0 ?? khe ate- G~overnment. Of course the s. fppilos~a~a author dr a caricature and not a ithfulportiitur but the distorted represen- |tation -a modified reprodlucotion of A-what has appeared in ...


... The New Yea: brings uo very decided decrees as to he fashion of the rsenainiug winter months; these go back Io their models to the 16th century, and all evening dreames, and thoae Intended for ceremonioun occasions of day wear, wiII be mnore or less close reproductionh of the toilettes of the Court of Francois Piremler, and the Venetian modes of the same period. We will endeavour to give to ...


... C - - A RUT 1d ESEXIBITION IN ABERDEEN. .d There was opened yesterday, in the premises 16l le Union Street5 Aberdeen. a very interesting display of- e the products of the soil of Canada, which will rather It astonish those who have not actually seen the; l luxuriant fruits of the earth that mayr be grown vitlha Y. the minimum of labour in that part of thle woric. j The exhibition is under the ...


... A TMILLING ROMANCE OF THE DAY the OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. 'unei had BY J. E. MIUDDOCK. coad CHAPTER V. affec 'THE SHADOW OF THE DEVIL.' retu -Rrnud bad not to wait long before Adrienne de an Bois returned. She bore the signet ring, of thepro Daulphiness, aid holding- it up before the men-at-arms, care she said- ance A'Behold the Queen's warrant. Now, then, permit this Dau gentleman to pass*' ...


... TEE GROSVENOR GALLERY, FIRST NOTICE. Of the five special exhibitions of the works of British masters with which in succeeding years Sir s Coutts Lindsay has regaled the picture-loving public, f it is no exaggeration to say that that of the presentI swear is by far the most complete, and. we shall be surprised if it does not prove also to be the most popular. There is something in the varying ...


... I iTE1nA.RY :,OThJA. Towwids the cud of this mnonth Wr.Murray will have ready for the public. 'A Glossary Of Peculiarfo Anglo-Indian Colloquial Words and Phrases, Etyano- dam logical, Historical, and Geographical, by. Colonel Cler Yule, C.I3., anul the late Dr. liurnall. This work, which claiv has been many years in preparation, will be issued in a ' handsome volume, doil .Besides Mr. ...


... FASHIOY AND VARJETIES. THE COURT. Osborne, Thursday. The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon, accom- panted by their Royal Highnesses Princess Beatrice and thb Duchess of Albany. Her Majesty went out this morning attended by the Dowager Marehloness of Ely. ThefrRoyal Highnessea Prince and Princess Henry of BnAtenberg rode out. - Captain Cheevors has left Kingstown for *England. ColonelMontague ...


... - : FAREWELL, OLD YEAR. Leave not thy foot-prints in the snow-! Cover them gently over id go.- ?? 'ti sa -l yea toel , There is so much we must regret,- There is so much we would forgets,- And yet, and yet, farewell. Could we but hide from future ages,- Could we but banish from Hist'ry's pages The fate of a dear good man I-- Could w.e but cancel the sorrowful story, How we somehow mistook the ...


... JZODE,, V SO/ ' ALISI.5W: Tiins is a, peppery book. It opens with a denunciation of capitalists. All capital has been stolen from the labourtr; should properly be styled fleecings, not capital. Some say that capital is the result of saving, of abstinence. But all wealth is either consumable or inconsumable. If the one, it cannot be saved; if the other, it must be saved without any one taking ...


... FASIIIONS FOIR JIAB1UAIXY. 1)Tu Nviie' Year bvivsii imi viery dieildo dereec t a to thle fithilQ13 Of the reroailnillf wilitor monothes; athese go bauk for their maot]la to tho tdittlell~l eel 1u1y, anrd all os'elio-g ov: C21114 ltlioe ill- toddfrceremonooio oev asio~lxlj or ctily wvcar, 10 will he marci or liots elose repro~lettiiotis oif theo Itoiletter of the (burt ofc I.Praneie ~i- Peimyo ...


... HIJE filLTLAIS EYL1IBITJON AT TIHE GRPOS VEAOR j G~~~ALLERK K TEripression made upon the spectator as he first enters these rooms VIE firstle Lot to say unique, for here we find grouped' together all the 1~lelmarlia , works of our great Englishl master ?? SIR TJO: ...


... :e~gNART DOBBSC~ The winter exaibtioa oi lrt 4 the i Su l was fwrmaif or-ped yesterdfy bythea of Aberdeen. Amoie tbQs present at ' o a Which took place at one o'clckiwere,'heds Wiis Sheriff Brown. r I)aLrmpipe of insuar fL e hl Pericipal Geddea, Mr Esslenm~nt, .;P.L lfir J, h ' Webster of Edgehill, Mr Iruine of Drum, Convener s Of the County ; Lurd Provost MIatthews, M- J. F. t White, 3& ...