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Advertisements & Notices

... AtnTIONS. SPECiAL. SELECT SALE OP NEOALY NEW HOUSEHOLD r pely removed ?? road, and various city residences). Cottage and square Pianofortes 14-day marble and orm ala time pieces, 3 very handsome crystal gasaherS, Ormolu and bronze do, t Superior S-day bl clock, Gilt and ebonised matelpiece, Oil nan Miros Oil SamntingS eos, biscuit china figures, ?? Table and sideboard lamps; Sma1l lot new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOYICES. .A AI T Y TRE A TR E.1 - THIS EVEINiIG (Friday), Jan Isa (At 730) The Grand Christmas `PantondUime, DI¢K. WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT. C Another Gaietf' Succels. I'LIGTONX Another` Gaietyl Succes. DICK j Tremendous EntIrosiasn. SVlIITTINGTON Tremendous EnthIsiasm. DAY TO-2IORROW (Saturday), PEBFO : MANCE Jan 2nd (at I S34 Prices as nsual-;d to Se; i.ox Olice at Csamer'6. Speial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* C, I) ? Al Al' l *UA J~j . A ?? 'i ' ' ?? ?? V ?? ?? DU I' ' E ?? C . ' 1 / TP O 'V ' J ' I 0 [ N II, .- : ) 9ri-)g'r'T prtJ-ll:;gtttTvl' evY~ x ?? :I C THIN E AN -- ; 1) ?? - ?? - - . - -. . ., . .- .. l V i V; 1) i1 P ?? 'I YO' P1 J rlt) OJ' g. '.PLU'-U 'U L ENU.(NA ANI) I -, 1r0 ?? ' Y ?? \ f AA N N UJ A L. ~ ?? ?? 1:~i~ AMi FO ITL WMINU~~~ ~ ?? PU I Y2 'U I ~ L. u U AL A N Nm Al. S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 171 i 13FI ?? O h ?? I , 3J7111 i'333 1''13(lift 113..1.4' IN ' ?? Itor (i!iIC \7.'31733)S ('1½ I 0 'kn .111 w 1'333171'~;. v.1' o 1, plote lmd11' I l'7I I (ff11 II' .rflv3- ?? x'o!fl' dm, ] te `ws-ri I'lT 17 7T O1' I.1XNt W I (371 \.W3t311H1) ?? 1~ 'nsmC' IV~q '13.31 D, 3 r'31 (I iuAlf1 ( 33 3) 17 v 4 fi 1' fn, 37)3) It A upl~ ' 71 : . 3.:u:13*W tlQ'3 ) P7 FN 0 IT U!. I) o 3,!ILONG33 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOEVTAM.TS )'ACANT. OP TEII; wvanted for Grooerv and Provision business i ro; Boy, mnust knOV how to dsriv~e and care horse; s per week. Addresswith reerences, 9992, Freemau PRINTING; wanted a Turnover at; Case; one with tw o . or three years preferred.. Apply between 11 and I s2 Y'clocXk, a 6 Bachelor's walk. ' p9988r! Lb TROVISION Trade; wanted cn activeuindustnous Yotv ing who fully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jk' ,,JAi ire ?? vi)44':v 4'l fiii nti4;44 h -- 1 4it, . 41.00D £i'41i J. i C !.L C! ct l I- 1. v.:W ii- I 5f r~ w , I 1) r N.. U.-'titl' u ht -L L I 1 I4I '414A ft ::r-'44451' 244.2 , .'Kcw-L4.IA '154 4 G 4(4 l8 I 111:) i ! * ?? 1~~-i ~ _ ,.i LifIf oe-P i sWU i 0.-. ' 14'. ?? 4 ?? 'ie -il4j1 4(444 tsr, 4t ii, IVliItE141.l ?? 14444 &'d I fitA4444T15)4Q.) ; ?? ' ?? ,1 '4 ) ?? ''.311 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BO'T 1.000 In 31emoriail Cairds to select froi; * rii the newest dosign_ in Irish and Frenchpatterns. :.-i tcrdeds pr.nted aid sant pr return post.; simtple cft, co tzairitm-pazterns and prices post tree onappli- at; .- rgesr, cneapest, atid newest assortment 01 rr a.dan Dublyn. Lons lrothers. ateofi Eaton's, .._C h E i Graftosn street. Dublin. LL 1rliiexa] I.fquvsties at ?? strect Zle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 * . . . . C. .3 .s . I m ?? 71 Ii' 5. 5. 1 i '.5 Il'S - ?? 5 Ills! * . ?? , , . js }.ssIs 5. 5. ?? ?? s 3?r Sr 16.0;1 i i - - ?? r NYI P. I 1t ( I :9-9S th'x \,1 .K'9L9A;, 1( V'I. STO Tr 99';p '9')99'99,9y.'9999 ri't9'; 9 ?? ?? 6I voi .99 ?? '99 E'P -x ?? 1 .i 9 9 niv, ¼ ?? ?? A8 vj) tlic( - r-9 ?? N (9'lT R J Y - I Ilooll. 9' 9149(99)9 (1999(11 TI 9 It: 1. 992 91 9199 l 9A ?? 1r9' '919 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOUT.0 000 In Memoriam Cards to select from; Aall the rewest desicqps in Irish ad French tatterns. rgcnr orders printed aud sent per return post; sample book containing patterns aud prices post free on appli. cation,; largest, cheapest, and newest assortnent of ?? Dubliu. LyonsBrothers, lateo lEaton's, address 56 Graiton street, Dublin. LL l inera) Leqni1c$s at Waller'sIDen2lle street A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVEIRTISERS. AN order of the Pi,st )Xflce states that letters addresecd to Initials or FictitiOUh JS lrcesivill OC stn to the D-i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. f BE LEITP ON LEASE1 FOR EVER, TL BtJLL1)IENG G:1ROU Nb un Nowtowtirds Road aidcl BI3 vsoli Strcet; t1 o ael ;rner of Albert Bridge Road nid Nc-v oiiwuitdt iRoad. Apply it thU .Nus-7.,'toerOIlice: to D.FKEDK. SPIlLER. Jr., Solicitor, SI). High Street; or, J. FRltASEtE, Civil I lgii-ier luid Aichitect, 11 5), V'iCtOliIL Slrect, BelfaLst. 31J30 Tr1101.17, ELET, OR I.N'J'REST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A I E T Y ,T HE AT R E:. DAY 1, O-DAY (Saday), PEWiO0ANCE I Ja 2nd (at 13W An Evening (a.\ 730), ThGj7=d ChrhsMW B t2ai DICK WHITYTNGTON AND BuS CAT. DZCR Aimotes I G t Suee. 1UTIGTON Aoher GaitY' ?? DICK 'TremeadoEnslthi2sl5ia DWRTGT. Tremewndos EstW1a Prkft as expatd to5s. ?? Oea t*CMfxW& Special Notice-Early Admission to Plt Stalls end 'cond Circle (through the Balcomy ensntree) nsd to ...