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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... United Irishmen in Belfast. A . Memoilr of the Northern Whig Club-its origitial object; first members; 'gonueotion with the iUnited Irish Socioty. Demqocratic movements in Belfast; Address from the Whigs and Volunteers to the National Assembly of France, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he in on or before FRI. DAY, 14th January, IS87. Results will be published in the Belfnet News. Lcettr Ad Bellast No-the11 W'hig on Monday, 31st Janurary, 187.' Lists to be adflrEssed to ALEXANDER FINLAY, SOAP AND CANDLE WORKS, BELFAST. Write the Word ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lias had W'V experience in Embroidered Handkerchiefs and could pass Work from agents.--Apply, stating wages, to D., North eran Whig Office. 372 5 jANTED, A YOUNG TMAN having a linoxv- W' ledge of the Embroidered Neckerchief Trade; would require to be a good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Label of the Plantation. ADDREiSS- HAZELWOLD 'TEA ESTATES, it. & W. BAXTHTh Agents, 4, Victoria Street. Belfast (Opposite W{'hig Oflice). Telephone No. 192. 4361 THE ThA CONTROVfERSY. TEl, BELFAST CO-OPERATIVE TEA TCOMPANZ beg to inform the Publio that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 21012 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, 5PLENDID SHOW OF CERYSANTEE. IIIIMS. At present ON VIBIY in the LARGE GREEN. HOUSE. The ANorthern WHig says :- Those wlho wish to see a reallv fiue ShowY of ChrysantheamumL should visit the Gardens. Visitors can purchase these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wee Germaun Lairdie. Coine o'er the Streat. Charlie. 1 Ower thoe Water to Charlie. Loon, ye manu u aling Hame. -Ava. Whigs. Awa. Bonnie Prince Charlie. Tli e Wom ietn are ai' gaite w id. Chrlio is tty Ilarliuig. Pill uitorte Duet-Scottisb Airs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the respective prices. D AtM11l19- a HAZELUWOLD TEA ESTATE S -.1 & W. BNXTER. Agents, 4, Victoria Street, Belfast n (Opposite Whig Ofire8 ) s.1 Telephone No. 192. 11661. R. L. MI - U RP, 0 , :e AUDITOR AND ACCOUNTl'ANT mr All business personal1' attended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at the respective prices. ADDBRBS :,- HAZELWOLD TEA ESTATES R. & W. BAXTER, Agents, 4, Viotoria 8treet, Belfast I(Opposite Wh~ig Office). Telephone No. 18)2,,i- c:116 J. & C.A. WALLACE, & Co., AUDITORS AND'~ ACCOUNTANTS, RENT AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 87, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... obtainable at the respective prices. HIIAZELWOLD TEA FiSTATES Bt. &1 W. BAXTE~I.I Agents, 4, Victoria Streot, Belfast (Opposite Whig 001ice), Telephone No. 11(2, IL1001 SEIEW~XIONS, PARPHL~IX-IS, St)C ,XE'LIE8 Rules, and all kinds of Book1 Work turned out ...

Advertisements & Notices

... manager of Ballyhal- berr National School, forlilIce . 18 0 - - C 0 0. Dec. 10. To publisbing Accoints in JBelfast Norihlrn Whig, Lcho, aud Telegraph. 14 0 0 Dec, 16. To ugb Wallace -W Co., Law Costs 1S80 to 18S4 67 0 0 Dec.16. To sundry expenser,inulud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Greer. Lady C'onynt'ham. Mrr. l-llwlett. Latdy Ritrlanld. Mtrs. Eillen. Ladyi AUICinre. 2Irs. Sinclair. Lady Boatc. M rs. Whig~ama. Lady CownVA. M Ars. W~orlsmer, Mirs. Agnew, Orroealn R.ortJ. irts. Alderdioc', Eino \'iilae. M~rs. Arnold, tuniversitiy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at thle respective prices. AnDDnrss- IIAZELWOLD TEA ESTATES R. & W. BAXTER, Agents, 4, Viotorilt Street, Belfast (Opposite Whig Office). Telelhone No. 192. 11G01 SPECIAL BURNING OL. B AHXVE INTRODUCkiD A VERY W SUPERIOR BURNING OIL, almost free from ruiell ...